My children, “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Why are you enslaved? Sin has taken advantage and deceived you as you’ve slumbered. Therefore, My name is blasphemed all day long because My children falsely hope that there would be peace and security in their land, during their own lifetime. The people of the world say to them, “Don’t let this God in whom you are trusting deceive you with His promises.”
Today is a day of trouble, insults, and disgrace for My children because they have listened to the world and have set My Word aside.
Tell them to consider the Rock from which they were cut. Am I not the same today as I was when I dried up the sea, making a path of escape so that My people could cross over? Am I not the One who will comfort them in their day of distress? Why should they be afraid of mere humans? Could it be that they have forgotten Me? How long will they remain in constant dread of human oppressors? Will they continue to fear the anger and their enemies and never speak up?
I stretched out the sky like a canopy and laid the foundations of the earth, but soon the skies will disappear like smoke, and the earth’s foundation will wear out like a piece of clothing. These people you fear will die like flies, but My salvation lasts forever. My righteous rule will never end! Therefore, do not be afraid of people’s scorn, nor fear their insults and threats.
If My children are to share in My glory, then they must also share in My suffering. Yet, what they suffer now is nothing compared to the glory I will reveal to them later. When My children follow the lead of My Spirit they will be in harmony with My will. Then they can know that I cause everything to work together for the good of those who love Me. They will rejoice and shout, “God is for us! Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!”
Does it mean I no longer love them if they have trouble or calamity; if they are persecuted so that they go hungry and destitute; if they constantly live with threat of danger, or death? No! They must be convinced that nothing can ever separate them from My love; neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither fears today nor worries about tomorrow; not even the power of the sky above or in the earth below; not even the powers of hell can separate them from My love. I am Creator and nothing in creation can separate My children from Me.
My children, let My words be in your heart and mouth. Don’t be afraid to be passionate about your commitment to Me. I will hide you safely in my hand. Remember that when you are deeply troubled and cry out to Me, I will hear your prayer. I always bend down to listen to My children. So pray and remember that you walk in My presence as you live here on earth.
Lord, there is a war within me; a war over my mind. Because of this I don’t really understand myself, I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate, and when I yield to this power I become its slave. And yet I know that it is YOU who can free me from a life that is dominated by sin. Let Your Spirit control my mind so that sin no longer has power over me. When I read and obey Your Word, I will have the passion and confidence to stand and speak.