Monthly Archives: May 2016

Daily Devotional

Son, My true spokesmen are men who know and speak My words. They are men that influence people, and are not influenced by people. They understand the times that they live in, and they know what I have planned and that I will judge everyone.   Sin is running rampant in America, so do not… Read more »

Daily Devotional

Just a thought: Since I am a builder, what would it look like if I started to build a hotel with no plans, not even an idea what it will look like when it is finished? Wouldn’t it take longer with all the corrections from the mistakes along the way, even having to tear down… Read more »

God’s Ancient Path is a Narrow Path

Do you believe that God heard the prayers of His people regarding this coming election? I do, and He will continue to hear our prayers, whether worldly or wise, and do what is best for those who faithfully love Him, which won’t be very comfortable or celebrated on this side of death or rapture, I’m… Read more »

Daily Devotional

Son, ask this generation: What will you do when the end comes? For, they give each other assurances of peace when there is no peace. They refuse to be corrected, and are determined not to repent.   I want them to stop what they are doing and look around at what is taking place. They… Read more »