Will You Believe?

There is no other God, there never has been and there never will be. I, am the LORD, and there is no other Savior. No one can snatch My children out of My hand, because My children are precious to Me.


When My children go through deep waters – I will be with them. When they go through rivers of difficulty – they will not drown. When they walk through the fire of oppression – they will not be burned up. Therefore My children, do not be afraid for I have chosen you to know Me, and to believe in Me, and to fully understand that I alone am God.


But, some of My children have grown tired of Me, and have burdened me with their sin of unbelief. Their eyes are closed to My truth, and they cannot see My presence around them. Their minds are shut to My wisdom, and their meditation is on the things of the world around them. These poor, deluded fools trust in what can not help them. Oh how this grieves Me!


My children, I alone am the only One who can save you and blot out sins so I never think of them again. Life is a choice which path will you choose? Will you continue to choose the world, or come to your senses and choose your only Savior and hope for a bright and blessed future. My Son has paid the price for you to be free? Will you keep putting it off till you’re out of time?


Because I love you more than you will ever know – I will keep coming to you, over and over, while you still have time. It’s not My desire or will that anyone should perish in their own sins!

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