Daily Devotional

Son, let Me tell you the true story of Christmas. My birth is very important but what took place on the day I died is the real story of Christmas. So let Me tell you the story as I saw it and felt it.


On the day of My death, I was stripped and flogged with a lead-tipped whip. They wove thorn branches into a crown and put it on My head. They placed a reed stick in My right hand as a scepter. They knelt before Me in mockery and taunted Me by saying, “Hail! King of the Jews!” They spit on Me and grabbed the stick and struck Me on the head with it. When they were finally tired of mocking Me, they nailed Me to the cross, by piercing My hands and feet with nails. When that cross was dropped into the hole all My bones came out of joint so that I could count all My bones. My heart was like wax, melting within Me. My strength was dried up like sunbaked clay. My tongue stuck to the roof of My mouth. Soldiers gambled for My clothes by throwing dice, and all of My enemies stared at Me and gloated.


When Mary came to My tomb to take care of My dead body, she was met by one of My angels, who said, “He is not here! He has risen from the dead,” just as I said would happen. Therefore, now is the time to turn to Me, while there is still time. Give Me your hearts. Come to Me, for I am merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. I am eager to relent and not punish, and everyone who calls on the Name of Jesus Christ will be saved. This is the true story of Christmas!


Lord, You have been my God from the moment I was born, and I called on You to be my Savior as a young man. You have not ignored or belittled Me when I have cried out to You. You have never turned Your back on me, but have listened to my cries for help. Soon the whole earth will acknowledge You and all the nations will bow down before You. What a Day that will be!

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