Daily Devotional

Son, My true spokesmen are men who know and speak My words. They are men that influence people, and are not influenced by people. They understand the times that they live in, and they know what I have planned and that I will judge everyone.


Sin is running rampant in America, so do not show sympathy for these wicked people who refuse to repent before Me; for I have removed My protection and peace from them; I have taken away My unfailing love and mercy. When you tell these people all these things, they will ask what they have done to deserve such treatment.  Say to them, “You are unfaithful to the Lord God. You have abandoned God’s Word and you worship gods that you have made for yourselves.”


Tell them that if they purge the guilt of murdering innocent people from their land – it will go well with them. Tell your leaders so that they understand fully – that I will sentence them with the same judgment they have placed upon all these unborn children in their land!


Those who are guilty will fight against you because they hate what I tell you say to them, but understand that I AM is with you. Because you remain faithful to Me – I will certainly keep you safe from these wicked people. I will rescue you from their cruel hands, so obey all I have given you to do and say. This will prevent you from thinking like them and imitating their detestable worship of things.


Tell My children not to team up with these wicked people that try to justify the killing of innocent children. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Me and the devil?


Son, understand that you will have a heavenly body; you will not be a spirit without a body. To show you that I have this new body set aside for you I have given you My Holy Spirit as a guarantee. So understand that you must live each day believing in Me and what I say, not by what you see and hear otherwise. I died for everyone and was raised to life so that they could receive this new life with Me. This means that anyone who belongs to Me has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! You may be poor in this life, but you are spiritually and eternally rich. You may own nothing now, yet you have everything; all things belong to you because you love Me and do what I say.


Lord, when I discovered Your words, I devoured them; I found them to be my joy, my strength and my heart’s delight. I love to hear You say that I have an eternal body and a house in heaven that You have built for me. Therefore I may grow weary in my present body, but I long to put on my new clothing like Yours!

Daily Devotional

Just a thought: Since I am a builder, what would it look like if I started to build a hotel with no plans, not even an idea what it will look like when it is finished? Wouldn’t it take longer with all the corrections from the mistakes along the way, even having to tear down what has been done to rebuild correctly. It will have a HUGE cost. In the end, what will it look like?


Today we have leaders who are leading America in the same way. They want to ignore the original plan. They have left the way of godliness. They have no idea where this will take them because they have no plans, no structural engineers to make it strong and safe, no mechanical, no electrical or plumbing engineers who will make what they are building function right. They have no landscape architect to bring in God’s beauty; so the building will be a monument to what man can do.


The Bible says that without a vision the people perish. I see this great country on the road of destruction because we have lost the vision – having left God’s way. The new generation is willing to be deceived with new teachings of new ideas that reject the wisdom of the elderly with godly plans. Let me tell you what Moses said to the children of Israel when they were getting ready to take the land. Hear the warning and see if this is not happening today.


Deuteronomy 32 paraphrased:


They offered sacrifices to demons; to gods they had not known before; to new gods recently arrived; to religions their ancestors had never followed. They neglected the Rock who had fathered their ancestors; they forgot the God who had given them birth.


Therefore, I will abandon those who have rejected My ways and then they will see what becomes of them. For they are a twisted generation, children without integrity. They have become a senseless people who are foolish in their thinking and ways. Their understanding comes from the vine of Sodom, from the vineyards of Gomorrah. Their grapes are poison, and their clusters are bitter.


I am God your Lord and Savior! There are no other gods, but Me! I am the Architect of life.  I. No one or no created thing can rescue from My powerful hand! My words are not empty words; they are your life; obey them!

God’s Ancient Path is a Narrow Path

Do you believe that God heard the prayers of His people regarding this coming election? I do, and He will continue to hear our prayers, whether worldly or wise, and do what is best for those who faithfully love Him, which won’t be very comfortable or celebrated on this side of death or rapture, I’m afraid.


I also know that He heard our prayers 4 years ago and then 8 years ago before God put Barak Obama in the White House and kept him there 4 more years. God raises up and takes down kings according to His ‘narrow’ plan of redeeming and renewing; the plan that has never changed from the beginning, and presents a very ‘narrow’ road for believers to walk and live out. It’s the “ancient path” that very few will stick to as tribulation and persecution intensifies.


Why would God put someone like Obama in as our nation’s leader so that Obama would be able to do all that he has done to transform this nation from what it used to be? What would God have in mind by giving us a president like Sanders, Clinton or Trump? What is God trying to tell us, and get us ready for? Do we really believe in the book of Revelation, and the prophecies of God’s ‘holy’ servants the prophets?


Once again we have been praying to God for a godly man as our next president, but the church is not in agreement with what is “godly.” Why? How has the devil been able to do this?


We don’t want to accept that here in America the persecution of the saints has begun, and will continue to intensify like it has all over the world.  If you are among those who hold to the faith, hope and love of our Lord, to HIS ‘narrow path,’ you will be hated by the followers of anti-Christs and even disregarded by those who claim to know the Lord but are not true disciples of His. They call our belief in God’s Word (our strong attachment to the whole Word of God) much too “narrow,” because it is not open enough to include all kinds of religions, not compassion enough to open our borders to anyone, not free enough to accept all types of lifestyles, etc. We will soon be amazed at who the real God is.


Yes, Obama was right, “America is no longer a Christian nation,” not in the Judeo-Christian sense that is. The name “Christian” has taken on a new meaning (by church-goers) and it’s the “millennials” who are living out that new meaning of what they believe a Christian ‘should’ be and do, so that those “narrow-minded” people who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ can be shamed and punished until they submit and get along with the new “moral majority” with their “progressive” thinking of our day.


God’s Word is very clear about evil and good, wrong and right, but people don’t like the Old Testament of God’s Word. The god of this world has been able to blind them from seeing God’s wisdom in  His judgment and His righteousness – which has never changed. That which “was” still “is” and “is” to come – in all His fullness.    


We put more thought and energy to arguing about politics and trusting in what the candidates (republican and democrat) say they will do, while joining the groups that spread lies and slander on the candidates they disagree with, and even hate with a vengeance.  The word of men, all men good and evil, can not be trusted; only God’s Word can be trusted and hoped for.


If “the Church” could turn America back – then why does God seem to work against it through our leaders? Don’t tell me that it’s because there are not enough Christians praying and fasting. Don’t tell me that it’s because we are not united as Christians. How can the Lord’s Church be united when we can’t even agree on what is right and wrong, good and evil? 


Do you really believe that we, as families (by God’s definition of “family”) are better off today than we were a century ago? Do you see the ongoing progression of evil quickly spreading in our nation? Truth is: man turned his right to dominate on the earth over to the devil back in the garden, and God is just; He will give Satan his day under the sun with his long awaited plan to rule the world and prevent “as it is in heaven it shall be on the earth” but God will cut his reign short for the sake of the elect in that time of “Great Tribulation.”


What might God be trying to show those who will listen and judge correctly what is happening?  As the Lord’s church should we be united about this?  Unity will benefit the Lord’s disciples in being ready and prepared for what is ‘inevitably’ coming that Jesus taught and warned.


I see within the so-called Christian Church in America mixed views on who or what is godly, even on what is right and wrong.  The American churches are not united at all on what it means to be a Christian, by our Lord’s example and teaching.  And Jesus was very clear about those who have their own opinions about His teaching and godliness.  He made it very clear that very few would walk with Him down His “narrow” path. More and more we see so-called Christians taking the wide road so that they can keep doing what they do, living how they have been accustomed to living and able to hold on to what they deem valuable in this life.


To me, this ‘division’ or ‘divisions’ within the so-called Church of Jesus Christ, is a clear sign of what Jesus warned us about that would happen and intensify as His Day approaches. Most people don’t read their Bibles humbly to know the truth and what God requires of them so they can please Him; instead, they read the Bible to find biblical support for how they want to live and go about their business and pleasures. This is why our Lord said that even our loved ones (family and friends) would turn on us for holding to the ‘narrow’ path of the Lord.


This calls for true wisdom (not worldly wisdom) to know who to partner with and trust, or to even be friends with, and even to be careful with family members not to say too much about what God has called you to do. You can do it without talking about it.


The Lord warned us that even believers in Jesus Christ would be deceived, shrink back and fall away because their relationship with the Savior is all about themselves, and not about His Kingdom. They enjoy nursing on the milk, instead of maturing with the meat of God’s Word. I have never seen an army of babies, have you? With babies it’s all about comfort and attention and having things done for you. 


As “elders” in the Lord (not to brag), we see the millennials, or rather, the younger generation wanting to argue with us as if to correct us – as to what is good or evil, right or wrong, godly or ungodly, instead of following us down the Lord’s ‘ancient’ path. (There are some wise younger believers, and what a joy and crown they are to us, but sadly they are few and far between.)


The “older and wiser” see exactly what is happening and has happened to turn America into the idolatrous heathen nation that it has become. God has only given us the president each election that reveals the condition of His people’s hearts as they have progressively taken the side of Christ’s enemies. We see their lack of true knowledge and the road they are on that leads to destruction. They take pride in all the worldly knowledge they have, with their abilities and skills, and the ease of technology, but what they lack that is most important is what the Lord’s closest disciple, John, wrote that fathers and young men are to have:


“I am writing to you fathers because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you young men because you have overcome the evil one.”  1 John 2:13


What about mothers and young women? I suggest you study the Proverbs 31 Woman and aspire to be like her for she is our role model of the woman God honors and crowns.


Jesus told us that many would come to Him on that Day with all that they (proudly) did for Him, in His Name even, but He will respond, “I do not know you….” And over and over again He taught His disciples (and they wrote it down for us) how to overcome the evil one, and our own fleshly and worldly desires, so we would not be judged along with the wicked. 


We are responsible as disciples of the Lord to KNOW God (Father, Son and Spirit personally), to overcome the world/flesh/devil, and to give out our ‘personal’ testimony of our being saved and delivered by Jesus Christ – without fear of persecution – given all the promises of God that we have and can stand on victoriously, and to encourage and help each other, endure persecution – as we seek His Kingdom first.


We have prayed to God to put the right man in as our next president; and He will put the right man in according to what HE sees about our nation and what HE has planned for the future of the nations.


Even most of our prayer meetings are worldly as we pray ‘band-aid’ prayers, and ‘bless me’ prayers, and as we foolishly pray for the right man in office that can take back America. Take it back to what?! How far back are we thinking?!  This is not the will of God! If we go back to anything it should be to the “ancient path” of God. If we go back to anyone it should be to the Lord who bought us with His own bloody sacrifice; back to our first sincere and humble vow to Him.  


The will of God for God’s people is to do His will; to share the good news of Jesus Christ, to be ready and prepared in each and every generation for the return of the Lord, ready to endure tribulation and persecution as His disciples, ready to give a convincing answer for the hope we have, and prepared both physically and spiritually (with our children) for what Jesus said would happen to us because we walk with Him on His ‘narrow’ path without denying Him or His Word.


Mike and I are voting for the one that will give us the time we need to be better prepared; for the man that will be the “dam” that will hold back the greater persecution in America towards the Lord’s true disciples. This calls for wisdom.   



Daily Devotional

Son, ask this generation: What will you do when the end comes? For, they give each other assurances of peace when there is no peace. They refuse to be corrected, and are determined not to repent.


I want them to stop what they are doing and look around at what is taking place. They must seek out the old godly way, and then walk in it. If they will travel this path with Me then they will find rest for their souls and the future I promised them. But they don’t want that path and say, “No, that’s not the road we want!” Therefore, because they refuse to listen to Me, and have rejected My Word, I have labeled them “Rejected.”


I require of this generation and every generation to walk with Me; to fear the ME their God and live in the way that pleases Me. I require that My children follow Me and serve Me because they love Me; that they love Me with all their hearts and souls. For I alone AM GOD, and the only One worthy of all praise!


They say, “They are searching for truth and honesty. We are good people because we care about people,” but I say, “No, you are a stubborn people and you each need to change your heart so your heart is like Mine!” They have progressively turned away from the path that I command My children to walk on. They keep rebelling against My Word, although they claim to know My Word. They refuse to put their trust in Me and to obey Me. The ears of this stubborn generation are closed, and they scorn My warnings. Therefore, they will eat the fruit of their rebellion instead of the fruit of their repentance.


Son, come and listen as I give My warning. Stay on My ancient path and do not be afraid to keep warning My children. Tell them that I AM the only HOPE they have; return to Me! Very few will listen, but remain faithful to Me.


28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 16 – Principle #16

The Government Should Be Separated into Three Branches Legislative, Executive, and Judicial


Isaiah 33:22 “For the Lord is our judge (judicial), the Lord is our lawgiver (legislative), the Lord is our king (executive); it is He who will save us.”


It is interesting that in ancient times political writers often debated on what is the best form of government. Some thought of the monarchy with a single powerful leader; some gravitated towards aristocracy where the best families of the nation would rule. Some preferred democracy where all the population would make the decisions. However, all of these were deficient in being able to provide the security and the justice which was needed.


Polybius was a Greek who lived 204 to 122 B.C. He felt that there was something good in all three types of government described above. For example, the monarchy had the executive strength needed to direct the government, the aristocracy represented the interest of wealth and the developing of resources for the nation, and the democracy represented the masses of the population. However, monarchy could easily become a tyranny, aristocracy could sink into an oppressive government by a few rich families, and democracy could turn into mob rule. Polybius saw the possibility of combining all three ingredients for an established government. It was called a mixed Constitution, but the idea died with Polybius.


In the 18th century Baron Charles de Montesquieu resurrected the idea of Polybius and documented the thought of the possibility of a government based on separation of powers. This illuminated the mind of our Founding Fathers of the possibility of a government based on separated but coordinated powers.


A government based upon the separation of power did not come overnight. It was John Adams, who practically stood alone, advocating a government based on the separation of powers and eventually he was able to establish this into the State Constitution of Massachusetts. Later Adams was successful in getting his ideas incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.


Benjamin Franklin acknowledged “that the Constitution of the United States with the separation of powers was as perfect as man could be expected to produce and he urged all the members of the convention to sign it so that it would have unanimous support.”


We should always keep in mind that we live in a fallen world. When we think of the Constitution with its separation of powers we do find a balance that brings in protection, security and justice that is needed in a government within this fallen world and we see that this Constitution has stood the test of time. When taking office every Senator, Congressman, Judge and President pledges to uphold the Constitution. However, we find today among some of the progressive political leaders that they look upon the Constitution as a “living document.” What this means is that it needs to change according to the culture changing. In other words, it was okay for the agricultural culture of our Founding Fathers, but for this information age there needs to be the adjustments to the times that we live in.


What they forget is that human nature never changes except through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and unless that takes place in men man will always be moving away from and not towards God. With its separation of powers, the Constitution brings this into focus with its checks and balances, but today, although our Constitution is often treated with reverence, is not seen any longer for much practical use. Therefore, we are losing the reasonable balance of power among the three constitutional branches and have seen power dramatically shifted away from Congress primarily to the executive but also to the judiciary.


Whether Congress can regain its legislative authority is something that will be seen in the next 2016 election and in the years to come.

28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 15 – Principle #15

The Highest Level of Prosperity Occurs When There Is a Free Market Economy And a Minimum of Government Regulations


This is a question the Founding Fathers had: “Are there natural laws for the marketplace?” They saw that there was a possibility of a political and social structure based on natural law, but what about the marketplace?


A book called Wealth of Nations was written about that time (1776) by a college professor in Scotland named Adam Smith.


Thomas Jefferson said about this book: “In political economy, I think Smith’s Wealth of Nations is the best book extant (surviving or in existence),” and the United States was the first country to base the whole national economy on natural law and the free market concept described by Adam Smith.


This brought in the first six things that our Founding Fathers followed:


-Specialized production – let each person or corporation of persons do what they do best.

-Exchange of goods to take place in a free market environment without governmental interference in production, prices, or wages.

-The free market provides the needs of the people on the basis of supply and demand, with no government imposed monopolies.

-Prices are regulated by competition on the basis of supply and demand.

-Profits are looked upon as the means by which production of goods and services is made worthwhile.

-Competition is looked upon as the means by which quality is improved, quantity is increased, and prices are reduced.


Perhaps I should insert here that America became wealthy not by conquering other nations and taking their wealth (like many other nations have done), but by putting the principles outlined above into practice and creating wealth.


Founding Fathers knew that prosperity would depend on proper laws to protect the economy and they came up with the four laws: the freedom to try, the freedom to buy, the freedom to sell, and the freedom to fail. It is said that in 1905 the United States had become the richest industrial nation in the world and only having 5% of the earth’s continental land area and 6% of the world’s population the American people were producing over half of almost everything: clothes, food, houses, transportation, communication, even luxuries.


It seems to me that one of the problems that we face today in the 21st century is the proper role of government, especially in the area of economics? Adam Smith knew that the greatest threat to economic prosperity would be government intervention, and that through fixing prices, wages, controlling production, controlling distribution, etc.


However, the Founding Fathers knew that there were areas of legitimate responsibilities for the government. What are they?

-Illegal force in the marketplace to compel to purchase or to sell the products.

-Fraud in misrepresenting the quality, location, or ownership of the item being sold or bought.

-Monopoly which eliminates competition and results in restraint of trade.

-Debauchery of the cultural standards and moral fiber of society by commercial exploitation of vice – pornography, obscenity, drugs, liquor, prostitution, or commercial gambling.


I look at these four things and I see how far we, in the 21st century, have drifted from the foundation of what our Founding Fathers laid down. Hebrews 2:1 comes to mind: “We must pay the most careful attention therefore to what we’ve heard so that we do not drift away.” The easiest thing in the world to do is to “drift.” In order to drift all we have to do is nothing, and, because we, the citizenry have not been vigilant – we are losing our freedoms slowly but surely.


At the turn of the 20th century we saw many prominent and influential leaders losing confidence in the system and thinking that the economic system needed some adjustments and fine-tuning and in so doing they were getting ready to throw the entire system overboard, or like we would say in the English language: “Throw the baby out with the bathwater.” It is true with any system that often there is a need for fine-tuning, but there was a new movement starting among different labor groups demanding that the government get involved in the redistribution of the wealth.


It was in the early part of the 20th century that Adam Smith was seen as being “archaic” and Karl Marx was ‘the new kid on the block.’ It was the 1929 depression that began to separate the new age from the old. Up until Franklin Delano Roosevelt we had the checks and balances, limited government, and the inalienable rights to liberty and prosperity, but after 1933 we began to get the centralized state and the controls of industry by the government.


In the division of powers – Congress was given the responsibility for the issuing of money. In the Constitution the Founders stated that Congress would have the power “to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin,” and all money was to be coined in precious metal and paper notes were to be promises to pay in gold and silver, not legal tender as such.”


However, what happened was that the issuing of money was turned over to a private consortium of bankers who set up a privately owned bank called the Bank of the United States and today we have a similar arrangement that exists under the Federal Reserve System. (A good book to read is called The Creature from Jekyll Island which talks about the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank.)


This in turn has brought in “fractional banking” which allows a bank to loan out three or four times more paper notes than it has in assets and now we have become an economy of debt instead of wealth. In seeing what was happening and in the latter part of his life Thomas Jefferson said: “We are completely saddled and bridled, and the bank is so firmly mounted on us that we must go where it will guide.”


The writer of the Hebrews challenges us: “We must pay close attention…”

Daily Devotional

Son, some of My church leaders are calling out to Me and asking, “Help me! The work is too heavy a load to carry! How can I deal with all of the problems Your children are facing today. Why do You let Your children have such stubborn hearts that they no longer fear You?”


These leaders must understand how to lead My children so that My children understand clearly and fully that there is a lasting reward for those who live for Me! They must understand that some of My children will not listen, and that is why there is so much division in among My children. They like to quarrel and debate with each other when instead they should be humbly spending this time with Me in My Word, and listening. My leaders must warn them with this truth; that on My judgment day fire will reveal what kind of life they have lived, and this fire will show if their life’s work has any value to Me.


My leaders must be willing to stand in the gap for these rebellious children with the hope of turning them to the truth so that their faith can grow. My leaders must be blameless, respected for their wisdom and understanding of who I am. My leaders must have My heart and Word in them. Then they will not be afraid of the world’s anger when they stand up for truth and speak faithful words that I approve of.


My leaders must understand that My Kingdom is not just a lot of talk, but it’s about the power of My will to be done. I can fulfill My purpose through faithful leaders because they know the truth. I give them My unfailing love and faithfulness, and I will soon welcome them into My Kingdom.


Lord, help me not to think that just because my conscience is clear, this proves I’m right, for You examine me and Your judgment of me is true and right. I know that I am not that godly, for I constantly sin. How can I ever be welcomed into Your kingdom infected with all this sin? Even my good deeds are nothing but filthy rags to You. But I know that You don’t remember my rebellious ways; for You look at me now and see that Your Son knows me as Your child. So I praise You Father for so great a salvation and I rejoice in Your forgiveness, because no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like You and what You have prepared for those who love You!



Daily Devotional

Son, your nation is a divided nation, and any nation divided is doomed. People look to the leaders of your country for help; but how can evil leaders know what is good and right. Their very words condemn them.


Son, I must tell you what I am about to do. The sins of San Francisco and Bay area are too great. It is filled with liars and the filth of immoralities. The people don’t realize that I am watching them. I see all they are doing that is detestable in My sight. They kill one after another, and no one cries to Me for help there. Their arrogance testifies against them, and they look everywhere except to Me. The people have rejected what is good, and have brought about their own destruction. Evil is on their lips, and if anyone tells them that their life style is sinful, they shout, “Who are you to judge us! We’ll destroy you for speaking against us, and take everything you own from you! Get out of this place of ours.”


I will shake the land and split it open, and destroy this area completely. For the outcry against this place is so great, that it requires Me to destroy it. When people read My warning they will think I am only joking.


So, My children run for your lives! Don’t look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away! Then watch as columns of smoke rise from the cities like smoke from a furnace.


Lord, human help is useless when people are divided against each other and sin is this great. Your are the only hope of the world.



28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 14 – Principle #14

Life and Liberty Are Secure Only so Long As the Right to Property Is Secure


Leviticus 25:13 “In this year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property.


Psalm 115:16 “The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind.”


The one unalienable right that our Founding Fathers told us to be aware of was the right to property, because all other rights are related to it. Just a superficial reading of Scripture shows the importance that God has placed on private property ownership. Under English common law the earth was considered a gift from God, as we see from Psalm 115:16. John Locke pointed out that this was a common gift and it was the responsibility of mankind to improve it.


This goes along with the Cultural Mandate that the Creator gave us to “subdue the earth and have dominion over it.” (Genesis 1:28) In one sense, dominion brings in the idea of control which also brings in what the Founding Fathers called “exclusiveness” meaning that private property became a necessity in order to subdue the earth and have dominion over it.


If we did not have what is known as “private rights” to develop and improve property then it would be perfectly lawful for a lazy, covetous person to move in as soon as improvements were made and take possession of the land. Even then the lazy, covetous neighbor would not be secure because someone stronger than him could come in and take over.


In the book, The 5000 Year Leap, we read that without property rights four things would occur that would completely frustrate the Creator’s command to multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and bring it under dominion. What are they?


  1. “If another person could come in and take possession of the property once it is improved it would completely destroy the incentive of an industrious person to develop and improve any more property.”
  2. “The industrious individual would also be deprived of the fruits of his labor.”
  3. “Marauding bands would even be tempted to go about the country confiscating by force and violence the good things which others had frugally and painstakingly provided.”
  4. “Mankind would be impelled to remain on the bare subsistence level of hand to mouth survival because the accumulation of anything would invite attack.”

In other words, and like Locke and our Founding Fathers brought out, property is an extension of a person’s life and energy as well as ingenuity. The reason that they bring this out is that every man has a ‘property’ in his own person. So the labor of his body and the work of his hands are properly his.


A question does come that since everything originally was common with the rest of humanity how then does one require ownership? John Locke answers the question: “It is the taking any part of what is common, and removing it out of the state that Nature leaves it in, which begins the property, without which the common (gift from God) is of no use.” John Locke goes on to say: “Thus this law of reason makes the deer the property of the Indian who has killed it; it is allowed to be his goods who had bestowed his labor upon it, though before, it was the common right of everyone.” In other words, property becomes the owner of those who put the labor into it. For example, in the early days of our Union property was allotted to those who would take possession and put labor into it. It was Justice George Sutherland of the U.S. Supreme Court that mentioned that property, per se, has no rights; “but the individual – the man – has three great rights, equally sacred from arbitrary interference: the right to his Life, the right to his liberty, the right to his property.” It was Abraham Lincoln who said, “Property is the fruit of labor.”


On the basis of all of this, one of the primary purposes of government is to protect property. The early American colonists realized the importance of this and it is one of the things that led to the Revolutionary War, because it was the royal crown trying to take away property through various kinds of taxation without their consent. Our Founding Fathers realized the foundational stone for human liberty and human happiness is private property.


This is why government should not take from the ‘haves’ and give to the ‘have-nots,’ as the redistribution of the wealth is unconstitutional. However, we see today how the government has slowly but surely began to redistribute, out of concern (supposedly), for the poor and needy. The question does arise who will take care of the poor? The answer according to our Founding Fathers was “anybody but the federal government.” Up until the present time, help was given almost exclusively by the private sector or on the community or state level.


It would seem to me that if we lose our right to own private property we also will soon lose all our other rights.

Daily Devotional

Son, take this to heart and do not be fearful of what is about to take place; for I AM is with you.


I AM the LORD, your God and Savior, and you were chosen to know Me and to believe in Me, and to understand that I AM the Lord your God. For, there is no other God. It has given Me pleasure to see you come to realize this with all your heart and mind and strength.


From eternity to eternity I AM GOD. No one can snatch anyone out of My hand. No one can undo what I have done. So be careful not to treat My holy Word as though it was a common book to pick up leisurely, or set aside before You let Me speak to you. My Word is your daily food for eternal life.


Trust in Me and take delight in My Word, and I will give your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to Me, and I will help you. Be still, and wait patiently for Me to act. Understand that I direct your steps, and I delight in every detail of My children’s lives of faithfulness. Put your hope in My Word, and you will travel steadily along the path I have laid out for you. My words will light My way for you.


Don’t worry about all the evil you see, or fear the wicked things taking place in this world, or you will become angry to the point of missing My way and purpose. Wicked people are blind, and cannot see how evil their hearts are. These people are ignorant of where their wickedness is taking them! Their minds have become hard to the truth that would set them free. They cannot think freely – even though they say they do. These deluded captives refuse to ask for My help. They are bound to believe in something that won’t allow them to ask Me for anything; not even to ask themselves truthful questions; they are to be pitied not feared. Pray for them!


Lord, there is a wonderful future for me and my family, or for anyone who calls out to You, earnestly seeking You. I have learned that You enjoy helping me, and it honors You to rescue Your children out of the path and hands of evil-doers; for we will find a perfect shelter in You. What a great future I have with You my Father!