Daily Devotional – This is the last one for 10 days

Who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give Him advice? How impossible it is for us to understand the wisdom behind His decisions and His ways!


So don’t think highly of yourself, but fear what could happen if you stop trusting Him. Have we become tired of trusting Him, is that why we no longer ask for His help? Instead, give your bodies to Him, because of all that He has done for us. Remember, true worship of Him is living a holy life that He finds acceptable. Don’t copy the rituals and customs of other religions, but let Him transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.


Remember,  God’s gifts and His call can never be withdrawn from you. So listen to the Lord who created you, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; and you are Mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up. Others have given up their lives so that you might have My book of truth! I allowed them to die, some were martyred and died horrible deaths so that you might have this book of truth. Remember that you are precious to Me, and I love you.”


When we become His witnesses, and His servants, we can bless those who persecute us; we can pray that God will capture their heart and bless them with His salvation. We will not pay back evil with more evil. We will do things in such a way that everyone can see we are honorable. Then evil will not conquer us, but we will conquer evil by doing good. So let us all wait quietly before God to hear Him and obey Him. Because your hope is in Him pour out your heart to Him, and understand that He is God. There is no other God- there never has been, and there never will be. From eternity to eternity He is God. Therefore, no one can snatch you out of His hand, and no one can undo what He has done.


Thank You Lord!


Daily Devotional – I will not post another devotional for 10 days

Son, I am your God; I will strengthen and help you. With My unfailing love, I will stand with you. I will be your refuge, a place of safety when you are in distress. With My help you will do mighty things. So don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I will hold you up with my right hand. I am here to help you.


Today I call on My children to stand for the truth and righteousness. When they do what I ask I will take them by the hand and lead them down My path. The key that unlocks the gate to My path is that you must confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, and they will be My children; the children of the living true God.


Son, what I am about to do – all of My children will understand it’s meaning. Everything I prophesied in the past has come true, and now I will prophesy again. I will tell you the future before it happens. So who will truly hear these lessons from the past and know the ruin that awaits those who refuse to listen? “America, since your leaders have refused to walk on My path, and obey My law, I will pour out My fury on them. They will be enveloped in flames, and be consumed by fire, but even after this they will not learn their lesson, and turn to Me.”


Listen to what the Muslims will say after this; for they have great enthusiasm for their god, but it is only misdirected zeal. Listen to what comes from their mouths, and all of the sinful things they say. They say that they have the only way, how false this is! So they will be captured by their pride, and any nation that accepts this teaching will be split.


Tell these Muslims to present their case – that their religion is the only true way. Let them show what they can do. Ask them to tell what happened long ago before the words, “In the beggining,” so that everyone may consider the evidence. Have them tell you what the future holds, so we can know what’s going to happen. Since they cannot do either – they are less than nothing. Their teachers are as empty as the wind. Those who choose this false religion will pollute themselves in believing their lies, and they will become foolish, and worthless to Me.


For I will not share My glory with this worthless religion. Because, they are people who rob, plunder, trap, enslave, imprison and threaten to kill people if they don’t follow them – when they stand before Me on judgment day they will have no one to protect them, and no one will stand up for them.  I, The Lord, have spoken!

Daily Devotional

People today say, “Let there be peace in my lifetime!” But what about the next generation?


People, haven’t you heard? Don’t you understand? Are you so deaf to the words of God-that you don’t know that the Sovereign Lord is coming in power, and that He will have His righteous rule, just like He said?  People, have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth, and He has never grown weak. He has never become weary of listening to our humble prayers. People, have you become so ignorant, to think that the Lord does not see what is taking place today! People, remember what He said, in that the grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever!


People, does it mean God no longer loves you if you have troubles, and are persecuted, hungry, destitute, or threatened with death? Those people who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint, and with God’s help they will do mighty things in His Name.


People who trust in The Lord are convinced that nothing can ever separate them from God’s love. Not death, demons, fears of today and not even the worries of tomorrow. No, not even the powers of hell can separate them from God’s love. Yet, we suffer in this flesh, but it is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later. For we long to be released from sin and suffering. But, we must wait for the day when God gives us full rights as His adopted children, including the new bodies He has promised us.


Oh, what a miserable person I am to think, “Let there be peace and security during my lifetime.” Who will free me from thinking like this, for my life is still dominated by sin? What will happen to the next generation following behind me? The answer is Jesus Christ, in surrendering to His Spirit and allowing Him to control my mind and way of life; for this will lead me to the peace I need. When I am controlled by the Spirit, I am confirming that I am one of God’s children. Therefore, I can know that God causes everything to work for the good of those who love Him. What can I say about such wonderful things as this; nothing can ever separate me from Christ’s love!

Needed: Reformation – Chapter 3

Why We Need Reformation


In Chapter 2 we saw something about reformation – that of bringing us back to our foundation in our Christian faith. But the question might be asked: Why do we need reformation?


In this chapter I would like to answer this question by asking other questions.


The first set of questions is dealing with our personal lives, starting with: Is our life in tune with what we profess to believe? Let’s take our faith in what we profess to believe. George Barna made waves by citing statistics showing that only 9% of all born again adults and just 7% of Protestants possess a biblical worldview.


What is a Biblical worldview? It includes a belief in absolute moral truth as defined by Scripture, as well as the acceptance of six core biblical beliefs:


*The accuracy of biblical teaching

*The sinless nature of Jesus

*The literal existence of Satan

*The omnipotence and omniscience of God

*Salvation by grace alone

*The personal responsibility to evangelize


Only 9% of all born-again adults and 7% of Protestants believe these six core beliefs, according to researcher Frank Barna.


“The low percentage of Christians who have a biblical worldview is a direct reflection of the fact that half of our primary religious teachers and leaders do not have a biblical worldview.” (Barna quote) 


In most of our homes in the West you will find a Bible or two and many will know some of its content, but very few know how to integrate its teaching into a coherent life style and being able to respond to the challenges and opportunities that come our way. Like Frank Barna said: “We’re often more concerned with survival amidst chaos than with experiencing truth and significance.” However, those that do operate from a Biblical worldview will have widely different views on morality and the choices they make daily.


Reformation will bring a Biblical worldview back into our daily lives.


The second set of questions that we need to ask ourselves is: Are our ministries in tune with the Word of God? Before we answer this question let me ask some other questions about “ministry:”


  1. Our ministry – is it competition or completion? Do we find ourselves “competing” with other ministries rather than trying to see how we can “complete” them?
  2. Our ministry – is it “focused” or “fragmented?” We know that the opposite of focus is fragmentation. Do we see our purpose in the light of God’s Word and are we focused on that?
  3. Our ministry – is it a “relinquishing” or a “resisting” ministry? So often we (the professionals) hang onto the work and do not know how to relinquish to those that have been prepared for the task. We see this with Jesus when He ascended back to heaven and gave the task to His 12 disciples.
  4. Our ministry – is it “reconciliation” or “alienation?” In 2 Corinthians 5:18 we see that we have been given the message of reconciliation, but when we see the disunity in the church we wonder what happened to the message of reconciliation.
  5. Our ministry – is it the “letter of the law” or the “Spirit of life?” Is it rules and regulations or is it laying down Biblical principles to govern ourselves by?
  6. Our ministry – is it a “movement of God” or is it a “monument of man?” Many movements and even denominations that start out as a movement of God become more of a monument of man after one or two generations


These are questions that I ask myself when I read the Word of God and then look at the ministries that are taking place today. Reformation will bring us back to a Biblical ministry. You can go to www.menwithfaith.com and on the “teaching” page read more on this in my book: MINISTRY OF THE 21ST CENTURY where these questions are asked and answered.


We will take up the third question regarding our culture in our next chapter.











Daily Devotional

Today is the day of choosing, whether to serve the living God, or the god of this world.


Tell me what does the god of this world offer that so many have chosen? What promises has he made to those who follow his teaching? What future is ahead for those who keep their heads down so that they cannot see what is coming? It is easy to follow him and his diciples that require you to live and think only of satisfying your flesh. They shout out at those who follow the living God, “Don’t be deceived by the promise of your God that our rein will be short lived.”


Our leaders have sold out to the god of this world, and look at what it has lead to. Do they know the meaning of the word ‘justice?’ No! These leaders plot evil and the results are violence throughout the land. Therefore, today is a day of trouble, insults, and disgrace.


The true follower of Jesus must not follow the crowd in doing wrong, or be swayed by the crowd to twist justice. They need to pray, and lay out before Him all of the atrocities being done in our land, and say, “O Lord rescue us from their power; then everyone will know that You alone are God.”


Therefore, since we have been made right with God through Jesus Christ by faith, we have His peace and promise for the future. We can rejoice when we run into problems and trials, because sin does not control the way we live. We need to have control over our bodies and not allow the body, both physical body and Christ’s body, to become an instrument of evil. Instead, we will use our whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Remember that we are a slave of whatever we choose to obey. So choose to do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life. There truly is a reward for those who live for God.

Daily Devotional

Lord, everything is falling apart: wars throughout the world, threats of terrorism, lying leaders, and no one is safe on our streets. No one evens knows the truth, or even cares to know it. They have been told lies upon lies in our schools. We are governed by the sinful minority, who tell us that You do not exisit. They shout out at Your children, “What are you trusting in that makes you so confident? What makes you think that the Lord can rescue you?”


Do not ignore the cry of Your children for help! Please listen for we are overwhelmed by all of this. My heart pounds in my chest, because of the anger I have about what these wicked people say and do. They twist everything and Your people have become overwhelmed.


Son, these people don’t know where to find peace. But, what joy there is when a life has been cleared of sin. Being clear of sin is not based on being good, but on a right relationship with Me that comes by faith. 


So give your burdens to Me, and I will take care of you. In the days ahead there will be a great revival, and My children will stand for the truth and they will be martyred for it. Even though they have no reason for hope, they will keep believing, and will not waver in believing My promise even if it means death. In fact, their faith will grow stronger, because they will be fully convinced that I am able to do what I promised, and that is to raise them to life again with Me forever! 


So be strong, and do not fear, for I am coming! Soon you will walk on My Highway of Holiness; for only the redeemed can walk on it. The key to overcoming all that you see in the world, is you must learn to trust Me!

Daily Devotional

Are you ready for Jesus’ return?


He is coming, so His children must make a declaration! Shout it out for all to hear that you follow Jesus. Tell everyone who will listen that, “God is my helper, and it is by His power that keeps me alive! He has and will continue to rescue me from my troubles.” Now is the day and time for His children to be united and stand up; showing the world God’s salvation with His power and might.


When His children search the Bible, they will know what is coming and how to be prepared. What He has promised in the Bible – He will do, and by His Spirit will make it all come true. So take courage! For It will be just as He said.


Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God, and what is said in the Bible will not happen.” These people are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! Will these evil people ever learn? They never think of praying to God. Therefore, in the days ahead terror will grip them; terror like they have never known before. Why? Because God has rejected them, and tells them, “In the days ahead when you hear the truth, you will not understand it. When you see the way to go, you will not grasp it.” And all because their hearts have become hardened to the truth;  they will not turn to Me.


Therefore, My children prepare for my arrival!

Daily Devotional

What does it take to change slaves into free people?


Do you remember the day you left your place of slavery? What reminder do you have that will remind you of the power of the Lord’s mighty hand when He freed you? You need to celebrate every day what the Lord did for you.


What will you do in the days ahead when you are faced with a choice that might make you want to change your mind and return to slavery.  Will you say, “Who does the Lord think we are, when He speaks to us like this? Why are You doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this? Why did You make me go this way? Didn’t I tell You this would happen if I stood up for You. Coudn’t You just let us live out our lives in quietness! I would rather be a slave to the world than go through this.” 


The time is here when The Lord will begin to purge away the wickedness of the earth, and It is a foolish and stupid person to turn away from God. These foolish people think the coming destruction can never touch them, for they have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception. Therefore, the One who created them will show them no pity or mercy. 


But to those who refuse to turn back The Lord will go ahead of you. So don’t be afraid, just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you. The Lord Himself will fight for you; so just stay calm. Remember that when His glory is displayed through you, all the world will see His glory and know that He is Lord! When we see the mighty power of the Lord unleashed we will be filled with awe. 


 So why are you crying out, “Why Me?” We just need to get moving and keep moving! 


Daily Devotional

What makes a true leader? 


When times are good we choose leaders for many reasons. Some may look and act like a leader. Some might be successful and have great wealth. They might be religious and be great speakers. But, when things get hard these elected superficial leaders will fail!


So how do we know a true leader when we see one? Listen and pay attention to his words; for they are wise, truthful and full of insight. When we have God’s leader in position we will not be fearful when trouble comes. We will have confidence that he will lead us in the way we should go, doing what needs to be done for righteousness sake.  


God will expose those wanna-be leaders who trust in their wealth and boast of themselves. So don’t be discouraged, but be thankful and keep your faith in the Most High God. He will show us His leader as we repent and cry out to Him to heal our land.  


What we have today are wanna-be leaders, not true leaders. Listen to what they say, “Stop telling us about the coming judgments of God. Stop telling us your opinion of the truth; we have truth! We must all be politically correct and teach tolerance so we can all get along.” These false leaders need to lie about what is really going on, because if the people knew the truth – they would turn on these leaders and throw them out. So they tell everyone there is no reason to be afraid and gloomy. They reassure the people that it is okay to get off the narrow path. These fools want all talking about the Holy One – to stop! 


What blind fools to think they can hide their plans from the Lord, and get away with doing their evil deeds in the dark, thinking that the Lord can’t see them. How foolish! They are not greater than their Creator!  Should the created thing say of the One who made it, “He didn’t make me!” Who’s the stupid one here? What prideful arrogance!  A godly leader understands who his Lord and Saviour is, and he looks for what God is doing so he can cooperate with Him.


Lord, we need godly leaders in our country and in Your church. Help Your children to unite and seek out Your leaders that You have chosen and raised up to lead in such a time as this. Then as troubles keep coming we will know that You will rescue us. It is only when we know Your wisdom and will – that we will recognize the leader You have called and anointed. 


Daily Devotional

The earth suffers because of the sins of its people; for they have twisted God’s word, violated his laws, and broken His covenant. Therefore, He has set a day for judging the world with justice. He is about to destroy the earth, and the people that reject the Lord’s salvation must pay for their own sin.


Look at your cities; they are in chaos. People are afraid and they lock their homes to keep out intruders. Mobs gather in the streets, and their is no joy in life, it is quickly turning to all gloom. Soon the foundations of the earth will shake because all the foundations of righteousness have been destroyed by the wicked. 


God’s children must not be afraid, but keep speaking out with truth and the hope of Christ! Use the Bible to reason with people; explaing to them what the prophecies say and how to prepare. Tell them to search the Bible for the truth and see that what we are saying is the truth. When people begin to search out these things – many will believe.  So God’s children, don’t be silent!


God, You have said what You will do! But those who paid no attention to Your word will be left out in the open of Your judgment. Lord, Your light and truth will guide us. You are the source of all peace and joy. Therefore, I will praise You my God, and I will put my hope in You. You are my Savior and my God!