How can you have a ‘genuine’ hope amid all the atrocities, natural disasters, government tyranny and enemy threats and attacks – without knowing the truth that only comes from the Creator and Savior of our lives? A true hope has different results than a false hope.


The promises of God that are in His Word (the Holy Bible) are there to give us hope that lasts through all life throws at us. God’s perfectly worked plans for His children bring us to the fulfillment of every promise He gives.


People have a hope because of a new leader they voted in, but when we put our hope in a man, as right and true as he might be, that hope can be disappointed. People lose hope all the time because their hope is ‘misplaced.’ When I put my hope in the Word of the LORD GOD my hope will stay strong to the end, only because of who GOD IS.


God’s Holy Spirit helps the believer in Jesus Christ to ‘hold’ to the promises of God, so that when life is not what it’s supposed to be, or what we thought it would be – the hope in a believer never moves from its secure place within. So, it is critical to make sure your hope is true and not false. A false-hope will surely let us down, and then what? What happens when our hope falls flat? Insecurity, depression, addiction, suicide, anger, blaming, self-hatred, loss of confidence: these are all results of having hope that is not true.


Against all ‘natural’ hope, Abraham and all the other patriarchs of the same faith in what God said to them – in TRUE HOPE – believed and then realized the fulfillment of every promise God made to them, whether in life or in death. (Romans 4:18)


The apostle Paul was “convinced” that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me (and all true believers) from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:38-39) What convinced him? Where did his hope come from?


Noah’s hope, that kept him building the Ark till complete, as ridiculous as it seemed then to all the people, where did Noah’s hope come from? Moses had hope as he defied Pharaoh and led millions of people out of slavery and through a desert of what seemed hopeless. God spoke to him too.


God’s spoken word to us IS OUR HOPE, and peace and joy as well! No matter what century we live, since time began, it has always been the Word of the living GOD that ignites true hope in people so that they will realize their hope come true!


I pray that this new year of 2025 will be a year of people getting into the Word of God, hearing God’s voice, whether for the first time, or whether returning after letting their Bible sit untouched far too long, or by wanting to go even deeper into the LIVING WORD OF GOD.


“For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it bud and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat, so MY WORD that proceeds from MY MOUTH will not return to ME empty, but it WILL accomplish what I please, and it WILL prosper where I send it. You will indeed go out with joy and be led forth in peace…”  Isaiah 55:10-12


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