Son, since you have declared that I am your Lord and God, and have said that you would do all that I commanded of you – be careful to do it wholeheartedly. When you made this promised to Me; that to walk in My ways and to obey all I command, I said, “I declare that you are Mine, My special treasure.”
So keep on asking, seeking and knocking, and doors will be opened for you. Do to others what you would like them to do to you. If you do these things then I will lift you up, and you will receive praise, and honor. You will be known as a man that is holy to Me, just as I promised.
Son, because you have made Me Lord of your life, don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. You can identify them by their actions. Never forget that they will attack you when you are exhausted and weary. But, soon they will know that heaven rules, and that people of the earth are nothing compared to Me. I do as I want and no one can stop Me. All My actions are just and true, and I am able to humble the proud. They will learn that I alone am The Lord; that I alone am The Most High; supreme Ruler over all the earth.
Lord, You sent Your angel to rescue me, and there is no other god who can rescue like You! What joy there is when my strength comes from You. When I walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. It is my desire to continue to grow stronger in my knowledge of You. For, You have given me Your grace and said You would not withhold any good thing Me.