Daily Devotional

Son, disasters are coming to America because the people are worshiping other gods. Again and again I have sent My prophets to warn the people of America: “Turn from all your evil ways.”



Some of the people are refusing to listen. They have become stubborn, despising My warning, rejecting My Word and the covenant I made with their first fathers of the nation. Since these stubborn people reject Me, and would rather worship worthless things; they have become worthless themselves. They will elect leaders that want to follow the bad examples of the rest of the nations. Remember that wickedness never brings stability, and your leaders are chasing fantasies that make no sense; making fools of themselves and of all the people.



Truth will stand the test of time, and expose all lies. These foolish leaders broadcast their foolishness, and are trapped by their own words that accomplish nothing good. When someone truthful and honest stands up to them, the wicked leaders stand on their flimsy idea that they are in control. They continue on with their progressive lifestyle without any regard for the truth. They will not listen to the prophets I send them, but just continue to mislead the people. They don’t believe they are wicked and that they should turn from their wickedness and let Me rescue them from the coming wrath upon all wickedness.



Son, America stands at a crossroad. They can choose to follow these progressive thinkers and be lead down the path of wickedness to their destruction, or they can choose to do what is pleasing in My sight, and to trust Me at My Word! When the leaders are faithful to Me in everything, and obey all that I ask, then I will be with America again. The nation will be strong and successful in everything they do. But when treacherous and dishonest people lead, wickedness will control the nation and the whole nation will suffer.



When leaders look to Me and do what is right – the whole country will celebrate. People will shout for joy when wicked leaders die and righteous ones take their place. Without wise leadership, a nation falls! I detest people with crooked hearts, who think nothing of lying as only a means to get what they want, but I delight in those with the integrity of truth. If America chooses Me, they will again find My favor; but if they choose evil, they will find that as well!



Son, do you love Me? Then do all that I ask of you. Don’t be wise in your own eyes, give good advice to those who ask, and make use of everything I give you. Remember that a wise person stays calm in times of trouble, because they see what I show them.



Daily Devotional

O LORD, my God, You are enthroned between the mighty cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and the earth. Today is a day of trouble, insults, and disgrace – for people defy You. Help us, our nation has turned away from You; the only One who can save us. We have forgotten You and all that You have done for us. We used to meet together as a nation of prayer to You; devoted to the teaching of Your Word in our homes and schools. We used to love to share with those in need. Godliness is what made our nation great. Today people only think about themselves only hoping for peace and security in their own lifetime, with no concern for future generations.


Son, I have heard your prayer. America needs to understand what is taking place. For there is a path before them that seems right, but it ends in destruction. The wise will avoid the danger ahead, but the foolish plunge ahead with reckless confidence, and harvest a load of grief and unrelieved pain. Remember that hope deferred makes the heart sick, and fools who refuse to turn from evil will have injustice sweep away everything they have.


Do not be disturbed by the blasphemous speeches against Me! Who do they think they have been defying and ridiculing? Against Whom have they raised their voices? At Whom do they look with such haughty eyes? It is Me! The Holy One! By their words and actions they have defied Me. I know them well – where they stay and when they come and go. I know the way they have arrogantly raged against Me. I will protect My honor! Therefore, I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below – blood and fire and clouds of smoke are coming. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red. Then these people will see their Creator, The Holy One.


Everyone who calls on My Name will be saved, and filled with the joy of My presence. They will have a deep sense of awe come over them. My children will again meet together, seek after Me, pray and share everything they have with those in need. They will worship together as one body and with one mind, praising Me everyday, and I will add to My family those who will be saved.


Lord, thank You for allowing me to be able to spread out my concerns before You today, this is what I needed this morning.


Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 4 – Is America at War with God’s Law?

Third Commandment


Exodus 20:7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”


David Kupelian says in his book Snapping of the American Mind: “It’s not much of an exaggeration to say that in today’s America, tens of millions of people are living in a delusional dream state.” He goes on to say: “In politics and culture we speak casually of “the left” and “the right,” as though these were two morally equivalent camps or worldviews. In reality the socialist/Marxist ideology that has captivated today’s Democrat Party is at war with reason, human nature, common sense, history and truth – indeed, at war with God and His laws.”


This third Commandment reveals the negative aspect of the law which is important for us to understand. This negativism is not bad but in reality of a great benefit, because it limits the power of the state and insures liberty. For example, the eighth Commandment: “You shall not steal,” limits the state from stealing and taking over private property. So when the law prohibits blasphemy and false witness it is also guaranteeing that all other forms of speech have their liberty.


For example, Roman Law was based upon the positive concept of the Law that “the health of the people is the highest law.” However, all aspects of life can come under the well-being of man and society and so a law like this becomes unlimited and the state then can control all life and the result is a loss of liberty.


We see in the Bible that some cursing is biblical as we see God pronouncing curses on people and nations as well as the prophets and others on certain occasions that God called to invoke judgment on evil doers.


Stephen McDowell says about profane speech: “Profane means ‘outside the temple’ and thus all speech, action, and living which is outside God.”


This third Commandment is not just talking about taking the name of God in vain but a wicked and rebellious language that is directed against God. It shows a disregard and lack of reverence to the Supreme Being. This lack of reverence to God leads to a disregard of His Word as well as His Law. Isn’t this what we see today in our society? When there is a lack of reverence and fear of God there is really no effectual restraint of human passions, lusts, ambitions, anger, profanity, hostility, etc.


We know that the Name of the Lord represents all the ways that God makes Himself known to us and so by taking His name in vain also represents degrading who He is. In 1 Corinthians 11:28 and 29, regarding the Lord’s Supper says: “A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.” This sacrament of bread and wine represents not only who Jesus is but what He has done. Therefore, the one that “eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord.” (verse 27) In this sacrament the Lord is making His sacrifice for us known and we are not to partake of it vainly or profanely.


This third Commandment deals with speech, but also at the heart of it deals with the foundation of a legal system. We have what is known as the oath of office, oath of the courts, the oath of husbands and wives in marriage as well as the oath (vows) of ministers, and all of this is vital for having a proper functioning society.


We also see the profanity in our culture as a barometer of our society. As profanity increases it shows a profane action by society against God. When we see more and more profanity working its way into our arts, TV, music, movies, entertainment, it shows a moral decline occurring in our society. We know that words eventually lead to actions and we see this in our entertainment today.


When we stop and think about it, what use is profanity? Is any man or woman wiser or happier because they use God’s Name in vain and in a profane way? Often it indicates a person’s lack of vocabulary and being able to properly express his/her emotions. Why is it that because a person does not know a proper word to use, he inserts a blasphemous word against God? “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” and so we see a desperate need for the gospel of Christ that can reach into the human heart and begin to change it. God says that He will write His laws on our heart.




Daily Devotional

Son, those who accept My Word and obey it are the ones who love Me. Because they love and obey Me I will give them the gift of My peace. The world cannot give My peace. I give My children peace of mind and heart so they won’t be troubled or afraid of what is coming.


Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are Mine! Remember, I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me. Those who accept that I AM, and then do all that I ask of them can ask for anything in My Name, and I will do it. Yes, they can ask for anything in My Name, and I will do it!


Son, the Holy Spirit will always lead you to the truth. This world cannot know the truth because they aren’t looking for Me; they do not recognize the truth. But you know Me because I live in you. So listen very carefully to what I AM about to tell you.


The time of darkness and despair will not go on forever. I see clearly what the leaders of America are doing, and I examine every path they take. They are constant liars, signaling their deceit with a wink of the eye, a nudge of the foot, or the wiggle of their fingers. Their perverted hearts plot evil, and they constantly stir up trouble by dividing the people.


These are the same leaders that said, “We will replace the broken bricks of our ruins with finished stone, and replant the felled sycamore-fig trees with cedars.” Even after all the warnings I have given them since that time, they have not publicly repented, and neither to they seek Me as the God over there nation. These leaders are to serve Me and protect the people, but they have ignored Me and misled the people by leading them down a path I did not show them. They lead the nation down the path of destruction. They will be destroyed suddenly, broken in an instant beyond all hope of healing. My judgment has fallen upon these wicked leaders.


Daily Devotional

Lord, I pray that after I die it not be said of me, “He followed the Lord’s instructions, but not with all his heart.”


Son, then never turn away from My Word. Unless your faith in Me is firm, you will not be able to stand. People who refuse My Word will live their lives in the darkness. Wherever they look, they will only see trouble, anguish and despair, and not anything good that I am doing or that I could do if they came to Me. So walk in the light of My Word while you can, and darkness will not overtake you. Trust in My Word, and you will be known as a child of the light who is filled with My peace and hope. Allow My Holy Sprit to control your life. Stand up for My Word and teach it to your children and grandchildren, and they will put their faith in Me as well.


Son, tell your children and grandchildren the key to life is to trust Me with all their hearts; seeking My will in all they do, and I will show them My good path to take. When they hold on to My instructions, never letting go, My Word will penetrate deep into their hearts and they will always know the right course to take in life.


Show them how to honor Me with their wealth, and train them to have good common sense and discernment, and then their homes will be blessed. They must listen for Me to speak to them and then do all that I ask of them; so that they will be rewarded for faithfulness. Be the example of faithfulness before your children and grandchildren.


Son, I know the day you live in and that there are many people who want to teach and lead people, but remember to first listen to their life before you listen to what they say. People that want to control other people will say and do anything to gain control over people, communities and nations. So, be wise and aware of the schemes of those who do not listen to Me.


Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 3 – Is America at War with God’s Law?

Second Commandment


Exodus 20:4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the waters below.”


Psalm 81:8-10 “Hear me, my people, and I will warn you – if you would only listen to me, Israel! You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not worship any god other than me. I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.”


This Psalm is speaking to God’s people (“my people”). So often we look at the culture around us in our own society and we very easily blame the liberals, progressives, communism, statism, or any other ‘ism.’ But, if I understand Scripture properly, the fault lies with God’s people. Here in Psalm 81 God is not talking about the heathen, or the unsaved, but He is talking about His own people; those that know Him and claim to love Him.


This is what 2 Chronicles 7:14 is talking about: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”


It is obvious that the burden in seeing something done in our culture and society lies with God’s people. In this Psalm 81 we read the words “hear,” “listen,” “follow,” etc. What would be the result of hearing, listening and following God and His Word? He will forgive us our sins and He will heal the land. We will subdue our enemies. He will meet our every need.


Habakkuk 2:18: “What profit is the idol when its maker has carved it, or an image, a teacher of falsehood? For its maker trusts in his own handiwork when he fashions speechless idols.”


Of course modern man in the Western world would not think of making a golden calf, setting it up in a special room in the house and then bowing down to it. However, what we have today are what we call the humanists. They trust in their own handiwork, create their own laws, think up their own value systems, form and worship their own governmental and educational systems – trusting in them to be that which is right and true for everyone. However, they will soon find out that if it is not based upon God’s truth it will eventually lead to ruin. This type of idol-worship produces bondage and not liberty.


We must learn to worship God on His terms and not ours; for worshiping God on our own terms also means death to our society. Religion, or rather, a right belief in God, is the life-blood of a society. Idolatry for Israel was a capital offense because it was treason against God and would produce the destruction of the nation.


The first commandment tells us that there is only One God and we are to worship Him. This also tells us that there is only one law and that is God’s law. Having other gods (idols) means we also have and follow other laws that are contrary to God’s law.


The one thing that we are confronted with constantly especially here in our western world is what is known as toleration. Today in our Western society we have an evolving value called “tolerance,” but that is a little different than what we are looking at here. The tolerance that our society is trying to get across is tolerance about life-styles and thinking that are in direct conflict with God and His Word.


God is tolerant towards us, but that which is not in accord with His Word He will judge as evil, and so must we. We cannot be taken in by our society that tells us that we should be tolerant (by their definition) and not make any judgments.


We must keep in mind that the law of God is intended to judge us and preserve God’s order; to protect God’s people. This is true of the law of God’s creation and the revealed law given to Israel by God. Toleration of other laws contrary to biblical law is a form of idolatry that eventually leads to destruction, and any society that tolerates ideas and laws of wickedness will fall into confusion and anarchy.


We must realize that we are in spiritual warfare and biblical law (God’s Law) will always be at war against all other laws that are contrary to God’s law. We have just seen this in the USA with recent removal of the Ten Commandments in the middle of the night from the State Capital in Oklahoma. The same will happen in the other state capitals as well, if God’s people just tolerate it.




Daily Devotional

As I listened to parts of the investigation of Benghazi, and listened to Hilary Clinton’s responses, some thoughts came to my mind. The first one came from the movie “A Few Good Men” where Jack Nicholson is on the stand being questioned by Tom Cruise. The Colonel (Nicholson) begins by telling everyone what he has done for the country, how he preserves the country and what the country would look like without him. Then when told to just give the truth, he spews out, “You can’t handle the truth!”


Mrs. Clinton in that witness chair said very much the same things, about all that she has done for this country, and in a nutshell – how this country needs her. She, in so many words, says that the American People can’t handle the truth, but she only says this because if they knew the truth she and most of those in Washington would be jailed. Lord, expose wickedness in America’s high places! Let truth set us free from the control of the wicked.


I believe America has a “Jezebel” trying to rule over our land, and her spirit is strong in America. So how do we remove a Jezebel and that spirit? First we need a “Jehu” to remove Jezebel. (2 Kings 9) To remove her spirit – America needs godly women to rise up and pray, and godly men to take their God-given positions.


A Jehu type will not be controlled by the leadership of Washington. He will be seen as a mad-man, just like Jehu of the Bible. The leaders will send out their representatives to find out his intentions only to find that those they sent out have joined him. The leaders will slander a Jehu-type by accusing him of not bringing peace and unity to the country, but his response will be, “How can there be peace and unity with a Jezebel in control, and her spirit all over the land?” A Jehu-type will intimidate a Jezebel-type, so that she will accuse him of being against all women, but his response will be, “Those who want truth and justice in the land must throw her out of power and judge her for her actions!”


The spirit of Jezebel is called wickedness, by God’s definition. “Holy women today have many contenders to face and stand against. But, one thing is for certain and that is when a proud worldly woman is in the presence of a confident virtuous woman – the ungodly woman inwardly feels judged, even condemned by the godly woman – without even one word haven been spoken by the godly woman. It’s the strong inner presence of godly beauty that disturbs wickedness, even condemning it.”  (From Carol’s book THE STANDARD – That Has Never Changed – A Deep Look Into the Life of the Proverbs 31 Woman.)

Daily Devotional

Son, tell My children that in the coming days to not be afraid! For there are more on their side than on the side of politically-correct groups. My children must see clearly and look beneath the surface of the things happening. When they truly understand that I am the light of the world; they will be set free from fear and blindness.


Son, the leaders of your country mislead the people; they are taking America down the wrong road. These leaders are trying to remove My Word from every place and even from every mind, but it will only result in oppression, fear and chaos. Courts will overflow with people taking their cries and complaints there, where injustice is served, instead of bringing their cries and petitions to Me.


Son, look after those who cannot help themselves. Honor the aged and don’t be like the young people who have no respect for the elderly, but work to remove them from their sight. Look after them and honor them for what they have lived through that made them wise.


The young today proudly display their sin, not feeling the shame of their sin so that they try to hide it. They are doomed, and have brought destruction upon themselves because there’s no room in their hearts for Me and My Word!


They have become children of the devil that drink in his lies and love to do evil things; even hating those who do right by Me. The devil hates the truth; he is a murderer of all who live by the truth. When he lies, it is consistent with his hellish character. He is the father of lies; when his children here the truth their instinct is to reject it quickly; it makes no sense to them.


Anyone who belongs to Me gladly accepts My words; they honor My Word as the standard for what is right and wrong, good and evil. They follow My Word and not the words of men and demons.


Lord, please open my eyes and let me see clearly what is going on, so that I can tell Your children how to be encouraged and to remain faithful to You; how to take hope in that You are coming soon!

Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 2 – Is America at War with God’s Law?

First Commandment


Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me.”


Martin Luther said: “The Decalogue is not of Moses, nor did God give it to him first. On the contrary, the Decalogue belongs to the whole world; it was written and engraved in the minds of all human beings from the beginning of the world.”


It seems almost daily I read in the news about the Ten Commandments being removed from some public place here in the States. The most recent one was in Oklahoma when the Ten Commandments were removed from the state capital in the darkness of night. Recognizing the 10 Commandments as the foundation of our laws is the reason why many state capitals have the plaque of the 10 Commandments.


Johannes Althusius said: “The precepts of the Decalogue prescribe and constitute a way, rule, guiding star, and boundary for human society. If anyone would take them out of politics, he would destroy it; indeed, he would destroy all social life among men. For what would human life be without the piety of the first table of the Decalogue, and without the justice of the second? What would a Commonwealth be without communion and communication things useful and necessary to human life? By means of these precepts, charity becomes effective in various good works.”


Psalm 119:126 “It is time for you to act, O Lord, for they have broken your law.”


We see the mass shootings taking place and many other atrocities occurring and we wonder why this is happening. I think Johannes Althusius was right regarding the Ten Commandments when he said: “Take them out of politics, he would destroy it; indeed, he would destroy all social life among men.” Isn’t this the reason for the breakdown in our social life here in the USA and in other parts of the world as well? America is becoming a lawless nation and it is not just among the ordinary citizens, but also those we elect to uphold the law.


Noah Webster’s says: “The first Commandment forbids us to have any other God, before Jehovah. It forbids the worship of any and every other being. The first and highest duty of man is to reverence, worship and obey the only true God. Men are prone to consider that their social duties to their fellow man is the first in importance, and all that is necessary to be observed in order to secure God’s favor. This is a pernicious mistake, and probably the ruin of millions of the human race. Supreme love to God, and reverence for his character, and laws, is the first duty of man, and the true source of all other duties. Obedience to God’s laws, to be genuine, was to spring from love to him; and a conformity to his character is that which constitutes excellence in human character.”


The first four commandments are often called the First Table and deal with man’s relationship with God. Since there is only one God, there is only one source of law. This first Commandment has to do with the source of authority and law, both in our personal life and in our nation.


There is one God and, hence, one law, for He is the source of that one law. Polytheism (which includes humanism) implies we live in a universe with many law orders flowing from many gods. Man cannot live under man’s law in this system except by force or imperialism, and this is what we have in many parts of the world.


With the humanistic or evolutionary view of law that modern man has, every man is a law unto himself because there is no over-arching absolute law. What this eventually brings is anarchy and to enforce law upon everyone requires imperialism by those in authority. What this means is that civil government will grow larger and stronger and more intrusive in the affairs of the citizens. This is what is happening today in the United States as well as in Europe, other parts of our world. This type of government will usurp the authority and responsibilities of the individual, family, church, business, etc. The fruit of this: the loss of liberty and even life.


Since there is one God, then there is one law, and there is one truth. This first commandment tells us that we should not have any other god (or law or truth) before Him, or beside Him. Therefore, to change from a biblical law system to another law system is to change gods.


God and His Law are the source of righteousness for all members of society and also describes the outcome of those who are outside the law. God is also the source to uphold the law that He had delegated to man, through the institutions of family, church, and state which is to have the power to punish those who break the law. (Romans 13, 1 Peter 2.)


If we are to regain sanity in our world today then we must come back to this First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me.”



Daily Devotional

Son, the fields are so ripe for harvest; will you go and gather My harvest? I have commissioned you, as My messenger, to tell and prepare My children for what is coming. I AM is coming soon!


Tell My children that they must remember who I am. For I made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. I keep every promise I have made. I open the eyes of the blind, and lift up those who are weighed down. They must not put their confidence in powerful people; there is no help for them there. When their confidence is with Me, it will be evident to all that I AM is with them.


Lord, if people only knew the gift You have for them. But, if people will not listen when I tell them about earthly things, how will they believe if I tell them about spiritual things. People love lies more than the truth. They shout back at me and say, “What’s the use of serving God? What will we gain by obeying what the Bible says? Why should we say that we are sorry for our sins? From now on I will only do what is best for me!” They are satisfied with those who lie, cheat and commit adultery as their role models and heroes! These foolish people are daring You to punish them!


Son, a scroll of remembrance is being written that records the names of those who fear Me and will always think about the honor of My Name – to uphold My Name. Soon these people who reject what I have told you to say to them, will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve Me and those who do not.


Those who reject Me live under the curse, and they will not be able to endure it when I come to fulfill it completely. They will not be able to stand in their arrogance and face Me when they appear before Me to be judged. I am eager to judge all those who reject My gift of salvation. On judgment day I will speak against these people who did not fear Me as they should.


Therefore, since the Day of Judgment is coming, keep telling people to return to Me while they still can, and I will open the windows of heaven for them. I will pour out a blessing on them so great they won’t have enough room to take it in! Oh that they would try Me on this!


Lord, I will praise You every day, for I did try You and I found You faithful and true! For You are the Great God Almighty, the LORD over all, and Who is worthy of all praise! No one can measure Your greatness. You help those that have fallen and lift those bent beneath their heavy loads. You are close to all who call on You, and You grant the desires of those who humbly fear You. Thank You Lord!