Are We Losing the West? Part 20

JOHN DEWEY AD 1859-1952


Proverbs 16:9 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”


John Dewy was like so many of our Christian young people who grow up in Christian homes and are sent away to one of our prestigious universities to earn an education that will help them through their life, but come away losing the faith that they once had.


At the time John Dewey started his higher education he joined one of the largest groups on campus called Student Christian Association. One of his first speeches was on ‘THE OBLIGATION TO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.’ In that speech he acknowledged that belief is “not a privilege, but a duty.” While at Michigan State University he taught a Bible class on ‘The Life of Christ.’ However, John’s faith, like so many of our young people today, was too little to survive.


In his first publication ‘Psychology’ he argued that logic proved God to be a necessity, but G. Stanley Hall his former instructor at John Hopkins University and William James criticized it and made him re-examine his thinking and moved him towards ‘pragmatism’- a naturalistic approach that viewed knowledge as arising from an active adaptation of the human organism to its environment. In other words, pragmatism is gaining knowledge through human reasoning and experience. Somewhere between 1884 and 1900 Dewey abandoned the Christian faith. He counted himself a “religious humanist.” Perhaps Apostle Paul’s description of man who is “ever learning, and never coming to the knowledge of the truth,” fits John Dewey. (2 Timothy 3:7)


In the end John Dewey, like so many other philosophers, admits that we cannot know anything for certain. Why? Because when we deny the most basic truth of all – the existence of God and His Truth – we cannot come to the knowledge of truth. What a difference with the Lord Himself when He says: “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) Jesus was certain!!!


John Dewey had – and still does exert – tremendous influence on our educational system. For him education was to enable a person to fit into the social fabric of the state. Karl Marx, in the Communist Manifesto, wanted to replace home education with the state’s education. Dewey would be in agreement with that. For Dewey, “All educational content is subservient to the social element – training the young person to belong to the social unit and pursue the objectives of the social unit.”  No matter how unwise, ungodly, and unintelligent the social unit may be. In other words, everything else – academics, character formation and training, fear of God, etc. takes a back seat. So like Kevin Swanson says: “Education becomes the play-ground for faceless planners whose objective is to mold future society in public schools and universities.” This type of system leads to the centralization of our education to the State and the goal is to make sure that the child is in tune with the ‘social consciousness.’


What I thought was interesting about this system is that human individuality is lost. Dewey goes on to say: “The deepest moral training is precisely that which one gets through having to enter into proper relations with others in a unity of work and thought.” We are taught to move in ‘herds.’ I have seen this in some of the countries that I have ministered in and have had people to actually tell me that the populace moves and acts like a ‘herd.’ I wonder where that came from???


We see this in our entertainment. My wife and I went and saw the film called ‘Divergent’ and saw how in this futuristic scene society is fitted into units (herds) so that there might be peace instead of war, but like so many of our philosophers they do not recognize the ‘fallenness of man.’


When there are no absolutes the pragmatist (out of his own human reasoning) admits that it can never know what is the highest good or what might produce it. So to overcome the problem the social and political leaders choose what they think is the highest good or the goal in what man must seek.


What is interesting is that once the social leaders choose the goal they can then bring in the scientists to explain how they will achieve this goal. Take for example the goal today of “global warming.” The goal is to correct global warming and now the scientists are trying to convince us of the steps that we must take.


When Darwin’s theory of evolution took God as the ultimate Judge of the Universe out of the equation then man has been relieved of all meaning, purpose and absolutes. So, Dr. Will Provine of Cornell University argues that “if evolution is true then there can be no life after death, no transcendent purpose, no morality, and no free will.” He speaks of his own suicide.


What these academic leaders are recognizing is that suicide feels like freedom. When there is no purpose or meaning to life then the logical conclusion of their worldview is suicide. When God fades, truth fades, ethics fade, reality fades and what is man or society left with? Nothing but emptiness, and so post-modern man and his societies commit suicide.


This is where we are moving in the 21st century and the church (the holder of the truth) in the days ahead will have a tremendous opportunity for a great harvest.


Will the church be ready?





Are We Losing the West? Part 19


Daniel 4:28-32 “All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty? The words were still on his lips when a voice came from heaven, “This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like cattle. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes.”


Friedrich’s father, Karl Ludwig used Luke 1:66 for his baptismal verse: “Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, ‘What then is this child going to be?’” Friedrich was aspiring to follow in the steps of his father and grandfather and go into the pastorate. At the age of 17 he read Ludwig Feuerbach’s skeptical book on Christianity and it began to pave the way for unbelief to enter Friedrich. This was also during the time when German higher criticism and humanistic relativism began to affect the Lutheran church.


He began to dismantle the Judeo/Christian worldview in the west. In his own testimony he pronounced to the world that “the old god is abolished and I myself will henceforth rule the world,” and that he would be “the most terrible opponent to Christianity.” He later identified himself as the Anti-Christ in a book published with the same title in 1888. Three months after he made the statement about being the anti-Christ he lost his mind and for the last 11 years of his life he was certifiably insane. At the end he said: “I am dead because I am stupid… I am stupid because I am dead.”


Not only did Nietzsche speak about the death of God, but also about the death of traditional religion. Some would say that he embraced “nihilism” (rejection of all religious and moral principles). Instead of realizing that we are made in the image and likeness of God his plan for becoming ‘what one is’ was based upon instincts through his/her various faculties. “Through psychological struggle one must craft who they are through ‘self-realization’ (we see this idea of self-realization being taught in our public schools today) without any outside help – like God.”  His tortured type of reasoning would be that we are to affirm that there is no God, and we pretend that there is one.


In doing research on these men I am amazed how much influence men like Nietzsche had and still have today on society, especially in modern philosophy and psychology in our universities. What an irony that a man who, for eleven years was certifiably insane, would bear the title of ‘humanist psychologist.’
It would seem that Nietzsche could not deny the existence of God or Christ, but he showed a very real hatred towards Christianity. He said: “Christianity was from the beginning, essentially and fundamentally, life’s nausea and disgust with life, merely concealed behind, masked by, dressed up as, faith in ‘another’ or ‘better’ life.”
It was Nietzsche who said: “There are no facts, only interpretations.” Isn’t this the philosophy that we have in our post-modern political, economic world today, facts do not count, only the interpretations. When talking to Pilate Jesus said: “For this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37) Truth for Nietzsche was: “Illusions about which one has forgotten that is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins.”
For us who are Christians and adhere to some of our main doctrines of Sovereignty of God, universal sinfulness, election by divine grace and heaven and hell for Nietzsche “would be a sign of weak-mindedness and lack of character not to become a priest, apostle or hermit and, in fear and trembling, to work solely on one’s own salvation; it would be senseless to lose sight of one’s eternal advantage for the sake of temporal comfort. If we may assume that these things are at any rate believed true, then the everyday Christian cuts a miserable figure; he is a man who really cannot count to three, and who precisely on account of his spiritual imbecility does not deserve to be punished so harshly as Christianity promises to punish him.”


The stronghold that these men have built over the centuries demands believers in Christ to know what we believe and to be able to give a reason for the hope that is in us.

Daily Devotional

Son, look at how some of My children have become so foolish! They cling to things they cannot keep and have forgotten to protect the things that should not be lost! They are not being honest when they pray to Me saying, “Just tell us what to do and we will do it!” I have told them the same thing over and over, to “Obey Me.” But, they will not obey any better now than they have in the past.


In the coming days My children must be strong and courageous; they must not be afraid or lose heart! They must seek Me with all their heart and soul. They must stand up against those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. They must expose these false teachers who waste My children’s time with meaningless things, speculations, and making them feel good about themselves. These things will not help My children live a life of faith in Me in the coming days. These false teachers want to be known as teachers of My word, but they don’t know what they are talking about, even though they speak so confidently.


Son, the time I have planned is here; for I am bringing justice against the wicked. I have warned and warned them, “Stop your boasting!” I have repeatedly told them, “Don’t raise your fists! Don’t raise your fists in defiance or speak with such arrogance.” I hold in My hand a cup that is full of foaming wine; the wine of My judgment, and all the wicked must drink it. I will break the strength of the wicked. Who would dare stand before Me when My anger explodes? Human defiance only enhances My glory, for I use it as a weapon. When the earth quakes in various places, and all people live in constant turmoil – you will know that My judgment has started.


My children must finish the work that I have called them too. If they pray humbly and truthfully to Me, I will show them what to do and where to go. They will be successful as long as they obey everything I tell them to do and to remember that I am with them as their strength and future hope! They must cling to their faith in Me, and keep their conscience’s clear. Pray for all My children, asking Me to help them to stand firm in Me and in obedience to My instructions; intercede on their behalf, giving thanks for them. Pray for those who are in authority; that they repent! I want everyone to be saved and to understand the truth – because no one will stand before Me on that Day – with an excuse.


Lord, thank You for being with me. It pleased You to save me and my family. For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity, and You did it! Thank You Lord!  I am not a preacher, or an apostle, but I am Your servant and You require me to tell everyone about my faith in You and in the truth. Because of what it cost You to provide salvation to all, I will not to present things to You that have cost me nothing! You are my Savior, the eternal King, the Holy One, the only true God.


Daily Devotional

Son, in this generation My children must be be courageous!  For I will use the persecution they face to show My justice and to make them worthy of My Kingdom. I will provide rest for them when they are being persecuted. They must keep on praying, asking Me to enable them to live a life worthy of My call. I will give them the power to accomplish all the good things their faith prompts them to do; then My name will be honored because of the way they live. My Holy Spirit is the one who makes them holy and He will strengthen and guard them from the evil one.


Lord, look at these proud leaders of America; they seem to live such painless lives; their bodies are so healthy and strong. They don’t have troubles like other people; they’re not plagued with problems like everyone else. They wear pride like a jeweled necklace and clothe themselves with cruelty. They have everything their hearts could ever wish for! They scoff and speak only evil and in their pride they seek to crush others. They boast against You. Because the people drink in their arrogant rebellious words they have become dismayed and confused.


Lord I am trying to understand all of this, but it is very difficult. I know the final outcome of the wicked when You return. You laugh at their silly ideas as a person laughs at dreams in the morning. I know my heart is bitter, and it tears me up inside when I see how they treat Your word and Your name. I know that You will guide me with Your counsel, and lead me to a glorious destiny.


Son, you and My children must understand that you live in a day of great rebellion against Me. This rebellion will reveal the man of lawlessness who brings destruction. He is a man who will exalt himself and defy everything that people call a god and every object of their worship. He will even sit in the rebuilt temple claiming that he is God, and requiring everyone to worship him. This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power, signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. Since they refuse My truth – they will be greatly deceived believing his lies. They will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than seeking after the truth and believing in Me. They will seek to destroy everything that would cause people to know the truth about Me. They will destroy any place where I am worshiped. My Spirit is holding him back, for now, but his time is coming. His lawlessness is already working secretly, and it will remain secret until My Holy Spirit steps out of the way. Then this man of lawlessness will be revealed, but I will take him out with just the breath of My mouth.


Son, it is important that you stay away from believers who no longer follow My word. Don’t think of them as enemies, but warn them as you would a brother or sister. They say, “We no longer see Your miraculous signs. All the prophets are gone, and no one can tell us when it will end.” Therefore, this type of thinking has allowed America to become a foolish nation that has dishonored My name. They have forgotten the covenant promises made by their forefathers, and that they should have continued with – as My children. American is full of darkness and violence now because My children left the ancient path of My wisdom and righteousness.


Lord, my hope is in You, and I desire You more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but You remain the strength of my heart; You are mine forever. I have made You my only true shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things You do.

Daily Devotional

Son, do whatever you have in mind, for I am with you; I have been with you wherever you have gone. Remember that when I grant a blessing, it is an eternal blessing! Tell this new generation about the things to come and all the miracles I have done for you; even the miracles I’ve done since the beginning. Do everything you can to rescue the little children who are being crushed by the wicked who teach them lies and wickedness. Tell your little children to seek and trust Me. I will rescue them when they cry out to Me. I will redeem theses little children from oppression and the violence of the evil that is around them; for their lives are precious to Me.


Lord, now that I am old and gray I will tell everyone who will listen about all of Your righteous deeds. Everyone who tried to hurt me in my life have been shamed and humiliated. I know that when I live in this world I will have troubles. But Your word has kept me from being shaken by the troubles of life. Your love for Me has helped me to love others.


Son, I want you to know what happens to My children who have died or will die in the coming days. Since they believed that I died on the cross for them and was raised to life again; I will bring them back with Me. When I return, those who are still living when I return – will meet Me after those who have died. For, I myself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. Those children of Mine who have died will rise from their grave; then My children who are still alive will be caught up in the clouds to meet Me in the air, and they will be with Me forever.


So be encouraged and tell everyone these words, that this day of My return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.When people who refuse Me say, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin, and there will be no escape. So tell My children to be on their guard, do not sleep like the others sleep. Stay alert and be clearheaded.  Know that I will not pour out My anger on My children that I died for, whether they are dead or alive when I return. My children will live with Me forever. So build each other up in this knowledge. Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said, and then hold on to what is good.


The people who are left, and refused to listen to what I have said, will become furious. They will seek out those who come to Me in this great time of testing – when they are flogged, imprisoned, and when everything they own is taken from them, even their families will be split apart, and some will be killed. This is why I called you; to tell My children to help these children of Mine who will suffer greatly. My children must start now preparing for the worse time on earth, so that these tribulation saints of Mine can have the things they will need.


Lord, who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family that you have brought us this far? You speak as though we are very great, and have influence on how Your children think today. When I have brought this up to leaders they have stood up with their palms facing me and saying, “Do not bring that into my church.” You know what I am really like, and I am your servant, so help me do all that You have asked of me. Even though I am not skilled with words, I will tell everyone, and I will proclaim to Your children what is coming and how they need to be prepared and how to prepare for those who will be saved during this time of great tribulation, that is coming sooner than they think.


Daily Devotional

Son, the leaders of your country have refused to listen to My warnings. They take My words with a knife and cut off any section that reminds them of how sinful they are. At the rate they are going they think they can remove My word from this country. They do not show any signs of fear or repentance at what they heard from My word or My servants. They think they have the power to do what ever they want.


I have spoken to this country again and again, and it refuses to listen to Me. Time after time I sent My prophets, who told them, “Turn from your wicked ways, and start doing what is right.” Therefore, this is what the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, say: “Because you refuse to listen or answer when I call, I will send upon you all the disasters I have threatened.” Perhaps the people will repent when they hear again all the terrible things I have planned for them. Perhaps they will yet turn from their evil ways and ask for My forgiveness before it is too late. I will punish these leaders for their sins, and I will pour out on all the people all the disasters I promised. I am coming to judge the earth.


Son, tell My children who know My word and who obey it, “I know your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of Me. Because I love you and have chosen you, you can look forward to My coming. I am the one who will rescue you from the terrors of the coming judgment.”


They must speak up as messengers approved by Me; entrusted with My word. Their purpose is to please Me, not people. For I alone examine the motives of their hearts. I have sent My servants to encourage them, and urge them to live their lives in a way that I would consider worthy. Therefore, when they suffer persecution from their countrymen – they will know that I am the One who gives them hope and joy in times of distress and gloom. They will have a reward and crown when they stand before Me when I return!


Lord, I am exhausted for always asking for Your help. My eyes are swollen waiting for You to help me. Those who hate me try to destroy me with lies. They say “Aha! We’ve got him now!” How foolish these people are to think that they can destroy people and not be held accountable. But I will keep praying to You in Your unfailing love, and You will answer my prayer. The humble will see You at work and be glad, and be encouraged.


Son, I hear the cries of the needy. Those who remain faithful will inherit all the blessings I have promised. Those who love Me will live in My shelter. Those who are poor and needy in the world – I will give them My aid. For I am the only help and Savior for this lost and dying world. There is no other!


Daily Devotional

Son, ask Me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. Soon people all over the world will see all the good I do for My children. They will tremble with awe at the peace and prosperity I provided to them.


Have you noticed what people are saying today – that I have abandoned My children. My children must open their eyes to what is going on. My children are not standing up for My truth and My word. Therefore, the people of this world sneer at them and say that My children are not worthy to be counted in this nation. People have become so twisted that they call the truth – a lie, and what is evil they call – good.


Because of these sins – My anger is coming. Therefore, My children must know that I have given them all the power and strength they need to do what I ask of them. In their new life with Me – it does not matter what they were. They are in Me and I live in them. They must remember they represent Me in whatever they do or say. My children must devote themselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. They must live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Their conversations should be gracious and attractive, and having the right response for everyone. Since My children have been raised to new life in Me, they need to set their sights on the realities of heaven; to think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth that won’t be remembered.


My children know down deep within them – that what I am saying is right and true. When they completely surrender to Me I will use them, and then they can shout it out for all to hear, “God did it!” I will move ahead of My children, so that My ways will be known throughout the earth, My saving power will be seen by people everywhere.


Lord, I will praise You for You are My savior! Every day of my life You have carried me in Your arms. I will not stop shouting all You’ve done for me.



Daily Devotional

Son, I am looking for men who understand the signs of the times and know the best course to take. Men who know that the message I have been speaking through My prophets is from Me. I’m looking for men who cannot be captured by empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense. I’m looking for men that are not won over by rules that seem wise by the standard of the world; that come from mere human thinking and that require strong devotion and severe discipline. I’m looking for men who understand My laws of nature; the same laws that destroyed the earth when Noah lived on it. I’m looking for men who understand that nature hates the evil man has brought upon it, as much as I hate it! Nature wants to vomit man from its presence because man has gone against My laws and ways in which he is to live on this earth.


I bring the consequences of man’s sin upon the next generation. So if this world is a result of your generation’s sin, can you imagine what this world will look like in the next generation? How will My laws of nature affect them any less?


Son, I know that My children are grieved by what they see and hear. They must have confident hope in what I have reserved for them in heaven. They must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. They must not drift away from the assurance they received when they heard the Good News. This is the key: Because I live in them, they will be rooted in the truth; their lives built with the treasures of My knowledge and wisdom. Then I will give them assurance that they will share in My glory.


To those religious people that turn their backs on Me, I refuse them My salvation. They refused to follow My word, and have not done anything I have asked of them. This is why I am sending a terrible disaster upon them. These people will someday understand that I am the great and powerful God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies; the God of all the peoples of the world. Even though I diligently sought them – they would not receive My instruction or obey My word. Though they are overwhelmed by their sins, they don’t come to Me so I can forgive them all. The will never know Me as their Savior, and that I am the only hope of everyone on earth.


Lord, I will tell anyone who will listen what You have done for me. I cried out to You for help, praising You as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, You would not have listened. But You did listen! You paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw His unfailing love from me.


Daily Devotional

Son, I know the plans I have for you. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope! So stay focused by forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead; for you are a citizen of heaven. I love you and long to walk the streets of heaven with you. Remember, I am coming soon, so don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell Me what you need, and be thankful for all I have done. Then you will experience My peace, which exceeds anything you can understand. My peace will guard your heart and mind as you live for Me.


Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise; then put these thoughts into practice. Then you will learn the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. Remember that you can do anything; for I will give you all the strength you will need. I will take care of you. I will supply all your needs from My storehouse of riches.


Son, tell My children, “If you look for the Lord wholeheartedly, you will find Him. But if you refuse to listen to the Lord, even though He has spoken to you repeatedly, He will discipline you with justice; for God cannot let rebellion go unpunished.” Tell them that whatever happens to rejoice in Me, and when they pray – I will listen. They must eagerly wait for My return, then I will take their weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like Mine! So My children stay true to Me! For I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home.


Lord, I know that Your strong right hand holds me securely, and I never get tired of telling everyone that You do. Help me to view everything this world has to offer as worthless garbage compared to the infinite value of knowing You my Lord. Help me to learn how to discard these worthless things so that I will have nothing stopping me from experiencing the mighty power that raised You from the dead. Help me to view suffering as a privilege, because then I will be able to understand what You suffered when You died for me.



Daily Devotional

Lord, when you tell me what is coming and I tell others, it seems that no one listens. They think, “We have heard this before and nothing happened, so why should we listen to you old man?”


Lord, I ask for Your blessing in My life and the lives of my children. Be with us in all that we do, and keep us from falling away from You through the trouble and suffering that is coming. Have mercy on us, O God, for we look to You for protection and provision. You will fulfill Your purpose for me. You are my strength, my fortress, and You will stand with me. Therefore, every morning I will read about Your unfailing love, and know that You will be my refuge, a place of safety in the coming days. There truly is a reward for those who live for You.


Son, live your life filled with My love, and follow My example. For I love people and have offered Myself as their sacrifice, so that they might know My eternal life and receive all My riches. Those who accept My sacrifice were once full of darkness, but now they have My light, and they must live as children of light! They must not take part in the worthless deeds of evil darkness; instead, they must expose them. So be careful how you live and don’t be foolish, but wise. Take advantage of every opportunity and understand what I want you to do. Be thankful for everything.


Do what I ask of you with all your heart. Put on all of My armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. You must understand that you are not fighting against flesh-and-blood, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. So when these battles come, stand your ground with the truth and My righteousness. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all My children everywhere.


Son, I know that you do not want to tell people what I have to say, but you must tell them. Ask your nation’s wicked leaders, “Do you know the meaning of the word JUSTICE? Do you judge the people fairly?” Tell them, “From birth you have lied and gone your own way. Listen to the lies and the filth that comes from your mouths! Your demands and laws cut down people like swords.”


Because of the sinful things they continue to say and do – they will be captured by their pride, their curses, and their lies. I have faithfully told them what I will do if they continue this path, but they have refused to listen. Each time I told them, “Turn from the evil road you are traveling and from the evil things you are doing.” they would not listen to Me, and have made made Me furious so that they are bringing on themselves all the disasters coming.


Son, you must remember that they are refusing to listen to Me, not you. But you must continue to tell them, “This is what I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, say: ‘Drink from this cup of My anger. Get drunk and vomit; for you will rise no more!’ If they refuse to accept the cup, tell them, “I the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, say: ‘You have no choice but to drink from it.'” If they listen and turn from their evil ways, then I will change My mind about the disaster I am ready to pour out on them because of their sins. But they must begin to obey Me. Then, and only then, will I change My mind about this disaster coming against them. What a great day it will be for your nation if they turned from their sins and started to worship Me; if they would beg Me for the mercy I want to show them. Then I would change My mind about the terrible disaster I had pronounced against them. So, tell the people that they are about to do themselves great harm by not listening to My message through My prophets.