Daily Devotional

Lord, I entrust my life into Your hands, for You see all my troubles and You care about the anguish of my soul.


Son, for those that trust Me with their life on earth – there is great goodness ahead for them. I will give them My goodness generously. When My children come to Me for protection, I will bless them before the watching world. They will live in My shelter, for I protect those who are loyal to Me.


In the coming days people will be terrified of what they see and hear. People will speak out of fear and cry out to Me,  “Have mercy on me and help me if you can.” What do they mean, “If I can?” Everything is possible when you believe that I am the One and only Savior for the world. 


Lord, I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief! For, I desire a place of honor next to You in Your Kingdom. Help me to be willing to drink from the bitter cup of suffering that Your servants each have had to drink from. You have not hidden from us – what is yet to come. Help me not to be deceived by my own pride, but make this new heart that You’ve given me even more sensitive to You and Your word. Lord, I don’t want to fall away from You when persecution comes like You  told me about.


Son, it is a noble desire to have a place of honor in My Kingdom; therefore, be My servant and follow Me!

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