Daily Devotional

Son, America started out with Me, and received My blessing, and now it’s leaders have rejected Me. I am going to judge this land. Your judges, do they know the meaning of Justice? Look at what they decide; is it based upon the truth or politics? I told your forefathers that if this country breaks this covenant that they made with Me and start worshiping and serving other gods, then My anger will burn against this land. They will be amazed at how quickly My blessing will be taken from them.


Very soon I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red. People will become like walking corpses, with no passion, no love, and no future. They will have eyes but will not be able to see clearly. They will have tongues but not be able to speak the truth.


My children must choose whom they will serve; Me or this world? If they choose Me, then they will receive the power of My Holy Spirit. They will be My witnesses and tell everyone all the wonderful things I have done for them. They will cling tightly to Me, and deep in their hearts they will know that every promise I give them will come true, not a single one will fail!!


Lord, I cannot speak for others, but for me and my family, we will serve You. We will look to You for our protection, and hide beneath the shadow of Your wings. We will be filled with the joy of Your presence.

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