Daily Devotional

Lord, I ask that You would bless me and my family. I hope and pray that You are pleased with us in all that we do. Those who trust in You – You will keep them in perfect peace. Those whose thoughts are fixed on You – Your path for them is not steep or rough. I will show my trust in You by being obedient. You are the One all the prophets wrote about saying, “Anyone who believes in the Lord will have their sins forgiven.”


Son, today people have become deceived thinking they are right in their own eyes, but I examine their hearts and only find wickedness. These people today have strayed from common sense, and they need to understand that no human wisdom or plan of man can stand against Me. Those who have planted injustice, are going to harvest disaster, and their reign of terror will come to an end. These wicked people will keep doing wrong and will never acknowledge who I AM! My kindness to these wicked people does not make them good. My love and justice is in My children, and it terrifies evildoers that My children have such peace and confidence.


I AM coming from heaven to judge these rebellious people for their sins, and the earth will no longer hide those who have been killed. Everything hidden will be brought out for all to see, and I will condemn all evil and reward all faithfulness to Me accordingly.


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