Legacy vs. Lunacy
Mike had a dream last night that was so uniquely interesting that I felt the need to write it out and state what came to us about it.
The start of his dream had to do with Mike being on a trip because he missed his wife. He found himself in an historic building’s elevator with a photographer there taking photos of the old building for the article of the history of it. She asked Mike for help with photography of the building, and as he was helping her, she began to ask him questions about himself, his wife who had passed, his family and so on. The photographer became so interested in Mike’s story and testimonies that she took a picture of him and wrote a publication of his life as well as the building; tying the two together.
The thought I had about such an interesting dream was how we all see things that have been done (built, made, carved, sculptured, worked for, etc.) and might never learn what the person had to go through in order to do such a great thing in life.
Then I began seeing what we are experiencing today in our country with groups of so-called “activists” tearing down statues of our founders and others that made America a nation people come to live in; they are breaking in to stores and ruining the livelihood of store-owners; they are taking over neighborhoods, forcing out families afraid to live there any longer; they are lawlessly harassing and threatening and destroying and killing – because they were never taught and raised to respect anything or anybody. They don’t care about your journey in how you came to have what you have or do what you did. They vandalize a store not knowing what it took for that store owner to have it. The journey to the criminal is not important; self-gratification is all they have to live for.
When children grow up learning to be accountable and disciplined in accomplishing something important – they naturally have respect for others; they will even want to help others reach their dream of significant value. When we learn what it took for a person to do what he/she did that had/has great worth and value, they won’t go around tearing down what others built or made.
Just to see something impressive and not understand what it took for someone to produce that thing that benefits others as well as themselves, allows someone to have no feeling of guilt in trying to tear it down, or take it from them.
Why do murderers feel no guilt? They have no understanding about that person’s personal life. The person they murder has no meaning to them. The statue they pull down has no meaning to them. The store building they vandalize and rob has no meaning to them. The laws they break have no meaning to them.
Why were they not taught and raised to have respect for people and their possessions, and for law and order, and for buildings and neighborhoods? When children learn what it took for a man/woman to do what they did – that ‘thing’ means more to them. Back in the old days, people used to sit around and share their stories around the kitchen table, the front porch, the store counters, on car trips, etc. Kids today haven’t had that benefit. Families are not close like they used to be. Some are, but most are not.
Parents who try to hide their hardships from their children (children who can understand) in reaching what is important to them are preventing their children from learning to appreciate ‘things’ that are important in our lives, or that they (the children) will one day inherit.
If children don’t learn self-discipline and respect and hard-work in getting what you want and in accomplishing the dream they could have – then they grow up otherwise, like we see today with BLM, ANTIFA, LEFT-ACTIVISM, all rampages of lawlessness and criminal minds looking for ways to take what they want from others and take out their resentments and lack of proper upbringing - on others.
And not only that, but we are living in a time with a lawless WH administration that won’t do their jobs to protect hard-working, law-abiding men and women with their families and their businesses and their possessions. Shameful! Never thought we’d be living this way in America.
Father God, "Your Kingdom come - Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven."