Daily Devotional

Lord, what makes a leader?


Son, no one can become a leader simply because he wants such an honor. A leader knows where he’s going and knows how to take his family with him. He is called by Me for this work. He must know how to offer up prayers and pleadings, with tears, to the only One who can rescue him. He will have to learn obedience from the things he has suffered.


I am looking for leaders to stand up! Leaders who know My voice when I say, “I want to speak with you.” Leaders who listen carefully to My words – to obey Me. Today what I hear about a leader is that, “Leaders are to put their families first and work in the local church.” These are good things, but I want leaders who strongly desire to seek and bring in My kingdom. When leaders seek My kingdom first, I will take care of their families, and their local church will prosper. But, if they put the cart before the horse, they will lose their family and their local church will be weak. Both family and church will be defeated because they have stopped short of what a true leader is.


I am looking for leaders who I can send to the nations, especially to the nations that have rebelled against Me; that are against Me to this very day; to people who are stubborn and hard-hearted. I want leaders who are strong enough to say, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says!” And, then say it, no matter what the cost! Then these nations will know that they have had a true leader among them; that I have sent them My message.  My leader will give them My message whether they listen or not. My message will advance My kingdom because I have chosen these leaders: who are strong and forceful!


I am looking for leaders who are bold and will shout out, “When will you fools finally catch on? My Lord punished the nations in the past; so will He not also punish you? He knows everything; so does He not also know what you are doing? He knows people’s futile thoughts; He knows they are worthless! His judgment is founded on justice.”


When My leaders have doubts, it will be My word that will give them direction, comfort, and renewed hope. When the world gangs up against My leaders and condemns them to death – they know that I will be their fortress where they can hide. I am their Rock! My leaders will know that I will turn the sins of evil people back on them. I will destroy them for their proud rebellion.


Son, I know that it is difficult to understand, especially since a lot of My children are spiritually dull and don’t really listen. Someone who thinks about family and the local church first is an infant; but I want maturity!


Son, I will not forget how hard you have worked for Me and how you have shown your love to Me by caring for your family and other believers, as you still do. But, by putting Me first – it will be a strong and trustworthy anchor in life, and it will allow you into My inner sanctuary. So feel My hand upon you; take hold of it and be a true leader.


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