Daily Devotional

Son, I never do anything until I reveal My plans to My prophets. Therefore, My children should have understanding about what is coming. So why would some of My chidlren not be prepared? Will they say we heard, but did not understand what we were being told. Those children of Mine who do not understand will fall away in the coming days when they are persecuted for believing My Word. Why? The message to remain faithful is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth and the desire for worldly things – and so they have no fruit. But, when My children hear and accept My message they will be prepared and produce more than they think can be done. 


So My children, pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given. Faith comes by listening to Me and then acting upon on what I say. Don’t be suprised that when you act upon what I say there will come a wall of oppostion to try and stop you. Remember that when you take your eyes off My promises and put them on the wall of oppostion you will doubt that I care about you and then make bad choices. You need to ask yourself why you are afraid? Could it be that your faith is too small and that you do not believe what I said I would do for you?


Lord, help me not to be afraid, for my heart has heard You say, “Come and talk with Me.” You have always been my helper, and You will not leave me now, or abandon me at any time. Teach me how to live, and lead me along the right path. Help me to wait patiently for You to fullfill Your promises. Help me to be brave and courageous, for You are my strength and shield. I trust You with all my heart, and my heart is filled with Your joy. You will give me the wisdom and strength to walk through the wall of oppostion.

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