Daily Devotional

Son, there is another generation in America that does not acknowledge Me or remember the things I have done.  They have abandoned Me by going after other gods, serving and worshiping them. They refuse to give up their evil practices. How quickly America has turned away from the path of their ancestors, who had walked in obedience to Me. Each generation is behaving worse than those who lived before them. They have become so arrogant by saying that there are many roads to Me.


My children must realize that they do not need to defend themselves against this generation, because I am able to save them. For I will bless and care for those who realize their need for Me; hose whose hearts are pure, and are persecuted for doing what is right. So My children, be happy that you do not fit in with the world! Be very glad about it; for a great reward awaits you in heaven! Remember that I know exactly what you need even before you ask Me!


Lord, since I cannot understand all of Your activities, let me rejoice every day that you have given me to live. May Your Name be kept holy in my life, and may Your Kingdom come soon. Forgive me of my sins, and rescue me from the evil one. Help me not to worry about the things I have no control over, and to live righteously with the help of Your Spirit in me. 


I love Your Word because when I read Your word it takes away the fear and worry about tomorrow. Your word promises me that You will give me everything I need. You will rescue me by Your supreme power. But even if You do not rescue me, I want to make it clear to all that I will serve only You, and I am willing to die rather than serve or worship any false god; for You alone  are the One True God.



Needed: Reformation – Chapter 13

Who Is Man? Part 4


When we think of man we cannot forget what evolution has done. However, evolution did not start with Darwin, but with philosophers known as “Pre-Socratics,” around sixth to mid-fifth century B.C. These were philosophers bouncing ideas back and forth before the coming of Socrates. They were not interested in ‘who’ created the earth, but ‘what’ the universe was created of. They thought that all of life was just “matter” (stuff). For them, even if ‘the gods’ did exist they too came out of the same cosmos soup.


This type of thinking has been with us ever since and today it shows up in our class rooms as evolution. In this type of thinking, here in the West especially, it doesn’t always mean that they are against God, but that He does not really matter. He is insignificant. Therefore, the evolution of man has taken the place of God and man can manage on his own.


Yet, when we read the Bible we find that it is completely different than what we are learning in the class rooms of our universities. Who is right? What is truth? Some will say that evolution does not oppose the Bible account of the origin of man.  However, they are wrong and here are a few questions by Herbert Lockyer that they can give us an answer to:


1. At what point in the ascending scale do moral questions emerge, or where does irresponsible animal passion pass into moral obligation? 


2. At what point does a spiritual nature, carrying the gift of immortality, appear? 


3. At what particular stage in the development of a semi-animal, semi-savage creature, can we apply the words: “Made in the image of God?” 


4. How does the theory affect the Person of Jesus Christ, and how far back along the process of development does His redemptive work take effect?


I am reminded of the philosophers of the Apostle Paul’s day.  Paul, in particular said, “Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20-21) What Paul is doing is putting out a challenge and saying to these people that if you have the answers to life’s questions then step forward and let us hear! But they have nothing to say. Truth brings us back to who man is and why he is here, and reformation starts when people accept the Word of God: Truth.  What we have today is man’s prideful opinions based on his opposition to the truth, which reveals his hatred for God and His Word. His Word is truth.


Why is all of this important? It is important because we need to see that we are the creatures and God is the Creator.


The philosophy I was writing about that somehow we can do the work of God in the flesh, without the Holy Spirit, has penetrated the churches here in the West and is causing untold damage.


In Galatians 3:3 Paul said: “Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?”


How much of what we do with our church programs, missions, evangelism, etc. is truly a direct result of ‘waiting on the Lord’ for His direction and timing? Are we fulfilling our own plans that seem or feel good to us? God’s work, when it is done in the flesh, is nothing more than ‘dead works,’ according to God (James 2:26) that “the body without the Spirit is dead.”                           





Daily Devotional

Son, when you come to the end of your life, you will be empty-handed just like the day you were born. So learn to enjoy your work and do what I ask of you. Remember it is gift from Me to receive wealth, and to have good health to enjoy it. I will keep you so busy enjoying life that you will have no time to think about the past.


People who find no satisfaction in life are unhappy people, and are never content. They do not know how to enjoy what they have, because they always desire more. They think that wealth brings true happiness!


So live your life knowing that I am coming soon, and you will be blessed. When you read My words of prophecy that are in My book, you will see that I am coming soon. When I come I will bring rewards and crowns with me to give to My children. My home will be with My children, and I will live with them forever! Nothing evil will be allowed to enter My home; only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.


When I come I will judge everyone: the living and the dead, the great and the common, the free and the slave; everyone who has lived will stand before My throne. I will open My history books and all those not found in My Book of Life will be judged according to what they have done with what I gave them for eternal life. Anyone whose name was not found recorded in My Book of Life will be thrown into the eternal lake of fire.


To those who are thirsty for the truth, I give it freely. So come and drink in the pure water of life while there is still time; before I say that – it is finished, and the door is shut!

Daily Devotional

This morning I read about two great men who lived on this earth. One is called the wisest person who ever lived, and the other was born into poverty. Both had a great impact on others and both are still remembered today. They gave us a perspective about life and it is our choice in which one we choose to follow.


The wisest person said:

“What do people get for all their hard work? No matter how much they see – people are never satisfied. No matter how much they hear, they are not content. People don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what they are doing now. Everything that people do is meaningless-like chasing the wind.


Some people say life is about having the good things in life. They seek pleasures, and cheer themselves with wine. Some say I will seek great knowledge and become wise in this world. Others will seek to find the meaning of their life by building huge homes, and planting beautiful vineyards. Some will collect great sums of silver and gold, and having everything a man could desire!”


But listen to what he says, for the wisest man had everything listed above. “Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure. I even found great pleasure in hard work, but as I looked at everything that I had worked so hard to accomplish, l realized that everyone will die. The wise will not be remembered any longer than the fool. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from the One who gives it to us, and allows us to enjoy it? God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him.”


The poor man says:

“Be truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble; think of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.”


Who was this poor man? Jesus! He gave up His divine privilege, and took the humble position of a slave, by being born as a human being. He appeared in human form, He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross – so that we could have His Holy Spirit dwell in us and produce good fruit with our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Those who belong to Him have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there.


Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Then you will find the meaning of your life on earth!


Needed: Reformation – Chapter 12

 WHO IS MAN? Part 3


Genesis 2:17 “…but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”  


In our study of man it is important to understand what is commonly known as the “fall of man.” Scripture testifies to this in many places. For example: Romans 5:12-19 says, “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.”


Through this sin man lost much of his original dignity. He was made to have dominion, to rule and reign. Still to a remarkable degree man still retains much of this dominion. However, sin has weakened his power to dominate nature. We see even today that with all that man has he still cannot control nature: earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. and we see the havoc they have brought upon man.


We read that the PERFECT MAN: JESUS CHRIST had full control over nature. We read from out of God’s Word that He will put everything, even death, under His feet, and Christ will reign supreme. We see His miracles, rebuking the storm and many other incidences of His power being displayed.


At the FALL of man we see that every part of man became tainted by sin. Although man is not all together bad, still we do have total depravity. Man’s way is not up, but down. His whole being is corrupted.


As someone said concerning ‘man:’ his spirit is darkened (Ephesians 4:17-18; I Corinthians  2:14); his soul is debased (Jeremiah 17:9;  Ephesians 4:19); his body is diseased and death-ridden (Romans 7:24); his will is weakened (Romans 7:15); his conscience is blunted (1 Timothy 4:2). Sin brought a schism into man’s nature, the lower dominating the higher. Man, apart from grace, has “the mind set on the flesh” (Romans 8:7) and a heart that is deceitful (Genesis 6:5-12; Romans 1:17-24). He is spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1); under wrath and judgment (John 5:28,29; Psalm 130:3; Romans 2:5-12; Ephesians 2:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9; Revelation 20:15; 21:8); utterly lost (Luke 19:10); a guilty sinner before God (Psalm 14:2,3; Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:9-23); a child of the devil, and under the control of Satan (Ephesians 2:2).”


Dr. R.A Torrey listed five steps in the fall of man given in Genesis 3:1-6. Adam was guilty of:


1. Listening to slanders against God. 

2. Doubting God’s Word and His love. 

3. Looking at what God had forbidden. 

4. Lusting for what God had prohibited (I John 2:16). 

5. Disobeying God’s commandment. 


What “reformation” can do is to restore man. Yet, as we will see later – He does more than just restore. He takes us even beyond where man was before he fell.



Daily Devotional

The Bible says that a wise person will see the danger that is coming and be prepared. But the fool goes blindly on and will suffer the consequences of not being ready.


Son, very soon there will be war against My children like never before, and some will be conquered. Some of My children who are destined for prison will be taken to prison. Some who are destined to die by the sword will die by the sword. So My children, endure this persecution patiently and remain faithful. Remember that fearing people is a trap you don’t want to fall in to, but by trusting Me you will be secured in My purpose.


When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes, and people will not accept My guidance. People will run wild and despise any word or form of godliness. These wicked world leaders will usher in the deceiver who will begin his short term rule. He will deceive all the people who belong to this world. He will require everyone, no matter who they are or what they have, to have a mark on the right hand or forehead, so that no one can buy or sell without this mark.


So My children, how shall you prepare for this day that is already upon you? Some of you are under the impression that you will be gone; therefore it has no meaning to you. Will My children not be on the earth during this time? If so, why aren’t you preparing now to help them? I hear pastors, teachers, and prophets talk. I’m listening to what is being said, and no one is talking about how to prepare for these children of Mine during this time. Why? Could it be that the pastors, teachers and prophets have their eyes on the wrong finishing line?


For the time is almost here when I will judge those people that tortured My children, and they will drink the wine of My anger. They will be forever tormented with fire and burning sulfur. The smoke of their torment will rise forever and they will have no relief day or night; for they worshiped the great deceiver and have accepted his mark in them.


My children you must endure persecution patiently, obeying My commands and maintaining your faith in Me. For, I am coming very soon!


Daily Devotional

Revelation 12:11-12 “They did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice!”


Why were they not afraid? What gave them so much confidence? To them the promises of God that are made in the Bible are real, not just great words. They knew that life on earth, as they knew it, was not all there was. They were confident of the life after death that Jesus spoke of.


Soon, we all will be faced with death, but how will you face it? You’ll die and then what?  If I am confident of where I will spend eternity; that is with my Lord, then I will do great exploits for God and not be afraid of what it costs me, even my physical life.


“What can man do to me? Man can kill my flesh but cannot touch my soul or my spirit, and soon My God will give me a new body!”


Look at the joyful response in heaven when someone lives their life like this! Do you think they will be welcomed into the Lord’s kingdom with honor?

Daily Devotional

Son, My mysterious plan is about to be fulfilled. It will happen just as I said it would, and I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. My only desire was for them to turn from their wicked ways, and accept what My Son Jesus did for them. Therefore it is not too late to turn! Turn from your wickedness, and allow My Sprit to come into your heart.


I have asked my pastors, teachers, and prophets to sound the alarm to warn My children. But My children must listen to what is being said, and to act on it! When all these terrible things begin to happen, as they certainly will – will My children be prepared? Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.” I am the One who guards your soul and I know you knew. If you fail under the pressures of this time, it is because you refused to act upon all My warnings.


Since My children have never traveled this way before, I will guide them. So purify yourselves, and I will do great wonders among you. I will do this so all the nations of the earth will know that My hand is powerful and they should fear Me, the LORD GOD.


If My pastors, teachers, and prophets refuse to sound the alarm of what is coming and My children are not prepared, falling away from Me and compromising the truth, I will hold them accountable for their refusal to warn My children. I will destroy there so called ministries, and I will feed them My justice because they have not fed My children the whole truth! In this way, they will know that I am the LORD. I will send others to tell My children that they will have to go through some hard times and to encourage them in the way to endure and persevere. If My children fail it is because of who they listened to; those teachers and preachers that were afraid or too proud to obey My Holy Spirit.

Daily Devotional

I am the LORD, the God of the heavens above and the earth below, and I say to these newly elected politicians in America, “I have heard My children’s prayers, with regards to America. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead this nation. Do not become proud and arrogant, and set yourself so high above the others, like the ones I have removed. You must understand that no human wisdom or understanding or plan – can stand against Me.”


“Be strong and courageous, for you are the ones who will lead this nation. Be careful to obey everything I tell you, and do not deviate from it by trying to please people who are on the right or left. Then America be successful again. You must know My word, study My word and meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will America prosper and succeed in all it does.”


“Remember that I examine your heart, and I am pleased when you do what is right and just. When true justice is honored and upheld in the land the people rejoice; it is a joy to the godly and it brings fear to evildoers.  Don’t allow the needy to be exploited in court by putting in wicked judges. Don’t become friends with the people I removed from office; do not even associate with them or their friends. If you do you will learn to be like them and endanger this country. If you follow My plan no one will be able to stand against you, for I will be with you, and I will not abandon you. If you rule with injustice, America will harvest disaster, and America will come to an end.”

Daily Devotional

Son, people do not learn from history! They continue to make the same mistakes that were made years before. Today My children do not want to hear that judgment is coming; just like the children of Israel did not want to hear what I said would happen through My prophet Jeremiah. I know that people want to hear that their life will be peaceful and prosperous, and not have difficult days ahead, but you must tell My children what I tell you, even if they do not want to hear it.


I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the Almighty One. I am the First and the Last. I am the living One. I died, but I am alive forever and I hold the keys of death and the grave.


I know all the things My children do. I see all their hard work and their patient endurance. I know they don’t tolerate evil people, and they examine the claims of those who say they are teachers, pastors, prophets and apostles, and have discovered that some are liars. I know that My children have suffered for Me without quitting. What do I ask of My children in the coming days but to trust Me, and not be afraid of what is coming!


What I am asking is not too difficult, nor beyond My children’s reach. So show Me your love by obeying and committing yourself firmly to Me. Then I will show you all of the events that must soon take place, not to frighten you but so that you can be prepared as I want you to be. When My children listen and act upon what I say – they will be blessed. The time is near. Be wise when you hear the warnings of what is coming. Don’t think that this is not for you personally. Don’t keep following the desires of a stubborn heart.


Lord, help me to think carefully before I speak, and to examine my motives for speaking. Help me to commit all my actions to You. I know that there is a way before all of Your children that seems right, but is not right. Direct our steps! Thank You Lord, for caring enough to help us to be prepared.