Daily Devotional

Son, tell your country to prepare to meet Me, for I am about to bring all the disasters I have announced. For your country has twisted justice. It treats My righteous people like dirt. It hates honest judges and despises people who tell the truth, then deprives the poor of justice in the courts. I hate all their pretense of religious and solemn assemblies. I will not accept their offerings, or their noisy hymns of praise! What do I want? I want your country to come back to Me, to seek justice and righteous living.


I have raised up prophets, and the people must listen to them. I have put My words in their mouths and they will tell the people everything I command them. Remember that if a prophet speaks in My name, and his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that I did not give him that message. That prophet has spoken without My authority and his words will not need to be feared.


If anyone wants to follow Me they must turn from their selfish ways. If they try to hang on to their life they will lose it. But if you give up this life of yours for My sake, you will have a great reward and life with Me. For there is only one thing worth being concerned about and that is to listen to what I say.


You must read My word daily as long as you live. That way you will learn of Me and know My instructions. Regular reading will prevent you from becoming proud and acting as if you are above others. It will also prevent you from turning away from My commands in the smallest way. It will ensure that your family will know me for many generations.


Lord, thank You for listening to my cry for help. I pray to You because I know You will answer. Someday when I awake, I will see You face to face and be satisfied. You are my strength, my rock, my fortress, and my Savior, and You have the power to save me!


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