Daily Devotional

Son, when I return will I find anyone with faith? Faith is just believing that what I said, I will do, and for people to act as though it has happened. Remember the story of the ten lepers, I told them to go to the priest and as they went they were cleansed of their leprosy, but they had to go first.When the blind man cried out to Me to heal him, I told him to stand up and go, but he needed to stand first so that he would be healed. Most people will not understand the significance or grasp what I am talking about. These people want Me to do for them without their being any action on their part, and this is why I ask, “When I return will I find anyone with faith?”


Lord, help me to increase my faith, by acting upon what You have told me. To obey Your words is simply my duty as Your child. What stops me is when I cling to this life of mine. I know that if I let go of my wants and desires, You will give me an abundant life. Help me to keep sight of the fact that I will live in Your house for ever and ever!


Son, never forget this! If you give up your wants and desires for Me; I will repay you many times over in this life, and the life to come, and I will declare that you are My special treasure. Therefore, you must obey all My commands. If you do you will receive praise and honor, and you will be known by Me. So watch yourself, because there will always be the temptation to give in to your desires.


Lord, I know that You are merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. So teach me how to live, and lead me along the right path.

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