Listening to all the discussions on both sides, and demands of “reparations” I was thinking about it in a different way. GOD will one day give “reparations” for the suffering His own children went through for the sake of His Kingdom and Gospel. 
The false-reparation idea for today’s black population because long ago negro-slaves lived here, is absolutely without an honest reason or grounds for payment. It’s all about politics (getting more votes); people getting more and more government ‘hand-outs’ and ‘entitlements’ while the rest of us pay for it. What evil this is. When they are asked how do they expect to pay for it all, they can never admit the truth that it will cost WE THE tax-paying PEOPLE who are against such anti-Americanism. 
Another thing, but about “white-privilege,” and how that certain group of people like to yell it out as if it’s true! News Alert! Slavery ended many generations ago in America, and so did the ongoing persecution of the KKK after slavery was abolished. The KKK started out of the democrat party and is still working its evil today secretly. They wore hoods over their faces back then so they wouldn’t be known, and so it is today, that they don’t want their secret out.
There are people today who still hate people of other races, even black people who hate white people, poor people who hate rich people. Prejudice and envy will always be on the earth, along with hatred and hostility - as we approach the Day of the Lord. Every knee will bow to HIM! Every tongue will confess that HE IS LORD to the glory of the FATHER! 
Today democrat elites are still trying to use the blacks to stay in power – promising them things that they don’t deserve, and that these self-serving politicians have no right using and raising our taxes for. I’m happy to see many blacks speaking out against all this craziness and supporting our 'freedom with equal opportunity' as they have taken advantage of. God bless them!
Each and every black, brown, yellow, red, beige, white person has the same ‘equal opportunity’ to make something of themselves here in America. It doesn't matter who raised you, or what you had to go without. I’d like to hear all the more from those from all races who have made it. 
Yet instead of letting the truth prevail, this current administration wants to push their unconstitutional ideology of “equity.” They believe that more people will vote for them if they are promised “equal outcome” or “equal income” for doing little to nothing for yourself. Take from those who have been responsible and give to those who won't and would rather cry and throw fits of rage. Paying for student debts is another of their deceptions to pull in the votes. But then after they get back in power, they're exposed for their deception - not able to do what they promised. 
Sadly, the way of this current administration is only causing more anger and division. It’s all purposed by those who only want to take take take - while all along they get more more more rich from backing out of their promises and using our increasing taxes corruptly. They are “godless power-hungry leaches” feeding on and off of Americans who respectfully take personal responsibility for themselves and their own children. 
White-privilege? Guess what, there is such a thing as Christ-privileged! Anyone can have it by faith in Jesus Christ, living out His word and promises. As a true believer in Jesus Christ, I have a lot of privilege (opportunity/benefit/freedom) from my Father God, no matter where I live. I’m very privileged, with all the more coming! 
Why would I want to trust and depend on any politician, president or government when my everlasting Father has control over EVERYTHING that He has created? If God gave up His only Son to the cross with all the sin of the world placed upon Him, for us to be forgiven of our sins, and to save us from God’s coming wrath on all evil and rebellion, then what would He deny those who gratefully live in and for His Son’s eternal glory? 
We might have to endure the “evil day” until He comes again, but while having to put up with evil people and all the devil’s schemes and works in this world – we (who are whole-heartedly in Christ) have the powerful and favorable presence of Almighty God on our side. Whatever we must suffer at the hands of wicked people and godless governments - will be worth the reward that comes from my perfect precious Father God.

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