Daily Devotional

Lord, I have to confess that it is easy to become discouraged. Look at what is taking place; people refuse to stand up for the truth. They go from bad to worse, and refuse to acknowledge You.


Son, this has happened because some of My shepherds have lost their senses and left the way in which to shepherd My sheep. They no longer seek My wisdom. Therefore, their flocks are scattered. Because of these shepherds some of My children have abandoned My word, and have refused to obey what it says. What will I do – but test them with the fire. Therefore, a time is coming when I will punish all those who refuse to acknowledge Me and My word.


My children should cleanse themselves from everything that can defile their body or spirit. They should work toward complete holiness, and fear Me. When My children begin to live their lives this way it will lead them away from sin, and they will never regret it. But when My children live worldly – they will not see the importance of repentance, and this will result in their spiritual death.  In the coming days My children will be tested by many troubles, then what will they do?


Son, why are you discouraged? Why is your heart so sad? You need to put your hope in Me! Here is my advice for you: finish what you started! Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by how you finish your life. Give in proportion to what you have, and I will accept it if you give it eagerly. Do not promise to give what you do not have. Remember, I told you how to overcome discouragement! It starts with the words, “I will.”


Lord, I will praise You. I will remember You each day. You have poured Your unfailing love upon me. I will put my hope in You! I will praise You again and again because there is no one like You! You are great, and Your Name is full of power. You are the only true God. You are the living God; the everlasting King!

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