Do you believe that God heard the prayers of His people regarding this coming election? I do, and He will continue to hear our prayers, whether worldly or wise, and do what is best for those who faithfully love Him, which won’t be very comfortable or celebrated on this side of death or rapture, I’m afraid.
I also know that He heard our prayers 4 years ago and then 8 years ago before God put Barak Obama in the White House and kept him there 4 more years. God raises up and takes down kings according to His ‘narrow’ plan of redeeming and renewing; the plan that has never changed from the beginning, and presents a very ‘narrow’ road for believers to walk and live out. It’s the “ancient path” that very few will stick to as tribulation and persecution intensifies.
Why would God put someone like Obama in as our nation’s leader so that Obama would be able to do all that he has done to transform this nation from what it used to be? What would God have in mind by giving us a president like Sanders, Clinton or Trump? What is God trying to tell us, and get us ready for? Do we really believe in the book of Revelation, and the prophecies of God’s ‘holy’ servants the prophets?
Once again we have been praying to God for a godly man as our next president, but the church is not in agreement with what is “godly.” Why? How has the devil been able to do this?
We don’t want to accept that here in America the persecution of the saints has begun, and will continue to intensify like it has all over the world. If you are among those who hold to the faith, hope and love of our Lord, to HIS ‘narrow path,’ you will be hated by the followers of anti-Christs and even disregarded by those who claim to know the Lord but are not true disciples of His. They call our belief in God’s Word (our strong attachment to the whole Word of God) much too “narrow,” because it is not open enough to include all kinds of religions, not compassion enough to open our borders to anyone, not free enough to accept all types of lifestyles, etc. We will soon be amazed at who the real God is.
Yes, Obama was right, “America is no longer a Christian nation,” not in the Judeo-Christian sense that is. The name “Christian” has taken on a new meaning (by church-goers) and it’s the “millennials” who are living out that new meaning of what they believe a Christian ‘should’ be and do, so that those “narrow-minded” people who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ can be shamed and punished until they submit and get along with the new “moral majority” with their “progressive” thinking of our day.
God’s Word is very clear about evil and good, wrong and right, but people don’t like the Old Testament of God’s Word. The god of this world has been able to blind them from seeing God’s wisdom in His judgment and His righteousness – which has never changed. That which “was” still “is” and “is” to come – in all His fullness.
We put more thought and energy to arguing about politics and trusting in what the candidates (republican and democrat) say they will do, while joining the groups that spread lies and slander on the candidates they disagree with, and even hate with a vengeance. The word of men, all men good and evil, can not be trusted; only God’s Word can be trusted and hoped for.
If “the Church” could turn America back – then why does God seem to work against it through our leaders? Don’t tell me that it’s because there are not enough Christians praying and fasting. Don’t tell me that it’s because we are not united as Christians. How can the Lord’s Church be united when we can’t even agree on what is right and wrong, good and evil?
Do you really believe that we, as families (by God’s definition of “family”) are better off today than we were a century ago? Do you see the ongoing progression of evil quickly spreading in our nation? Truth is: man turned his right to dominate on the earth over to the devil back in the garden, and God is just; He will give Satan his day under the sun with his long awaited plan to rule the world and prevent “as it is in heaven it shall be on the earth” but God will cut his reign short for the sake of the elect in that time of “Great Tribulation.”
What might God be trying to show those who will listen and judge correctly what is happening? As the Lord’s church should we be united about this? Unity will benefit the Lord’s disciples in being ready and prepared for what is ‘inevitably’ coming that Jesus taught and warned.
I see within the so-called Christian Church in America mixed views on who or what is godly, even on what is right and wrong. The American churches are not united at all on what it means to be a Christian, by our Lord’s example and teaching. And Jesus was very clear about those who have their own opinions about His teaching and godliness. He made it very clear that very few would walk with Him down His “narrow” path. More and more we see so-called Christians taking the wide road so that they can keep doing what they do, living how they have been accustomed to living and able to hold on to what they deem valuable in this life.
To me, this ‘division’ or ‘divisions’ within the so-called Church of Jesus Christ, is a clear sign of what Jesus warned us about that would happen and intensify as His Day approaches. Most people don’t read their Bibles humbly to know the truth and what God requires of them so they can please Him; instead, they read the Bible to find biblical support for how they want to live and go about their business and pleasures. This is why our Lord said that even our loved ones (family and friends) would turn on us for holding to the ‘narrow’ path of the Lord.
This calls for true wisdom (not worldly wisdom) to know who to partner with and trust, or to even be friends with, and even to be careful with family members not to say too much about what God has called you to do. You can do it without talking about it.
The Lord warned us that even believers in Jesus Christ would be deceived, shrink back and fall away because their relationship with the Savior is all about themselves, and not about His Kingdom. They enjoy nursing on the milk, instead of maturing with the meat of God’s Word. I have never seen an army of babies, have you? With babies it’s all about comfort and attention and having things done for you.
As “elders” in the Lord (not to brag), we see the millennials, or rather, the younger generation wanting to argue with us as if to correct us – as to what is good or evil, right or wrong, godly or ungodly, instead of following us down the Lord’s ‘ancient’ path. (There are some wise younger believers, and what a joy and crown they are to us, but sadly they are few and far between.)
The “older and wiser” see exactly what is happening and has happened to turn America into the idolatrous heathen nation that it has become. God has only given us the president each election that reveals the condition of His people’s hearts as they have progressively taken the side of Christ’s enemies. We see their lack of true knowledge and the road they are on that leads to destruction. They take pride in all the worldly knowledge they have, with their abilities and skills, and the ease of technology, but what they lack that is most important is what the Lord’s closest disciple, John, wrote that fathers and young men are to have:
“I am writing to you fathers because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you young men because you have overcome the evil one.” 1 John 2:13
What about mothers and young women? I suggest you study the Proverbs 31 Woman and aspire to be like her for she is our role model of the woman God honors and crowns.
Jesus told us that many would come to Him on that Day with all that they (proudly) did for Him, in His Name even, but He will respond, “I do not know you….” And over and over again He taught His disciples (and they wrote it down for us) how to overcome the evil one, and our own fleshly and worldly desires, so we would not be judged along with the wicked.
We are responsible as disciples of the Lord to KNOW God (Father, Son and Spirit personally), to overcome the world/flesh/devil, and to give out our ‘personal’ testimony of our being saved and delivered by Jesus Christ – without fear of persecution – given all the promises of God that we have and can stand on victoriously, and to encourage and help each other, endure persecution – as we seek His Kingdom first.
We have prayed to God to put the right man in as our next president; and He will put the right man in according to what HE sees about our nation and what HE has planned for the future of the nations.
Even most of our prayer meetings are worldly as we pray ‘band-aid’ prayers, and ‘bless me’ prayers, and as we foolishly pray for the right man in office that can take back America. Take it back to what?! How far back are we thinking?! This is not the will of God! If we go back to anything it should be to the “ancient path” of God. If we go back to anyone it should be to the Lord who bought us with His own bloody sacrifice; back to our first sincere and humble vow to Him.
The will of God for God’s people is to do His will; to share the good news of Jesus Christ, to be ready and prepared in each and every generation for the return of the Lord, ready to endure tribulation and persecution as His disciples, ready to give a convincing answer for the hope we have, and prepared both physically and spiritually (with our children) for what Jesus said would happen to us because we walk with Him on His ‘narrow’ path without denying Him or His Word.
Mike and I are voting for the one that will give us the time we need to be better prepared; for the man that will be the “dam” that will hold back the greater persecution in America towards the Lord’s true disciples. This calls for wisdom.