Daily Devotional

This morning I was reading 2 Chronicles 29:31-36. What stood out to me was the people consecrated themselves and then they gave to the Lord.


So what does it mean to “consecrate” ourselves?  Consecrated: pure in heart, dedicated to the Lord. 


The result of their personal consecration was that they had an abundance. Today people think their giving will consecrate them with God, but this has only resulted with the church being in need, lacking in true repentance.


When people consecrate themselves before they give, God’s hand will be upon them, and they will be of one heart. People of the world will laugh and make fun of them, but those people will begin to see what it looks like when God’s hand is upon someone. For, when the Lord’s consecrated people give, the result will be: He will remember us in our weakness, He will save us, and He will give us what we need. His faithful love endures forever!


Just a thought



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