Wait on the Lord

2 Chronicles 16 is talking about a king of Israel. This king had sought out God throughout his life but in the end of life he had a situation come up that tested his walk with God. This king did not seek God’s help but rather solved it in human wisdom. The result was the problem was resolved, but, God wanted to prove His power to the king by resolving it for him. Since the king did not seek God, it was said of the king by God. “You missed your chance! Don’t you remember what happened to the Ethiopians and Libyans and their vast army, with all of their chariots and charioteers? At that time you relied on the LORD, and he handed them over to you. The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. WHAT A FOOL YOU HAVE BEEN! From now on you will be at war.”




From then on this king did not seek God. What a way to end one’s life. There is a quote that I use a lot, “You will be remembered by how you finish not how you start.” This king who did great things for God early in his life will now be remembered as a man who missed his chance.

Do Your Own Research

Many existing medicines have been proven by doctors to be very effective in healing people of COVID-19 and Delta Variant symptoms, and probably these other lines of virus’ they say have come such as D164G and G614m, strains of SARS-Covid.



The CDC can not be trusted, as the CDC director broke with her agency’s scientists to endorse the new booster shot for adults working in high risk jobs. Why would she go against the agency’s panel decision to wait on the booster? Their ‘test trial’ finished quickly and so they are warning to wait at least 3 months or longer on boosters. The FDA panel said it would be especially harmful to young and healthy people, but she endorsed it anyway. Now Biden is pushing for all Americans to get the booster.  We know that when he makes a ‘suggestion’ that it will become a ‘mandate’ soon, which is unconstitutional and lawless on his part.



I remember learning some years ago, although it didn’t get out in most of the media of course, that they had traced Autism and Alzheimer to childhood immunizations. Oh that’s just a myth, not true at all you say? Don’t be a fool. You can’t have all these chemicals and virus’ injected into your body and it have no short and long term effect!



Like most, I believe in the true science of ‘natural immunity’ after getting sick with something – being the best protection. But why is it being ignored by the democrat party, so that they want ALL Americans to get vaccinated. Doctors have said that after getting sick and having natural immunities, that getting vaccinated for what you now have natural immunity for, is harmful to your body.



If you think we will come to the end of this pandemic, you’re wrong. There is an agenda to control people with fear of getting sick. Not just dying from a disease, but any kind of runny nose, cough, body ache, headache, fever. I remember a day when we got sick with whatever and it wasn’t a crisis like it has become today. People have died in the past for many reasons, as well as with previous pandemics. People choose to get vaccines for their own reasons. Rightly so. But what we have today is not about the health and safety of all Americans, or there wouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution they are pushing on us. It’s all about CONTROL!  More and more Americans are getting it! Thank God!



Did you know that a simple over-the-counter high salt saline nasal spray reduces the risk of hospitalization by 19 fold? (quoting Dr. Marty Makary, a physician at John Hopkins University, who opposes what the CDC director did by endorsing the booster before it was tested long enough. It’s way too early said half the CDC panel. If there’s any risk seen by half of the expert scientists, why would it be endorsed? That’s why we can’t trust everything we’re told today, especially from those with a political agenda of their own.



I have been doing my own research on COVID and it’s strains, and the vaccines. I’m not against vaccinations altogether. I won’t get vaccinated because of how I believe what God says in His Word to me. I AM FULLY against how it is being used to bring us under the control of the government without the freedom of making our own decisions about vaccinations and everything else they are proposing.



I have people telling me how they and their friends have been vaccinated and have not had any side effects. That means very little, since side effects don’t all show up immediately. When our kids were toddlers and pre-school age, forced to have a handful of vaccines which they call immunizations back then, or they couldn’t enroll into the public school, I just went along with it, as most did and still do today. I remember praying over my children that God would protect them from all that was being injected into their little bodies.



Faith in God and in His Word about sickness, disease and death is far more truthful and preventative than anything the doctors can say or come up with to inject into our bodies. So I am a religious fanatic because I believe that way?! Well, I could turn it on you. Why do you believe what comes out of the mouths of the media of the president, and out of the mouth of the president himself who is being told what to say, without doing your own research, when there is so much expert contradiction to what they are saying and wanting to enforce?



God uses doctors and medicine for sure.  Say what you want but I have peace from my Creator God in how He is having me to see all this today with the pandemic and vaccines.  We will not see the end of this as more and more ‘strains’ pop up with all the more so-called ‘necessary’ vaccines. So whom should I trust? Humans with their degrees of limited knowledge and ability? Or, should I trust my Creator Father God with ALL His knowledge and power?



Those who reject God and His words and His wisdom can take all the vaccines and prescribed drugs they want. And I will not judge them for it. But don’t tell me I have to think a certain way, and believe a certain way. And don’t tell me that these mandates by our current administration, people that has been proven to have no competence to lead the right way with all our nation is going through, we must go along with, without question or debate!



Look what we have under this administration: Rising prices on everything (real estate, food, gas, etc.) open borders and financial funding to illegals bringing in who knows what (drugs, sex-trafficking, gangs, ISIS, diseases), shutting down our natural resource industries so we are dependent on our enemies, economic failure, failed education (CRT and white children told to apologize and pay up for being white, teaching on sexual immorality as if it is healthy and good), raising taxes continually to pay for the things our government has no right in funding at all, and now they want to track what you spend your money on by using the IRS to do this. Oh yes, and they are working so very hard to silence the voices of those with some real common sense on all these issues….. and I’m supposed to trust this kind of leadership and do what they want?!  God says in His Word that His wisdom is higher than the wisdom of the world, but even worldly wisdom is higher than what we have leading our nation now! God help us! He’s the only One who can.



God has been very clear in His Word that His people are not to obey the laws of men that conflict and reject God’s laws and principles, or else we bring on ourselves increasing curses: plagues, famines, pestilence, civil unrest, lawlessness, hardships, turmoil, division in family, double standards in justice, hatred of truth and righteousness.



My heart goes out to the small businesses that are being forced out because of an administration breaking our laws and trying to force people to live under their fear-mongering and mandates control; making them require all their employees and customers to show proof of vaccinations, or go under weekly tests for COVID at their own expense (and it won’t stop with COVID), or be put out of business. Hello! This is insane tyranny. Look at all that has been going on because of the fear in people and with the unfair mandates by governing officials. People are now going around asking others if they have been vaccinated and if you dare say NO you are attacked. You don’t have the right to ask a person for their health record or about anything personal. But, law and order is under attack to. In fact, this current administration is lawless.



“HIPAA privacy laws ensure that patient data cannot be accessed by unauthorized individuals. Patients must give their consent before their personal health information is shared for reasons other than treatment, payment for healthcare services, or use for healthcare operations, and patients also have the right to obtain copies of their health data.”



“The HIPAA Privacy Standards are intended to protect the privacy of all individually identifiable health information created or held by covered entities, regardless of whether it is or ever has been in electronic form. This includes paper records and oral communications. Covered entities (health plans, providers, clearinghouses) must maintain documentation of their policies and procedures for complying with the standards, and must include a statement of who has access to protected health information, how it is used within the covered entity, and when it would or would not be disclosed to other entities. Providers must obtain a patient’s consent for the disclosure or use of the patient’s health information, even for treatment, payment, and health care operations purposes. Covered entities must make a reasonable effort not to use or disclose more than the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish the intended purpose of the use or disclosure, except when the information is used for purposes of treatment. An individual has a right of access to his or her protected health information, to request amending or correcting it, and to receive an accounting of all disclosures. The privacy standards were published December 28, 2000 and the compliance date was April 14, 2003. The IHS developed and implemented the required HIPAA Privacy Standards policies, forms and training prior to the compliance date.”



I remember back after Biden/Harris came into the White House, and I asked God why it happened. He said to me, and YES GOD SPEAKS TO PEOPLE WHO GO TO HIM AND TRUST IN HIM AND DEPEND ON HIM….”Now you will see the worst in the democrat party.” What was the point? To wake up Americans to the Deep State ideology and agenda the democrat party of the left were trying to keep hidden because they knew the majority of America would be outraged in knowing what they are up to.



In doing my own research on the pandemic vaccines: “OVER vaccination causes your natural immune system to be suppressed: causing one’s own anti-bodies or immune system to work right.  Less injecting is best for your own immune system to work right.” And now with other strains – more vaccines will come!  Beware. Be wise. And above all, believe in what God says about diseases and death (in His Word, the Bible). With all the new vaccines that are COMING FOR SURE, think about all the virus’ that are being injected into your body through vaccines.  Do you NOT think this will have an effect on your own body’s natural immune system?



Why would I put the knowledge of human doctors and scientists above what God says? God, the one who created our bodies and told us why we get sick and die, and how we can prevent and overcome harmful things in our human life. I DO believe that God can give doctors and scientists the knowledge to produce medicines and vaccines that can lower risk and temporarily heal our bodies, but NOT ALL doctors and scientists are to be trusted to do what is right.  Especially in our day, when so many doctors and scientists have alternative reasons than for our health and safety. Just like NOT ALL media sources can be trusted to report the truth without their political twist.



Do what you want, but know the facts before making up your mind. AND, the government has NO RIGHT in forcing you against your will when it comes to your own health and personal safety.


“The G614 variant may impede (hinder/hamper/delay) vaccine design. One of the immediate questions involves the impact of this and other mutations on vaccine efficiency and the potential need to develop multiple candidate vaccines that cover a range of epitopes and their variants,” the professor of medicine and director of the Urban Community Cardiology Program at New York University, Richard A. Stein wrote in an editorial response to the Langone Health study.”


“Going back to the US study that discovered the G614 variant, the authors stated that “the highly prevalent [G614] variant in the European population may cause antigenic drift, resulting in vaccine mismatches that offer little protection to that group of patients.” This possibility must be considered “in the design of a “one size fits all” universal vaccine to offer protection against the deadliest outbreak in this century.”



“Can D164G Strain affect Vaccine Development? Several vaccines against COVID-19 are in a trial phase (some have passed the first trial) and are designed considering the spike proteins of the virus. Recent Oxford’s vaccine has been designed in a way that it helps make antibodies against the virus spike proteins and also helps stimulate the immune system to produce special immune cells to fight against the virus. According to a report published in the journal Cell, the mutated strain might affect the efficacy (worth/value) of the vaccine but only to certain extend.”



“The WHO and other health experts and researchers are still unclear about the nature of D164G. Till now, they don’t have evidence to prove that the new strain could lead to more severe diseases in people or cause problems in vaccine development.”


Read more at: https://www.boldsky.com/health/disorders-cure/what-to-know-about-d614g-strain-of-coronavirus/articlecontent-pf223340-134367.html

Read more at: https://www.boldsky.com/health/disorders-cure/what-to-know-about-d614g-strain-of-coronavirus/articlecontent-pf223340-134367.html



America the WHAT?

Biden’s current plan of his tax-hike on those businesses that make over $450K or more a year to help cover their 3.5T funding will destroy our economy.


“Tax the Rich!” “Share the Wealth!” It’s ignorance for their followers, but for these politicians it’s both stupidity of some and a scheme to crush our economy by the others. But WHY would they want to crush our economy (by ‘progressively’ raising taxes on those who are prospering in big ways (corporations) and then are able to provide the MOST jobs in our nation? Small businesses provide minimum wage mostly, but gives people a place to start.


I’m interested in this because our family has a ‘Construction’ small family business that is “incorporated.”


The narrative is to hit the millionaires and billionaires, but it WILL have a trickle-down-effect on us all. It’s the working families that will get hit with a great tax increase in the democrat’s 3.5 trillion plan of spending. This plan will hurt small business more than big business, and they know it.


Congress’ own tax committee says that this ‘waste’ funding/spending that raises all our taxes will LAND THE HARDEST ON MIDDLE INCOME FAMILIES.


This administration is punishing investors with this plan from investing HERE IN AMERICA; forces them to invest overseas instead. This destroys our economy. Three million businesses have been killed HERE under this administration, pushing them overseas to help other economies of nations, like China our enemy. What stupidity! Or is it?


We will see with them having their way here: more small businesses not able to survive, less growth in paychecks, less growth in opportunities to prosper.


Mainstream America gets POUNDED in this tax bill with the government taking greater control over our lives: business, paychecks, health, life altogether, and that’s what driving them.


The prosperity we WERE SEEING in 2019 (under Trump): lowest level of poverty in American history; closed racial gap in unemployment; blue collar wages rising more than in one year than in a whole decade under Obama, people weren’t taxed to death, but their taxes cut which led to economic growth, our 401Ks were protected, unlike under this administration’s bill. In the year of 2019 (under Trump) there was more economic expansion than in Obama’s 8 years. There was more economic equality in 2019, the poverty rate the lowest because women and people of color and young people without skills were getting good paying jobs with rising paychecks – because businesses were free to prosper under Trump (a business man with common sense).


The power of economic freedom is letting people KEEP MORE of what they earn! Cut taxes! Common sense! But common sense is being thrown out today! You give businesses incentive to grow and expand with their workers! Part of that is ‘cutting taxes’ on businesses and corporations.


Joe Biden is NOT a ‘capitalist,’ no matter what he says. His plan proves it, punishing working families not only with this tax plan, but with COVID policies and now declaring war on the ‘unvaccinated’ and what that will do to even more working family small businesses. Biden wants the wealthy to pay their share. He has the ignorant in the democrat party thinking it’s NOT FAIR that the wealthy aren’t paying more taxes than they are. They have been made to believe by a false narrative that the wealthy write their own rules for being taxes, for expanding, and for their own growth.


Under this plan, for example: a small business tries to expand doing more of the same in other communities (franchises). But when they reach Biden’s threshold of $400K a year, they come under a huge tax increase, so that they cannot keep growing and creating more jobs. This HINDERS a growing economy, hinders job increase and individual opportunities. Another example: a family business wants to be passed down to the next generation who will have huge taxes to deal with, not able to carry on the business.


When they go after “capital gains,” with increasing taxes you have less investments going on to keep the economy going and growing as our population keeps growing under this anti-American administration. They want a bigger population beholding to them, with their open borders and Afghan refugees favored over our American citizens left behind to suffer under the Taliban. Who is going to support all this funding to support all these illegals and refugees? Not to even mention, all coming into our nation with COVID and criminal plans! OUTRAGEOUS!


This is not just about the Billionaires; it will GREATLY affect ALL America’s hard working families – as it trickles down. But the simple-minded don’t seem to get this, or they are simply afraid to see it and then be responsible to provide for themselves, instead of government nursing them through life.


So I go back to my original question: WHY IS THIS WHITE HOUSE ADMINISTRATION WORKING SO FAST AND AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION – TO DESTROY AMERICA’S ECONOMY? WHO or WHAT is really behind it all? Clearly it’s about transforming American into a different country where we work for the government instead of the government working for us “we the people” who have more power than they do, ACCORDING TO OUR CONSTITUTION! And that’s why this party in the White House is breaking our constitutional laws in so many ways. But who will hold THEM accountable? They have the WH, the Senate and the House, right now. They want to pack the Supreme Court – so they can control that accountability also!


It’s something we better understand and deal with FAST! May these next two elections show that Americans of all ‘parties’ have finally seen what they need to see, hear what they need to hear, understand what they’ve needed to understand – so we can DO WHAT WE NEED TO DO!


God help us!

Faith and Opposition

Faith is nothing more than doing what our Lord has told you to do! When we act upon His words there will always be a wall of opposition. If we focus on the wall we will always make a wrong assumption, and it will be that our Lord does not care. Faith requires us to walk through the wall, by believing His words.
Mark 4:24,35-40.
Jesus told His disciples to “pay attention to His words, and then He told them ‘lets go to the other side of the lake.'” So they acted upon His words and got into the boat to go to the other side of the lake. While they moved forward a storm of opposition came at them. This storm made them doubt His words, and they made a wrong assumption, and said “Don’t you care.” He was always with them, and He knew what they were facing, but was quiet. He wanted them to trust Him, and believe His words, “that they would be on the other side of the lake,” just like He said.
Going through a wall of opposition will require us to remember the wonders He has performed in the past, until the time comes to fulfill His words to you now. His quietness is only testing your character to trust Him. Wait for his counsel, and believe His promise to care for you. Because everything will happen just as He declared it.

Accountability of Government

In the book of Acts (in the Bible – chapter 16) teaches Christians to hold the authorities accountable for their injustice. After Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for telling people how to be saved through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then beaten and severely flogged, God used them in prison.  God uses the persecution of His saints to bring more to Himself.



“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” I’m sure many of these prisoners began to call on the Lord. God did an amazing thing for Paul and Silas in prison, opening the prison doors, where they could’ve escaped, but chose to stay put. Integrity! The Jailer almost killed himself fearing the authorities over all the prisoners escaping, but Paul and Silas stopped him, “We are all here!” The Jailer and his family were saved by the grace of God through this miracle and the message of the Gospel by Paul and Silas.



Paul and Silas’ crime: “These men (Jews with Roman citizenship) are throwing our city into an uproar by advocating CUSTOMS unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice.”  Their accusers called the TRUTH of the Gospel, an UNLAWFUL custom that should not be accepted or practiced in Rome.



As I read this passage this morning it hit me how here in America the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST has become UNLAWFUL to accept and practice. Why? Because to those who worship other gods – the Gospel of Jesus Christ threatens them; holds them accountable to their Creator God for their sins (but also shows them way of salvation!).  In this particular account in Acts – the threat was how a female slave who foretold the future was being used by her owners to make money.  Hum. Has our government been using our abilities (with outrageous taxation and costly penalties) so they can live in luxury, not really serving the people, but themselves? I’d say yes, for most.



Here we have a pastor right now, of an L.A. church suing L.A. for injustice, and winning by way of our Constitutional rights.



Rev. Franklin Graham, in a Facebook post, celebrated John MacArthur’s victory, saying “Thank you for standing firm. This is a huge victory for religious liberty—it’s a win for all of us! The Constitution has the last word. This situation was an abuse of power by those making the decisions in their county and their state.”



Both the State of Calif. and the L.A. County EACH must hand over to this church $400K, totaling $800K.



My point in bringing up Paul and Silas in the Bible? The authorities (magistrates) told the Jailer to release Paul and Silas from prison, and to leave the city. BUT Paul said to the officers: “They beat us publicly without a trial, even though we are Roman citizens, and threw us into prison. And now they want to get rid of us quietly! NO! Let them come themselves and escort us out!”  The officers reported this to the authorities and they came to appease Paul and Silas, and personally and humbly escort them out of the prison. BUT Paul and Silas did not leave just yet, but went to the home of a woman they had led to Jesus, and met with others there that they had led to Jesus to encourage them. “THEN THEY LEFT.”



To me, this teaches us that as American citizens who are Christians – we have every right to hold our government ACCOUNTABLE for what they do that goes against the Constitution of the United States of America! Just as Paul did in Rome as a Roman citizen Christian. The only difference is that Rome never had a Constitution like America that is rooted in the ‘biblical’ principles of governing This is why they regarded the Gospel as a custom not to be accepted nor practiced by LAW.



Rome’s early days: “In the early days of the fledgling settlement, Rome was governed by kings. Similar in many ways to the emperors that came later, these individual men had complete authority over all aspects of the lives of their subjects. A challenge to the king’s authority would almost certainly lead to severe punishment, typically death. As kings and rulers of other countries and civilizations throughout history have found (often paying the price with their life), such totalitarian rule can only last so long. The end of the road came with Rome’s seventh king, Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Proud) who ruled from 534-510 BC. He repealed several earlier constitutional reforms and used violence and murder to hold on to power. His tyrannical rule was despised by the Romans and the final straw was the rape of Lucretia, a patrician Roman, at the hands of Tarquinius’ son Sextius. The Tarquins and the monarchy were cast out of Rome in 510 BC in a revolt led by Lucius Junius Brutus and Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus, who would become the first two consuls of a new form of government – the Roman republic.”



We have our American roots in God and His Word. Therefore, every Christian and Church (who preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ) has EVERY RIGHT to hold our government and all officials (mayors, governors, senators, representatives, and even our president and vice-president) ACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAWS OF THE LAND.




To our own shame: We’ve allowed new laws to be made by the legislature that go against righteousness and justice by God’s design. We even see how some Courts think they have the right to make new laws, which is the right of the legislature branch only according to our Constitution.



I have heard Christians say that our only duty is to God in preaching the Gospel and sharing our testimonies of what Jesus means to us; to stay out of politics! You know, “the separation of church and state!” This is not about the church (Christians) not taking government seats of authority, in order to hold to our Constitution, but rather about the government not being allowed to force its citizens to come under any one religion, like it was in Great Britain under the Roman Catholic church, which is why Christians left and asked God to lead them to where they could worship Him freely and live by the principles that bless all peaceful people of any race.  And so America was born.



I thank God for this example of Pastor John McArthur holding Calif. authorities accountable to our Constitution. May we begin to see more of this. LET FREEDOM RING! MAY GOD BE GLORIFIED!


Father God, I ask of You because I believe in You. I know You can do all things and that nothing is impossible for You to do. You are Creator! What is it that You CAN NOT do, or maybe WILL NOT do?


You will not MAKE US love You because of how You created us with free-will. Animals have not been made like us; made in Your image. You made man to rule over them, to use them for our needs and enjoyment. They just do what You made them to do. But we are free to choose ‘whatever,’ as we live out our life on earth in these male and female bodies that You gave us along with all the ways we are made in Your image.


You will not MAKE US choose what to believe or to believe in. BUT! You have NOT left us on our own limited understanding and knowledge; for You have created all things in such a way that Your creation reveals that there IS a Creator. Your Word also tells us this. But atheist scientists who have tried to prove Your Word (the Bible) false, and who didn’t want to believe in a “Creator” such as Yourself (that they are accountable to), have come to believe, after all their ongoing scientific research and discoveries, that You are the Creator of the universe and of all living things; therefore we are all accountable to You. Most have become believers in Your Son! Others do their best to keep trying to prove that You do not exist.


Father God, You could MAKE US obey You, but then that would contradict who You are: You are love. It would go against Your ‘laws’ of love “do not murder, do not cheat or steal, etc. and against Your ‘principles’ of love: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8


We read this passage about ‘love’ and apply it to how WE should love one another. But since love originated with God, then this passage in 1 Corinthians defines who God Himself IS. “We love because God FIRST LOVED US!”  He has said in His Word that He created us FOR HIS LOVE; to “pour out His love into our hearts by His Holy Spirit” when we believe in what Jesus Christ did for us on the Cross out of His love for us.  God wants children out of love and for no other reason. People have children for so many reasons, other than true love, but God has only one ‘pure and holy’ reason: the wonderful glorious eternal family of God Almighty. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind can conceive or imagine – what God has planned and prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)


God is patient and kind; that’s what His grace and mercy are simply all about. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:16-17) How many of us have cried out (more than once) to God to send His Son and end all this evil on the earth?! “Come Lord Jesus COME!”  But Jesus told us to just put our faith in Him who strengthens us and in His promises that keep us faithful with hope, and to learn from Him how to ‘patiently’ endure the evil day – as His Day approaches – making sure our love (kindness) does not grow cold. We are seeing and experiencing what happens when people live by fear and hatred and a hunger for power.


“God does not envy; what is there for Him to envy when He has it all as Creator and can create anything He wants? God does not boast; He simply gives us the truth when we ask Him for it, seek Him for it. God is not proud: He is not SELF-gratifying; He is not SELF-pleased but rather He is ‘pleased’ with us – His children who love Him by our own choice to do so, day by day. It’s His desire to give us all things good in life to completely sustain us and profit us.


God is not SELF-seeking; He FULLY KNOWS WHO HE IS and that there is no one or thing that He fears! He does not ‘dishonor’ us in this life; we dishonor ourselves and each other. He wants to honor us by rewarding us for our humble faith in Him. God wants us to have all that He has to give!


God is amazingly ‘patient,’ doing all He can to show us the way to His love and Life in His Son.


God ‘keeps no record of wrongs,’ meaning that He has provided us a Savior (His own perfect Sacrificial Lamb to die in our place) so that He can and WILL forgive us of all our wrong-doing. The only records He keeps is the book of all we’ve done with this life, good and bad, but He also has another book called “the Book of Life” that has written in it all the names of those who have CHOSEN Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. This Book does not allow God to keep a ‘record of wrongs’ since the disciples of Christ have all their sins covered by the blood of God’s own beloved Son, Jesus Christ. What God forgives God forgets.


God does not delight in evil because there is NO EVIL in Him nor in His Kingdom will evil be allowed to enter. Is God evil because He created Hell, eternal torment and separation from all the goodness of God; the place He created for the devil and the angels that followed Satan out of heaven? Why did God’s number one angel (Lucifer he was called then) get kicked out of heaven by God their Creator? “Love does not envy!” Lucifer envied God’s Son, and the honor and authority that the Father gave the Son. Satan tempts us to envy and to take what doesn’t belong to us. God is jealous, but God does not envy.


Jealousy is something altogether different; for it has to do with “relationship” and “vows.” A man becomes jealous when his wife becomes interested in someone else. A wife becomes jealous in the same way. A parent can become jealous of a person their child seeks to replace them with, or a child can become jealous when they feel their mom or dad has made someone else or something else more important than them. Jealousy is about relationships. Envy is about power and covetousness (wanting what others have and even setting out to take what doesn’t belong to you), as Lucifer did in heaven.


God rejoices with the truth; He rejoices over those who seek the truth from Him ‘in His Word’ and when we ask Him for the supreme wisdom of truth; for when we ask, “He will give it generously and without finding any fault in us.” (James 1:4-5)


God always protects; He protects what is good and holy; He protects who His Son, our High Priest, loves and defends. The Father completely trusts the Son; for they are one in all things. Jesus told us to pray to our Father, “…and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” God also protects the earth. People are so afraid of the earth running out of what we need to stay alive and prospering, and of the earth becoming over-populated, but the earth belongs to God. No matter what man thinks and tries to do in order to “save the earth,” HE CAN NOT! That is God’s doing. All man ends up doing is make things far worse on the earth when he rejects God and what God says in His Word about what is still to come, and why.


God always hopes! What does He hope for? God hopes that people will come to know Him by the truth in His Word that He has made available to all; by His Son that He sent to show us Himself and the Kingdom that is to come. God not only hopes, but He has done GREAT THINGS and WONDERFUL THINGS (even beyond our understanding) for all the human race – in order to see HIS PERFECT HOPE REALIZED.


God perseveres. What God started – God will complete. God has His “redemption” plan that can NOT be thwarted, but WILL BE COMPLETED in His own time, and with perfect exactness of His good purpose. God will not change His mind. God Himself never changes or evolves. That’s why the false-belief of the evolution of man from the ape or whatever – is a lie. God made man in HIS IMAGE. God is not an ape or whatever else God has created. God WILL HAVE HIS WAY!


God always trusts.  Does God trust everyone? Yes! He trusts each of us to do what is in our hearts, whether right or wrong, evil or good. And because He trusts in that way – God uses the wicked as well as the righteous to do His will and purpose. Does God trust everyone with His Word? No, but He does allow people to do what they want with His Word,  and believe what they want about His Word, and to say what they want about His Word and Himself. Which takes us back to the beginning of this article that God has given us all FREEWILL. Now if that’s not love, I can’t imagine what is! And, although hard to swallow, the love of God includes how we WILL ALL FACE consequences and His final judgment for our freedom to choose, to do and say, and believe in whatever and whoever.


“The LORD GOD has set before us life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, be wise and good to yourself, choose His life, so that you and your children and grandchildren may live, and that you may love the LORD your God, obey Him, and hold fast to Him. For HE IS YOUR LIFE, and He can even prolong your life in the land.” Deuteronomy 30:19-20


Integrity – Do You Have It?

How do you know if someone has integrity? If integrity has to do with being truthful and honest, doing what you say you will do, or not doing what you say you will not do – then who really is the judge of anyone’s integrity but their own?


I am the judge of my own integrity, just me and God who sees what I really am inside. But if I don’t believe that there is a God who can hear what I say, see everything I do, who knows my every thought/secret motive/proposed plan, and who will eventually judge me – then I can be tempted to lie and deceive, and very possibly get away with it with others, but not with God (whether I believe in God or not).


“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy.” James 4:12


Can people have integrity without being a born-again Christian, or without even believing that God is real?  Why would they fight and work so hard to keep their integrity when they don’t believe they will be judged at the end of their life on earth?


Lying, cheating, double standards, being your own judge so that you figure you are right in how YOU see things (that affect you = bias/partial), this has become common place and acceptable, and sadly, even rewarded in our nation.


“The integrity and moral courage of the upright will guide them, but the faithless crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.” Proverbs 11:3


How do you know if YOU have integrity?


“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him MUST believe that HE EXISTS and that HE REWARDS those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6


“The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart; whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others; who despises a vile person but honors those who fear the LORD; who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind (when tempted); who lends money to the poor without interest; who does not accept a bribe against the innocent. WHOEVER DOES THESE THINGS WILL NEVER BE SHAKEN.”  Psalm 15:2-5


“Because of my integrity, You Lord, uphold me and set me in Your presence forever.” Psalm 41:12


New Body for My New Life

I keep thinking about my precious sister (in the Lord), in her new body! She passed last Tuesday, and is now part of that “great cloud of witnesses.” She and I used to talk and joke about our “new” bodies when we leave this earth whether in death (or the rapture).



I think about Jesus in His new body after His death on the Cross – when He came back to His first disciples to show Himself to them, just as He promised to do, and then send them the Holy Spirit to replace Himself with them. (Remember that Jesus in body form could only be in one place at one time, but in Spirit Jesus could be will all His disciples at the same time – all over the world.) “The Spirit is the Lord, and the Lord is the Spirit.” He is the HEAD of His world-wide Spirit-filled Body.



I believe that Jesus returned (in bodily form) to ‘visit’ the 500 disciples who gave witness and written testimony of Him returning to them, to confirm His Word to them about His “resurrection” from death to life (first-fruit of it). He returned in His NEW eternal body, which looked like the body they all knew Him in, the voice as well. “My sheep KNOW my voice, and they follow Me.”



At first some of His disciples didn’t recognize Him, but only because of their simple unbelief, and because of His quiet gentle way of showing up to them, not because of how He looked the same. As He spoke to them, they immediately put 1+1 together. Ha! But in the case, 1+1 = ONE!



Jesus died at the age of 33. Why not 90? Why not 50? Why, as they call it, in the “prime” of life, when we look our best, feel our best, can physically do our best, etc.? Every wondered? If you think that after you die – you’re just like the wind without a body, well I read something very different from the Word of God! If you think that after you die and go to Heaven – there’s nothing important to do in eternal life, or that you are just one of the group that hangs out at the THRONE of GOD singing songs and playing instruments, well that’s not what the prophets talk about in God’s Word (the true prophets that God gave visions to and were told write it down).



As I near the end of my life on earth, I ponder, and I talk to the Lord about going to be with Him, and seeing all the others I knew and loved that are with Him in glory. I love thinking and imaging what He meant when He said, “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” “I go to prepare a place for you.” “In My Father’s House are many mansions.” “No longer will there be any curse; for there will be NO MORE DEATH.” “He will wipe away every tear; for there will be NO MORE crying or mourning or pain – because the OLD ORDER of things has passed away. BEHOLD all things have become NEW!”



“Blessed and holy are those who share in the FIRST resurrection… (By death or rapture: 1 Corinthians 15:51-54, 1 Thessalonians 5:14-18, Isaiah 57:1, Revelation 10:7)… The SECOND death has NO POWER over them,…” (Revelation 20:6)



What say you? Will you be apart of His FIRST resurrection of Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ, those asleep (in the grave) or still living on the earth, very much alive – when the Lord calls us up to be with Him forever?



We can’t even begin to understand what HEAVEN’s GLORY is like. I know that God has allowed a few to have a glimpse, like Apostle Paul who gives his testimony of both his false-belief, his born-again experience, and then later about God taking him up to the “7th heaven” to see what God wanted him to see as God’s witness and writer about it. And, Apostle John, who wrote the book of Revelation, was shown visions about the future that God had him write down while John was imprisoned before he died. Others since have told their testimonies of coming back to life after seeing something of Heaven, and then writing out their testimonies.



I remember my husband about 13 years ago, who was on his way out from dehydration, telling me how he saw and felt the amber brilliance of Heaven’s outer dimension drawing him, but then hearing me (at his side after he collapsed in my arms) crying out the Name JESUS! JESUS HELP! And back he came! I’ll never forget that. Neither will my beloved husband. We have both heard the Lord’s audible voice speak to us. “My sheep know My Voice!” We have each seen a vision or two as well, from the Lord who is faithful to keep us on HIS PATH and PURPOSE.



I’m so thankful to our heavenly Father and to His Beloved Son for all we have to look forward to – eternally with HIM, and with the GREAT ETERNAL FAMILY of ALMIGHTY GOD, our EVERLASTING FATHER.



I am so very thankful for the Word of God, so that we can KNOW the history of mankind from the beginning and even throughout Christ’s second coming to the earth, for His thousand year reign on earth. But from then on (eternity) we can’t fathom. Thus, the Bible ends with telling us: “He who testifies of these things (ALL biblical prophecies) says, ‘YES, I AM COMING SOON.'”



I’m so VERY thankful for the TRUTH that ‘sets us free’ from all the false-beliefs (lies of Satan – the Lord’s #1 adversary); free from all the false-gods (man-made); free from our fears about dying, suffering, and what comes next after death; and free from ‘wasting’ this life – haven been given every opportunity from God’s Word and His Spirit – to know the Truth, the Way and the Life: Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord, KING ETERNAL.



Death is part of life, right now, until God lifts His curse of death on mankind. Imagine what God our Father intended for Adam and Eve before they rebelled in the Garden of Eden against God’s AUDIBLE words to them, so that death then entered the world, where man was to live without any death. Because of the fall of Adam: “ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD.”



And yet, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life….Whoever believes in HIM is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the Name of God’s one and only Son…. The Father loves the Son and HAS PLACED EVERYTHING IN HIS HANDS. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life with God, for God’s WRATH remains on them.” John 3:16-18, 35-36



Says Jesus of Himself with ALL authority and power: “I AM the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in ME will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in ME will never die. Do you believe this?”


Why is God Allowing

Where is God going with all that He is allowing to happen in America, and to His own people? What does God see of His people? I keep talking to Him about this, personally, and as one living in a nation that God established with MATURE Christians, not perfect, but sacrificially responsible and accountable to God for what HE had in mind for this Land we call America. Holy Spirit, help me PRAY the will of God! Thank You Lord for the souls being saved! Thank You for believers getting right with You and nearer to You!



I am reminded of what the Lord taught me: If WE expect the Lord to ‘walk with us’ on our path, when the Lord has invited us to WALK WITH HIM on HIS path, WE remain infants, crying out for what WE want from Him, instead of growing up in our holy obedient faith in Him and His Word, to do those things that keep God blessing our nation – because of His obedient people doing what He requires.



It’s been hard for me to learn and accept that “my life is not my own any longer” since the day I asked Jesus my Savior to come live in me. Do I take that lightly, that HE LIVES IN ME? I have. But then I’m always reminded by the indwelling Holy Spirit as to what the Lord Jesus did for me/us. He grew up from a baby to holy maturity (as God’s own Son) – to finish what was HIS to do on the earth for His Father, the Father of us all, who loves us like no one else can.



As we begin our ‘new life’ with Jesus our Savior – we DO sense Him by our side as WE keep on OUR path. I did. He WILL walk with us – but only for a while – because we are still legitimate infants in the Lord. What parent would ever expect their newborn to walk and do what their newborn is not capable of? But the day of maturity must come when we realize that it’s HIS plans and purpose, not mine any longer. John the Baptist said it this way: “He must increase; I must decrease.” John 3:30



We have the writer of Hebrews writing for our benefit: “We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. In fact, you need someone to teach you the ‘elementary’ truths of God ALL OVER AGAIN. (Why?) You require milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant (held back – undeveloped), is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Therefore, let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity….and God permitting, we will do so” (for the infants). But, “It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the powers of the coming age, (expected to mature in Christ) but have fallen away (not being responsible with it all), to be brought back to repentance. To their LOSS they are crucifying the Son of God ALL OVER AGAIN and subjecting Him to PUBLIC disgrace.” (God is mocked when we fall away from walking with the Lord.) Hebrews 6:1-6



“We are convinced of BETTER things for you – the things that have to do with salvation (the good results of His life lived through me/us). God is not unjust….we do not want you to become lazy/complacent/cold-hearted, but to imitate those who through faith’s obedience and godly patience – inherit what has been promised.” Hebrews 6:9-12



And we know, as believers in Jesus Christ, that this world is not our HOME! We are called to do God’s will – that people come to know Jesus Christ as their own Savior and Lord, and to care for the family of God – while we patiently and prayerfully endure all the intensifying evil and judgments – till the Lord takes us HOME!



Altars of Political Policies

In my prayer time, praying for our nation, I heard that these failing “policies” of the current party in power (and the new one’s they’re hoping to push through) are “ungodly altars of worship” meant to have us all ‘bow down to.’



These radical policies that clearly go against our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Independence UNDER GOD alone – are wicked and unacceptable to God and to those who fear God and support our ‘biblical’ American Foundation.



Certainly, we have seen over the many decades how our government has been slowly veering off our foundational path/course whenever the ‘ungodly’ get any power and control. The only ‘altar’ we are to worship at is the one in our heart that worships the One True Living God, FIRST and FOREMOST!



“The EARTH is the LORD’s, and EVERYTHING in it, the world, and all who live in it; for HE FOUNDED it on the seas and ESTABLISHED it on the waters.” (Psalm 24:1-2) “In the beginning GOD CREATED the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the SPIRIT OF GOD was hovering over the waters. And GOD SAID, ‘LET THERE BE LIGHT,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was GOOD, and HE separated the light from the darkness….. And God said, ‘Let dry ground appear.’ And it was so. God called the dry ground ‘land,’ and the gathered waters He called ‘seas.’ (Genesis 1: 1,2,3,9) And on it goes with His creation of all we see and don’t see, ending with His creation of man and woman (male and female gender) for pro-creation (the eternal family by His design).



We are watching the ungodly trying to take control over all that God created, to their own self-shame and destruction of good things intended for God-fearing people of all races and nations. How do these proud and ignorant people (completely lost from the truth) think they can get away with their political policy ALTAR building – that WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to bow to and sacrifice to? They will get away with it if “we the people,” who know the truth and fear God, say nothing, do nothing, and just go along with it all.



Ever altar requires sacrifice. What does the altar of “abortion” require? What does the altar of “open borders” require? What does the altar of “critical race theory” require? What does the altar of “homosexuality and homosexual marriage” require? What does the altar of “new green deal” require? What does the altar of “reconstructing the family” require as a sacrifice? What does the altar of “religion” require? What does the altar of “Satanism” require as sacrifices?



How long will THE CREATOR and JUDGE allow the arrogant ungodly to mock Him, rebel against His principles and laws, and persecute those who REFUSE to worship at their ‘unholy altars’ of governmental power? Well, from what I know from reading the Word of God, as long as God is still using the presence of His Holy Spirit, His Word, and His servants on the earth to draw people to Himself through the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, if you love the LORD, you will need to endure these evils, and prepare for what is coming.



“And this Gospel of His Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to ALL NATIONS, and then the end (of evil and rebellion to God) will come.” Matthew 24:14



“To those who believe in His Name (Jesus Christ SAVIOR of the world), God gives the right to become children of God – children not born of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but BORN OF GOD (by His Spirit/Name/Word).” John 1:12-13



Things are heating up with ALL the nations on the earth in opposition to God. America’s light is going out with the wicked in power who are determined to run our lives, without any challenge. Now is the time of salvation! The window of opportunity is closing. The door to God’s eternal Kingdom – will one day SHUT!



Jesus said, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door (by faith in JESUS CHRIST only), because many, I tell you, will try to enter (by their own human merit and self-deception) and will not be able to. Once the Owner of the House….closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading to come in. But the Owner will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from. Away from Me, all you evildoers!’” Luke 13:24-27



“The LORD foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of HIS HEART through all generations. Blessed is the nation whose GOD IS THE LORD!” Psalm 33:10-12