Son, let Me transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you can know My will for your life. Be careful not to think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourself, measuring yourself by My standards and not by other men. Speak only… Read more »
Posts By: Carol Dietz
Daily Devotional
Son, people need to understand that I know everything. I see clearly what they are doing, and I know every thought they have. They gloat over how they take advantage of people. They gang up against My righteous children and condemn them for their belief in Me. Everything they say and do is foolishness to… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Lord, I get so angry with myself, because there is a war going on in my mind and body. I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. I know that when I lose these battles I become a slave to the sin that won. Son, because you belong to Me;… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, since you are determined to walk with Me – consider yourself alive to Me and dead to the power of sin. Do not let sin control the way you live, and do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin…. Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, I am about to do a shocking thing; My glory is departing from America. Why? Because the leaders have twisted My instructions, violated My laws, and have broken My covenant with them. These leaders suppress My truth, and then claim to be wise. They say they know Me but they refuse to worship Me… Read more »
Kingdom Thinking – Part 15
2 Kings 5:1 “Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy.” Kingdom thinking makes us realize that… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, tell everyone to listen very carefully to what I am saying. “I am about to pull out the support that this generation clings to and everything it supports will fall. Why, because this generation’s sin is very serious, they treat Me with contempt. They never consider Me, or even think to ask for My… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, I want you to hear what the wicked are saying about My children. “Let’s wipe them out. We will destroy the very memory of them. We will seize for our use everything they own.” My children must know that their joy and strength comes from Me. When they walk through the valley of… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Lord, I want to follow Your ways. I believe everything written in Your word. Everyone will stand before You and give an account of their life. Because of this I try to maintain a clear conscience before You and people. Son, so what are people saying about you? Do they say you are a… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Son, when sin is not confronted by My righteous people it will become bold and arrogant. Your leaders will unite with troublemakers and begin to mock My children. They will become an object of scorn and ridicule. They will be thought of and treated as a joke. Their walls of protection will be broken down,… Read more »