Daily Devotional

Lord, everything is falling apart: wars throughout the world, threats of terrorism, lying leaders, and no one is safe on our streets. No one evens knows the truth, or even cares to know it. They have been told lies upon lies in our schools. We are governed by the sinful minority, who tell us that You do not exisit. They shout out at Your children, “What are you trusting in that makes you so confident? What makes you think that the Lord can rescue you?”


Do not ignore the cry of Your children for help! Please listen for we are overwhelmed by all of this. My heart pounds in my chest, because of the anger I have about what these wicked people say and do. They twist everything and Your people have become overwhelmed.


Son, these people don’t know where to find peace. But, what joy there is when a life has been cleared of sin. Being clear of sin is not based on being good, but on a right relationship with Me that comes by faith. 


So give your burdens to Me, and I will take care of you. In the days ahead there will be a great revival, and My children will stand for the truth and they will be martyred for it. Even though they have no reason for hope, they will keep believing, and will not waver in believing My promise even if it means death. In fact, their faith will grow stronger, because they will be fully convinced that I am able to do what I promised, and that is to raise them to life again with Me forever! 


So be strong, and do not fear, for I am coming! Soon you will walk on My Highway of Holiness; for only the redeemed can walk on it. The key to overcoming all that you see in the world, is you must learn to trust Me!

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