Daily Devotional

This morning I was woken up by these words at 2 AM. I tried everything to not get up and write this, but could not get back to sleep. These words were shouting in my mind, and it is impossible to sleep when the Lord is shouting in your ear.


 These are the times that try men’s souls!


It looks like we are going to lose America to the revolution of progressive thinkers, and some Christians are shrinking away because standing up for the truth means hardship and trouble. When the Christian stands up and says, “These are the times that test my soul,” they are saying “This is now the time to see what my faith is really made of.” Do I fall away from the Lord when my faith is under attack, or do I have the courage to stand up for what I believe in? In the coming days the summer Christian will shrink from the commands of our Lord.


 In the garden what did Jesus do to be prepared for His dark cold season, in what He would have to face and endure? He remained in prayer before His Father all the way to the end of His purpose!



The hour of testing has come for the American church. Therefore, as God’s children we repent and humbly remain in prayer. Pray for protection and provision by the power of His Name. We need to be united just as Jesus and His father are because we have been given the truth from the Lord, which is “The Word of Almighty God.” We are to know and not be surprised that this world will hate us, and neither should we be offended when they attack us because we stand up for truth. Understand that It was never in God’s will to remove His children from hardship, but to keep them safe from the evil one. For we will be purified by knowing and living out the truth in the hardest times, and being faithful to teach the truth to others.


How will the world know that we are men and women of the truth? When we are united, just like Jesus and His father showed us their unity. Jesus said, “I have given them the glory you gave Me, so they may be one as We are one. I am in them and they are in Me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love Me.”


Pastors, why can’t you unite with other pastors and pray for your towns, county, state and our country? Is it because you are divided over what to stand up for? Could it be that you have tried this before and you think that it did not work? Are you afraid of the cost to stand up for the truth? During our revolution for our country it was the black robe pastors who gave us direction, hope, and encouragement; we need these men now.


Today Christians are so worried about temporal things and are afraid of the cost to stand up for the truth. It will require them to get up early, to be in God’s powerful Word, and to go to war in prayer. If we are afraid of what we hear today – then what will you do when things get worse tomorrow? To stand up for truth will have a cost, and if this world is your kingdom then by all means hide and try to protect what little you have. But if this is not your kingdom, then by all means unite and stand up courageously – for our King is coming!


A true disciple of Christ is willing to sacrifice his or her own fortunes and physical life for the truth of Jesus Christ. A true disciple of Christ is not concerned about enjoying his life here and develops patience with people who have not yet caught the vision that God’s truth is vanishing from society. A true disciple is prayerfully and actively concerned that the truth is in serious jeopardy for the next generation.


At times God may shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or He may let diseases quickly spread, and allow war in our streets, but if we, His children that are called by His Name, will humble ourselves before Him and pray, seek His face continually and stand up for truth, then He will hear from heaven and restore our land. This is His Word. His eyes will be open and His ears attentive to every prayer we make to Him. For He has chosen us, and has set us apart to be holy as He is holy. We are to have homes where His Name is honored and called on each day. He will always watch over us, for we are dear to His heart; His treasured possessions.


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