Terror to Triumph – Part 8

1 Corinthians 4:11-13 “To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answered kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.”


When we look back at the extension of the kingdom of God starting from that small obscure village in Palestine we realized that in the past 2000 years there have been the ups and downs. However, the scale goes slowly upwards throughout these past 2000 years. In other words, there were times when we saw the church declining in influence as well as outreach, but the general direction has been upwards.


The next season of time that we look at is what has been known as the “Dark Ages” from 400 to 800 A.D. Although modern historians have called the next 500 years of European history the dark ages in reality, this era saw truth and light piercing paganism and bringing conversion and cultural liberation to Europe.


The barbarians who had learned their lesson of debauchery from their Roman masters had now conquered the empire. This was also a time of great men/women with faith. A new army was being raised up. It was an army that did not conquer by sword and force, but through love. They laid the foundations of Western civilization, not with swords of steel, but with the sword of the Spirit and its truth, which promised to set the captives free.


It was during this time unknown to most that this new army was beginning to change society, culture, etc. one person at a time. We can compare these two armies. First, we have the pagan army that for 4000 years had accumulated all the wealth and had ruled with unprecedented power over these years. On the other hand, there is a small band of people who had no power, no wealth, but they went out and began to spread the faith one person at a time until their influence began to permeate society.


They were men like Severus who had control over 100 men and had charge to keep order in the Temple of Venus while the people worshiped this idol. Not being able to stand any longer the worship of this false idol he stood in the temple and proclaimed Jesus Christ as Lord. This was not a popular thing to do and sure enough it was reported to the people higher up and he was brought before Caesar and while being held by two men they cut off his head.


There were others like Theodorus who had angels visit him. It is said that because of his faith he was stretched out on a rack with his bones being pulled out of their sockets. He was asked how he could endure the pain and he said: “For a while I did feel pain, but then a young man stood by and was wiping the sweat off my face and refreshing me with cool water and so delighted me that I regretted being let down from the rack.” His bravery was so great that the authorities let him go and helped him to recuperate from his wounds.


Thaddeus was another Christian who was so enraged against the gladiatorial events in the arena, where even Christians would come after church, that he rushed into the midst of the two gladiators who were fighting and shouted: “STOP!” The crowd was so enraged that they shouted, “Down with him!” Sure enough one of the gladiators ran him through with a sword. All of a sudden there was silence. While he laid there in a puddle of blood the people began to leave one by one. That was the beginning of the end of the gladiatorial events. One man made a difference.


When I think of the cultural war of the 21st century that we are in – how we need to see men and women like Thaddeus raised up who will stand in the midst of the malaise that we live in and say: “Stop; enough is enough.”

Division in America

Division in America


What it all boils down to is that America is divided by those who love God and those who say they don’t believe in God. Therefore, two opposing and even hostile – belief systems.  This division of opposing beliefs and values have two very different gods and kingdoms: Satan’s and Jesus Christ’s.


Satan’s kingdom of lies and deception – is on the earth ‘temporarily.’ The book of Revelation tells us all that the devil’s kingdom is about, on earth and in the heavenlies, and why and how it will all be destroyed with the “seven bowls of God’s wrath” poured out, and then with the return of Jesus Christ to reign as King on earth with His saints from glory. (Revelation 19 -22) For then, the prayer of Jesus Christ that He taught His first disciples – will be fulfilled: “As it is in heaven – it shall be on the earth.”


All things created that God once called good, will be renewed and made ready for eternity to begin.


“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9


So, what will happen to the “god of this world” (a.k.a. anti-Christ, ancient liar, serpent, dragon, devil) and to his “beast and false prophet,” who have completely deceived the nations, turning all nations against God’s Israel and against all God’s people of faith in His Son?


At the coming of God’s King from heaven to the earth (Christ’s second coming Revelation 19), “the beast was captured, and with it (notice “it”) the false prophet who had performed signs on it’s behalf. With these signs he (the false prophet) had deluded those who had received its image. The two of them (beast and false prophet) were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest (the world’s armies) were killed with the sword coming out of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.” (Revelation 19:19-21) This is what happens to the devil’s beast and false prophet.


Many believe the “beast,” which is referred to as an “it,” is the internet world-web with its increasing power to ‘speak’ to all people in the world and to influence their thinking and behavior. The “false prophet,” is believed to be the ‘one-world religion’ of the devil personified (last anti-Christ said to take up his reign in Jerusalem’s temple) who falsifies who God is – deceiving the world by convincing the world that he is the Messiah that was to come.  Many believe this current Pope of the world-wide Roman Catholic religion could be Satan’s “false prophet” who prepares the way for the ‘false’ Messiah to be accepted. But there could come another far more deceived by Satan than this current Pope.


So, what is Satan’s end? An angel from God’s throne in heaven is given the key to the Abyss and a chain by which to seize the devil (a.k.a. the dragon/ancient serpent) and to bind him in prison for a thousand years (while God’s Son reigns on earth with His glorified saints). The angel with the key and chain “throws Satan into the Abyss, and locks and seals it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time….” (Revelation 20:1-3) “….so he can go about deceiving the nations again, and to gather them for battle against the camp of God’s people, the city He loves (Jerusalem).” But then, “fire came down from heaven and devoured them all. And the devil, who had again deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. There they will be tormented day and night for EVER and EVER.” Revelation 20: 7-10


Then God’s great white throne judgment begins and “anyone whose name was not found written in the (Lamb’s) book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.” (detailed in Revelation 20:11-15) If your name isn’t in the Lamb’s book of Life, sadly you will pay for your own sins and be cast into the lake of fire tormented day and night forever and ever. This is not God’s will for any human being, but that all would come to the truth about His love and His Son’s sacrifice for them.  Now is the day for salvation in Jesus Christ, while there is still time. Its’ your choice.


“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12


“There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)


“Religion” or “Relationship;” this is really all that divides people, and nations. And, to choose neither a religion nor a relationship with God’s Son – is to choose the lie that you can determine your own destiny and to believe what you want about life after death. Satan is the great deceiver! He’s got you again by you not believing in the truth from your Creator and Savior.


Satan is the god of all man-made religions, because Jesus Christ never taught about a “religion” of rules and regulations for worship, but rather He brought the invitation for anyone to have an intimate-love-relationship with Himself by faith in His own bodily sacrifice on the Cross and with His indwelling Spirit and Word.


“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6




Terror to Triumph – Part 7

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God.”


The Dark Ages, or as some historians call the Medieval Ages, was a time of continual fighting between warrior kings of Europe. It was a time of lawlessness, superstition, magic, evil and dragons.


To the north, were the Vikings, who were known as the “Tall Men of the North.” They terrified the southern Europeans with their height, blue eyes, fair coloring, and fierce warlike ways. A prayer during that time was: “Lord, save us from the savages of the North.” The Vikings became known as the Norsemen – People from the North.


Few people could read or write. Most people lived in mud huts that were surrounded by a wooden stockade. Life was localized and self-sufficient. Scholars of the day found refuge in Arabia. There their records were made and kept safe. Societies and religions began during the Dark Ages. Much fighting took place, but it was also a birthing time.


Although there was much violence during this period it was also a glorious period in many ways. Scholars began to pave the way towards creating real scholarship, writing, books, printing, etc. Europe which had been demoralized by Rome’s tyranny of many years also began to break out in its new found freedom.


Shortly after his historic sacking of Rome, Alaric the 1st dies of fever in 410. He did not live long to enjoy much of his success, but future generations did. Throughout the fifth century – wave after wave of invading tribes flooded into Rome and fought to stake their claim on the waning Roman Empire.


Clovis, King of the Franks (through his wife Clotilda) makes a decision to accept Christianity as his religion and was baptized in 496 at the age of 30. He made Paris his capital and his kingdom was basically what is known as present-day France and southwestern Germany. He formed a crucial alliance with the Roman Catholic Church and brought about a certain stability in the land.


Justinian the 1st, also called “the great,” was the Byzantine Emperor (527- 565). He extended Byzantine rule in the West, beautified Constantinople and completed the codification of Roman law.


It was during this era of the Medieval Age what is known as the Justinian Code was formalized and became known as the body of civil law which still governs most of Europe today. It was also in this era that Mohammed was born in Mecca. He would often withdraw to a cave where he would meditate and pray. It was during one of these times that supposedly Gabriel the Archangel appeared to him and proclaimed him a prophet.


Another prominent man during this era was Charles “The Hammer” Martel (688-741). He was also the grandfather of Charlemagne. Eventually he became a Supreme leader of the Franks. His greatest achievement was his war with the Muslims from Spain who invaded France in 742. In a battle near Poitiers, the emir of Spain was killed and the Islamic thrust into Europe was checked.


Also in 742, probably in Aachen, Charlemagne the grandson of Charles Martel was born. Charlemagne led the Frankish armies to victory over numerous other peoples and established his rule in most of western and central Europe. He was probably the best-known and most influential king in Europe in the Middle Ages.


It was in this atmosphere of wars, bigotry, superstition, etc. that the kingdom of God was invading. Slowly, but like yeast beginning to work itself throughout the society and culture, the Kingdom of God was advancing.

Terror to Triumph – Part 6

2 Corinthians 2:11 “….in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”


Although the truth remains the same, strategy changes according to the times, circumstances and situations that we find ourselves in.


This is also true with Satan down through the ages. His methods have been simple, but effective: persecution, death in the arena, and many other atrocities Satan tried in order to stop the advancement of the kingdom of God. However, Satan has found that the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ.


About 300 A.D. we found that Satan’s strategy changes. Constantine supposedly becomes a Christian and Christianity is accepted as the bona fide religion in the Roman world. Now God’s people, instead of being persecuted, find themselves being applauded, accepted and put on a pedestal which is a dangerous place to be.


In the immediate years following Christ’s death there was little formal organization of the Christian movement. The early converts thought that the return of Christ was near and they concentrated on their own personal lives of being ready for His coming. But by the second century there was a formal, hierarchical organization within the church.


There seems to be a two prong attack against Christianity. One comes from being accepted and no more persecution, and another from within by a false doctrine.


The most important development was the rise of the Bishop of Rome to a position of pre-eminence in the hierarchy of the church and with the title of “Pope” or “Father” in Greek. Rome became the center of the Christian faith for it was the largest city in the West, the capital of an empire and had a certain respect that was transferred to the Pope or Bishop of Rome.


It was during this time that serious debates raged about the personage of Christ. Arias, a priest in Alexandria believed that Christ was not fully God because he was not of a substance identical with God. Arias did not believe that Jesus was co-eternal with God and the controversy became so serious that Constantine convened a council called the “Nicene Council.” The council branded the idea of Arias as a heresy which was a doctrine contrary to the official teachings of the Church. Christ was declared henceforth to be of the same substance of God.


It was during these years of relative peace that the doctrines of the Church were being worked out. However, it is like Jesus said when He gave the parables of the kingdom in Matthew 13 that the wheat and the tares (the real and the false) will grow together until the harvest. This is what we had then and this is what we still have today.


Throughout the ages we see three things developing in every congregation and denomination. First, we have the Lord’s commands. This is not debatable; they are simply to be obeyed. Secondly, we have the apostolic teaching. Thirdly, we have what a congregation agrees on doing. There is nothing wrong with this, but what happens is that we begin to substitute point number three with point number one. In other words, what the congregation agrees on doing becomes as authoritative as the Lord’s commands.


Like our text reads at the beginning of this chapter, “we should not be ignorant of the devil’s devices or schemes.”


Terror to Triumph – Part 5

Revelation 12:11 “They overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”


The early expansion of the kingdom of God into the Roman world was not without difficulties and obstacles. However, it was done by men with great faith who believed God in what they were doing.


Seeing the extension of the kingdom of God comes down to our faith. The world is not going to change until people change. We have to go from the internal to the external. But for many evangelicals today the basic approach is to rescue as many sinners as possible from a dying world and then to simply just hang on until the return of Jesus. But, we are told to “occupy” and not just to survive.


When the early disciples started out they started with a protest against the tyranny, slavery, and the injustice that was in the world. Their basic weapon was Truth.  In his book, Shaking the System, Tim Stafford said: “It was truth that launched American anti-slavery. The truth was simple: Slavery is sin. Truth matters. Truth has the power to move people. When truth is recognized, the terms of debate change utterly. We need to be able to articulate the truth powerfully and convincingly.”


Jesus said that when we come to know the truth, the truth will set us free. These men/women armed with truth went out into the Roman world and within 70 years planted fellowships with the followers of the Truth.


Truth will lead to conflict and conflict will sort out our friends as well as enemies. The truth has enemies, but speaking the truth is crucial. When Paul and the other apostles went out, I am sure that they were faced with many frustrations and being faced with those frustrations they probably also had long discussions about tactics.


We see something of this when Paul and his team tried to go to different places in Asia Minor, but the Holy Spirit stopped them. They finally wound up in a place called Troas on the Aegean Sea. After Paul’s dream of the Macedonian Call, Paul and his team debated over tactics as to what they should do. We read that they concluded that they were to go into Europe. Their tactics had changed, but the Truth remained the same.


Having the privilege of being able to travel in so many countries of the world I see that each country is unique and every country has the need for different strategies at different times. For example, in Karnataka India where I first worked almost 40 years ago I could not find any village pastors, but there was need to get as much of the Word of God out as possible then. Now, 40 years later the strategy has changed. Instead of being in the villages, preaching in the markets, giving out as much literature as possible, we are now finding that there is need for teaching the thousands of village pastors who have come into existence. The strategy has changed. However, the Truth is still the same. We must never forget or neglect the Truth.


I thought it was rather interesting to see the strategy of Paul and what Tim Stafford said in his book, Shaking the System: “We need to have a strategy for presenting truth (Paul did. He went to key cities). First, we need to stick to principle, not sentiment. Second, we need to insist on public debate (Paul stayed several years in Ephesus in a rented hall. He also spent time in the synagogues to reason and persuade). Thirdly, the discussion should be thorough and deep. We need to get away from ‘sound bites.’ Fourthly, we need to emphasize facts. Fifthly, calmly present the truth to ordinary people and not the elites (often Paul was among the masses of ordinary people). Sixthly, we need to press for a decision. Facts must lead to commitment.” We should not only know the truth that undergirds what we are doing, but we should think and plan on how to make it prominent.


To me this was the basis of the early disciples’ strategy to see the extension of the kingdom of God.

Stay the Path

I just finished reading the book of Nehemiah, and noted all the attacks he faced. Evil always uses the same method of attacking any work of God.


1. Scoffing – Nehemiah 2:19
2. Mocking – Nehemiah 4:1
3. Physical harm – Nehemiah 4:7-9
4. Slander – Nehemiah 5:6-7
5. Gain access to our leadership – Nehemiah 6:19
6. Infiltrate our places of worship Nehemiah 13:5
7. Destroy our godly families – Nehemiah 13:28


2 Corinthians 2:11 “so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.”


Ephesians 6:10-13 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.”


Lord, give us Your wisdom to recognize the schemes of the evil one, help us to stand up against evil with Your truth and love. Forgive us for entertaining evil in our own hearts, in our homes and in our places of worship. Thank You that You forgive and restore because of the good future You have for those who love You. Help us to stay on Your path Lord!

The Proverbs 31 Woman – Chapter 43 – His Reflection and Reward

The excellent woman strives to reflect the excellence of her Father God. I’m not talking about being perfect in that we never sin or fail, but rather that we strive to have a heart after God’s heart. This is how we reflect Him on the earth. This is why He will reward our faith.


“The Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness is with their children’s children — with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.” Psalms 103:17-18


The growing hatred for ‘godliness’ is something we need to ‘faithfully’ ignore and just simply ‘follow through’ living for the Lord boldly, peacefully and joyfully. You don’t need to fear the opinions of the ungodly or to succumb to the threats of the wicked because “greater is HE who is within us than he that is in the world.”


God does not reward cowards. He who is seated on the Throne says, “I am making everything new!” “Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars – they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” Revelation 21:5, 7-8


“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. For, ‘in just a little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay.’ ‘But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back. But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.’” Hebrews 10:36-39


“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6


“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate before the Father – Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” 1 John 2:1


God will hold you and your family up if you will do your best to obey His instructions and trust in His promises.


There’s only one reason why a child grows up to praise and honor his/her mother. It’s the sum of all the many [mostly little] things she eagerly and lovingly did for them, as well as for their father, in making their home the best place on earth they had ever been. Even the friends of her husband and children look forward to being in the home of this woman.


Never forget how important your home is, how others see you serve and esteem your husband and children, making all guests feel welcomed and blessed to be in your home and in your presence. The home of the just is a safe place because God is loved and honored there.


“A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” Proverbs 31:30-31

Father’s Open Arms

Talking to my Father God this morning and thanking for Him for His open arms anytime I want to come to Him, I thought about earthly fathers with their children, and how important it is for a child to always feel free and confident to run into his/her daddy’s lap and arms for the affection and attention they need from their daddy, or mommy too. A child truly needs to feel this, and not feel rejected or put off. Little children can be annoying or in the way of our personal what-evers, but oh how so very important it is to allow our children the right to feel accepted at any time, and affectionally favored.


I thought how very sad it is for a child NOT to feel free and confident, and why that is. What would make a child afraid of their daddy, or not sure of their daddy’s love? A man that has never known the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, certainly. Maybe a man who never had an affectionate dad, but rather an abusive dad. Maybe a man who simply never had a dad at home, just a mother to raise him.


I didn’t have a loving dad at home. He was a marine and wasn’t home much. When he did come home, and most the time drunk – he was mean to our mom. (I was the oldest of three daughters.) I didn’t like him at all. He enjoyed tormenting my younger sister because she was a frail fearful child. Hum, I wonder why. I was always glad when he left.


My mother told me how I stood up to him one time when I was about 8 years old. He had come home drunk trying to pick a fight with her in the hallway. I got out of bed and got between them and then looking up at him I said, “YOU LEAVE MY MOMMY ALONE!”


Like I said, I didn’t like that man, but when I met Jesus at the age of 22, I began to reach out to my dad who lived on the opposite side of the country from me and my hubby. In my heart I felt a forgiveness for him, and it’s because I knew the Lord’s forgiveness for all MY sins. I began to write letters to my dad telling him about my life, my husband and children and my love for the Lord. He told me one time when we were on the phone, “Carol, I want to hear about you and your family but not any of that Jesus bullshit.” I responded, “Well then dad, you don’t want to know me – because Jesus IS my life.” Then I hung up.


I continued to write him letters, not omitting my testimonies of the Lord of my life. Years later my dad’s second wife called me to tell me that he had passed. (He was in his fifties.) My dad was born on Halloween (October 31st) and he died on April Fool’s Day (April 1st ). Oh, he was an atheist too. God knows he had every chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, if just from me alone, and to believe. Who knows, maybe he did, even though I never heard if he did. Heaven will reveal so many things!


In America today we see all the horrible results of grown children (adults) who never had a loving strong father to raise them in the right way. I am so very thankful that MY heavenly Father reached out to me to draw me to Himself and show me His Beloved Son who died in my place to forgive my sins, and then to present His Holy Word to me (the Bible) so I could KNOW HIM, Who was, and Who is and Who is to come; Who is everything He says He is – to His children, and even to all His enemies.


I am His daughter and He is my Daddy forever! Every morning I freely and confidently run into His lap to just sit and talk to Him about everything; to ask Him for things for myself, for my husband and children, and for others I love; I ask Him to use me in any way He wants, asking Him to forgive my resistance at times. I can freely express my anger and rage to my Father God – towards our wicked and foolish leaders in this nation, and to ask Him to work in their hearts and turn them around. I ask Him to give my own children the way and the will to grow up in their most holy faith in Him, and for each of their marriages and families to be secure in Him, being pillars in society. I ask Him for my unknown brothers and sisters in other parts of the world undergoing severe persecution of their faith in His Son to have the strength to endure it – to the end.


There are so many things we can ask our Father God, in Jesus’ Name, and talk to Him about so openly, as we each live our own ‘unique’ lives. Every one of His children is His favorite. What a future we all have to look forward to with our Great Redeemer and precious perfect Father God, as the true sons and daughters of the Most High God!


“Jesus came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—children born not of blood, nor of the desire or will of man, but born of God.” John 1:11-13

Terror to Triumph – Part 4

1 Corinthians 10:20 “The sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.”


Rome, like empires before and after, were caught up in what is known as the five deadly sins. What were the five deadly sins of history?
1 – Rejection of God’s laws. 2 – Tyranny/ worship of leaders. 3 – Enslave or execute enemies. 4 – Human sacrifice. 5 – Persecution of the believers.


We can see the same five deadly sins operating in some countries in the world today where the kingdom of God is spreading. One thing that comes out is that there is a major problem in the heart of man. God’s laws are written on the hearts of all men.  “Since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.” Romans 2:15


When we reject the laws of God we will have problems in our families to the third and fourth generation.  We can trace this through history.  We do not break God’s laws, but God’s laws should break us unto obedience. Persecution of believers takes place in all pagan empires.


It was this type of environment that the 12 apostles, along with the other disciples, went out into the Roman world preaching the gospel of the kingdom. The book of Acts shares some of the problems that they faced as well as victories won and sacrifices they made.


Paul, one of the guiding lights in the days of the early church, is converted in a dramatic way on the road to Damascus. During those days of Paul’s blindness and as he fasted, his theology was shaped. He begins to move out in the power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He is chosen to go to the Gentiles.


From Antioch Paul begins his missionary journeys into the Roman world and the kingdom of God begins to spread. Although Rome committed the five deadly sins mentioned above, there was still a certain amount of peace and common language, and the Roman roads that allowed the gospel to spread.


We read in Acts 16 that Paul and his companions traveled throughout the province of Asia. However, when they came to the border of Mysia they tried to enter Bithynia (which is located in the northern – Eurasian part – of modern-day Turkey), but the Spirit of God would not allow them. So we read that they came down to a place called Troas located on the Aegean Sea.


It was during the night that Paul had a dream of a man standing in Macedonia calling and begging him to “come over to Macedonia and help us.” We read that the next morning they concluded that God had called them to preach the gospel to them in Macedonia.


We see that this decision to go to Macedonia in fact caused the gospel of the kingdom beginning a westward movement. The gospel was coming into Europe. It is quite remarkable to think that within 70 years the apostle Paul, with his companions and other disciples – that God used, spread the Kingdom of God throughout the Roman Empire.


In 68 AD Nero committed suicide and Rome was left without a leader. Civil War ensued and the generals fought for control of the empire. About 50,000 people died. Eventually Vespasian becomes the Emperor, but he lacked authority and so he knew that he needed a foreign victory to secure his throne.


He turned his attention upon Jerusalem and the destruction of Jerusalem came about. Not only was the Temple destroyed but over 1 million people died. However, Rome was coming to the end of the empire, but the kingdom of God that started in a small obscure village in Palestine was beginning to spread throughout the world.


Today, in the 21st century the Roman Empire is long gone, but the kingdom of God is moving on.

Christ’s Full Legacy

Just sitting here thanking my Lord that His legacy didn’t and doesn’t stop at the cruel Cross where He hung nailed in OUR place as guilty sinners and rebels, but that for THOSE who believe and surrender to Jesus Christ the Savior of the world – there is no longer any condemnation from our Father God, but rather forgivenness with His peace and joy, having poured His love into us by His Holy Spirit of truth and power.
Our Lord’s legacy does not stop there, HALLELUJAH! our resurrected Savior stands at the Father’s Right Hand as my (our) GREAT High Priest covering us from Satan’s accusations and requests to do great harm to Christ’s disciples. Jesus our great Defender – until the time of His finale’ when He comes riding down with all His Saints FROM GLORY to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords over all the earth – for one thousand years, doing all that the WORD of GOD says He will do in conquering all evil and rebellion, restoring and renewing all things God created that He once called “good,” making ready in fullness – that great and awesome Day when NEW Jerusalem comes down to earth from Heaven prepared as a Bride for the Bridegroom who reigns Supreme on David’s Throne: King Jesus, as the whole world witnesses it.
“Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven,” just as Jesus said.
Then God will be all in all, as the Word of God proclaims. This is the legacy of God’s Son, our SAVIOR and KING! What a future the people of the Living Word of God have!
The Bible (God’s Word) leaves off with Revelation 22, but there’s an eternity to live with our Father God, and I believe He didn’t write anymore down for us to know on this side of GLORY because “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive, what Father God has eternally prepared for those who LOVE HIM!” How could anyone doubt, or worse, reject the love of God! This is my Father’s world!