Daily Devotional

Son, to be prepared for what is coming it must start with your mind with the understanding of My Spirit. In the coming days My children will be mocked, persecute and lied about; people will say all sorts of evil things against them. My children must understand that I bless those who realize their need for Me and what they lack that only I can give them. Those who are humble towards Me will inherit the whole earth. Those who mourn unto righteousness will be comforted. Those who hunger and thirst for justice will be satisfied. Those whose hearts are pure towards Me – will see Me. Those who are persecuted for doing right – the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.


Son, when you pray do it by yourself in private. I already know what you need even before you ask Me! But in this private time with Me when you are reminded by My Spirit that someone has something against you, leave and go work out the issue with them. Then come back and compete your quiet time with Me. Remember that I command you to love your enemies like I did. Pray for those who hurt you or your family. My children must understand that I see everything that is done to My children. Just like you protect your children I WILL PROTECT MINE AS WELL!


My Children, do not store up treasures here on earth, but in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Understand that no one can serve two masters, either you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. Therefore, you cannot serve both Me and money at the same time.


Why worry about everyday life? Isn’t life more than food and things? Tell Me, what can all your worrying do for you; can it add a single moment to your life? If I care so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, why won’t I care for you? Worry dominates the thoughts of unbelievers, but My children must seek My Kingdom above everything. So don’t worry about tomorrow, entrust it to Me. Today will have trouble enough for you.


When My children live in My shelter they will find rest from their worries and fears. All of My promises will be your armor and protection in the days ahead. You will not be afraid of the terrors of the night, or the dread of disease, or disaster. No evil will conquer you. No plague will come near your home.


Lord, only a fool would not understand this. Lord, may Your Name be kept holy in my life. Help me to keep the thought of Your Kingdom coming soon – ever before me. May Your perfect and acceptable will be done in my life. I will trust You that You will give me and my family all we need. Forgive me of all my foolishness, and help me to forgive those who hurt me. Lord, don’t let me yield to temptation, but rescue me from the evil one.


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