Many existing medicines have been proven by doctors to be very effective in healing people of COVID-19 and Delta Variant symptoms, and probably these other lines of virus’ they say have come such as D164G and G614m, strains of SARS-Covid.
The CDC can not be trusted, as the CDC director broke with her agency’s scientists to endorse the new booster shot for adults working in high risk jobs. Why would she go against the agency’s panel decision to wait on the booster? Their ‘test trial’ finished quickly and so they are warning to wait at least 3 months or longer on boosters. The FDA panel said it would be especially harmful to young and healthy people, but she endorsed it anyway. Now Biden is pushing for all Americans to get the booster. We know that when he makes a ‘suggestion’ that it will become a ‘mandate’ soon, which is unconstitutional and lawless on his part.
I remember learning some years ago, although it didn’t get out in most of the media of course, that they had traced Autism and Alzheimer to childhood immunizations. Oh that’s just a myth, not true at all you say? Don’t be a fool. You can’t have all these chemicals and virus’ injected into your body and it have no short and long term effect!
Like most, I believe in the true science of ‘natural immunity’ after getting sick with something – being the best protection. But why is it being ignored by the democrat party, so that they want ALL Americans to get vaccinated. Doctors have said that after getting sick and having natural immunities, that getting vaccinated for what you now have natural immunity for, is harmful to your body.
If you think we will come to the end of this pandemic, you’re wrong. There is an agenda to control people with fear of getting sick. Not just dying from a disease, but any kind of runny nose, cough, body ache, headache, fever. I remember a day when we got sick with whatever and it wasn’t a crisis like it has become today. People have died in the past for many reasons, as well as with previous pandemics. People choose to get vaccines for their own reasons. Rightly so. But what we have today is not about the health and safety of all Americans, or there wouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution they are pushing on us. It’s all about CONTROL! More and more Americans are getting it! Thank God!
Did you know that a simple over-the-counter high salt saline nasal spray reduces the risk of hospitalization by 19 fold? (quoting Dr. Marty Makary, a physician at John Hopkins University, who opposes what the CDC director did by endorsing the booster before it was tested long enough. It’s way too early said half the CDC panel. If there’s any risk seen by half of the expert scientists, why would it be endorsed? That’s why we can’t trust everything we’re told today, especially from those with a political agenda of their own.
I have been doing my own research on COVID and it’s strains, and the vaccines. I’m not against vaccinations altogether. I won’t get vaccinated because of how I believe what God says in His Word to me. I AM FULLY against how it is being used to bring us under the control of the government without the freedom of making our own decisions about vaccinations and everything else they are proposing.
I have people telling me how they and their friends have been vaccinated and have not had any side effects. That means very little, since side effects don’t all show up immediately. When our kids were toddlers and pre-school age, forced to have a handful of vaccines which they call immunizations back then, or they couldn’t enroll into the public school, I just went along with it, as most did and still do today. I remember praying over my children that God would protect them from all that was being injected into their little bodies.
Faith in God and in His Word about sickness, disease and death is far more truthful and preventative than anything the doctors can say or come up with to inject into our bodies. So I am a religious fanatic because I believe that way?! Well, I could turn it on you. Why do you believe what comes out of the mouths of the media of the president, and out of the mouth of the president himself who is being told what to say, without doing your own research, when there is so much expert contradiction to what they are saying and wanting to enforce?
God uses doctors and medicine for sure. Say what you want but I have peace from my Creator God in how He is having me to see all this today with the pandemic and vaccines. We will not see the end of this as more and more ‘strains’ pop up with all the more so-called ‘necessary’ vaccines. So whom should I trust? Humans with their degrees of limited knowledge and ability? Or, should I trust my Creator Father God with ALL His knowledge and power?
Those who reject God and His words and His wisdom can take all the vaccines and prescribed drugs they want. And I will not judge them for it. But don’t tell me I have to think a certain way, and believe a certain way. And don’t tell me that these mandates by our current administration, people that has been proven to have no competence to lead the right way with all our nation is going through, we must go along with, without question or debate!
Look what we have under this administration: Rising prices on everything (real estate, food, gas, etc.) open borders and financial funding to illegals bringing in who knows what (drugs, sex-trafficking, gangs, ISIS, diseases), shutting down our natural resource industries so we are dependent on our enemies, economic failure, failed education (CRT and white children told to apologize and pay up for being white, teaching on sexual immorality as if it is healthy and good), raising taxes continually to pay for the things our government has no right in funding at all, and now they want to track what you spend your money on by using the IRS to do this. Oh yes, and they are working so very hard to silence the voices of those with some real common sense on all these issues….. and I’m supposed to trust this kind of leadership and do what they want?! God says in His Word that His wisdom is higher than the wisdom of the world, but even worldly wisdom is higher than what we have leading our nation now! God help us! He’s the only One who can.
God has been very clear in His Word that His people are not to obey the laws of men that conflict and reject God’s laws and principles, or else we bring on ourselves increasing curses: plagues, famines, pestilence, civil unrest, lawlessness, hardships, turmoil, division in family, double standards in justice, hatred of truth and righteousness.
My heart goes out to the small businesses that are being forced out because of an administration breaking our laws and trying to force people to live under their fear-mongering and mandates control; making them require all their employees and customers to show proof of vaccinations, or go under weekly tests for COVID at their own expense (and it won’t stop with COVID), or be put out of business. Hello! This is insane tyranny. Look at all that has been going on because of the fear in people and with the unfair mandates by governing officials. People are now going around asking others if they have been vaccinated and if you dare say NO you are attacked. You don’t have the right to ask a person for their health record or about anything personal. But, law and order is under attack to. In fact, this current administration is lawless.
“HIPAA privacy laws ensure that patient data cannot be accessed by unauthorized individuals. Patients must give their consent before their personal health information is shared for reasons other than treatment, payment for healthcare services, or use for healthcare operations, and patients also have the right to obtain copies of their health data.”
“The HIPAA Privacy Standards are intended to protect the privacy of all individually identifiable health information created or held by covered entities, regardless of whether it is or ever has been in electronic form. This includes paper records and oral communications. Covered entities (health plans, providers, clearinghouses) must maintain documentation of their policies and procedures for complying with the standards, and must include a statement of who has access to protected health information, how it is used within the covered entity, and when it would or would not be disclosed to other entities. Providers must obtain a patient’s consent for the disclosure or use of the patient’s health information, even for treatment, payment, and health care operations purposes. Covered entities must make a reasonable effort not to use or disclose more than the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish the intended purpose of the use or disclosure, except when the information is used for purposes of treatment. An individual has a right of access to his or her protected health information, to request amending or correcting it, and to receive an accounting of all disclosures. The privacy standards were published December 28, 2000 and the compliance date was April 14, 2003. The IHS developed and implemented the required HIPAA Privacy Standards policies, forms and training prior to the compliance date.”
I remember back after Biden/Harris came into the White House, and I asked God why it happened. He said to me, and YES GOD SPEAKS TO PEOPLE WHO GO TO HIM AND TRUST IN HIM AND DEPEND ON HIM….”Now you will see the worst in the democrat party.” What was the point? To wake up Americans to the Deep State ideology and agenda the democrat party of the left were trying to keep hidden because they knew the majority of America would be outraged in knowing what they are up to.
In doing my own research on the pandemic vaccines: “OVER vaccination causes your natural immune system to be suppressed: causing one’s own anti-bodies or immune system to work right. Less injecting is best for your own immune system to work right.” And now with other strains – more vaccines will come! Beware. Be wise. And above all, believe in what God says about diseases and death (in His Word, the Bible). With all the new vaccines that are COMING FOR SURE, think about all the virus’ that are being injected into your body through vaccines. Do you NOT think this will have an effect on your own body’s natural immune system?
Why would I put the knowledge of human doctors and scientists above what God says? God, the one who created our bodies and told us why we get sick and die, and how we can prevent and overcome harmful things in our human life. I DO believe that God can give doctors and scientists the knowledge to produce medicines and vaccines that can lower risk and temporarily heal our bodies, but NOT ALL doctors and scientists are to be trusted to do what is right. Especially in our day, when so many doctors and scientists have alternative reasons than for our health and safety. Just like NOT ALL media sources can be trusted to report the truth without their political twist.
Do what you want, but know the facts before making up your mind. AND, the government has NO RIGHT in forcing you against your will when it comes to your own health and personal safety.
“The G614 variant may impede (hinder/hamper/delay) vaccine design. One of the immediate questions involves the impact of this and other mutations on vaccine efficiency and the potential need to develop multiple candidate vaccines that cover a range of epitopes and their variants,” the professor of medicine and director of the Urban Community Cardiology Program at New York University, Richard A. Stein wrote in an editorial response to the Langone Health study.”
“Going back to the US study that discovered the G614 variant, the authors stated that “the highly prevalent [G614] variant in the European population may cause antigenic drift, resulting in vaccine mismatches that offer little protection to that group of patients.” This possibility must be considered “in the design of a “one size fits all” universal vaccine to offer protection against the deadliest outbreak in this century.”
“Can D164G Strain affect Vaccine Development? Several vaccines against COVID-19 are in a trial phase (some have passed the first trial) and are designed considering the spike proteins of the virus. Recent Oxford’s vaccine has been designed in a way that it helps make antibodies against the virus spike proteins and also helps stimulate the immune system to produce special immune cells to fight against the virus. According to a report published in the journal Cell, the mutated strain might affect the efficacy (worth/value) of the vaccine but only to certain extend.”
“The WHO and other health experts and researchers are still unclear about the nature of D164G. Till now, they don’t have evidence to prove that the new strain could lead to more severe diseases in people or cause problems in vaccine development.”
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