Daily Devotional

Son, I am telling you in advance what I am about to do. That way you and your family will have enough when the years of famine come. People from all around will come to buy from you when you are prepared. Remember, that you must keep believing even when there is no reason to do so. In this time of testing you must not waver in believing My promises. When you keep believing – your faith will grow stronger, and this brings Me great glory. But, you must be fully convinced that I am able to do what I have promised.


When My children hear and see the truth, they will be prepared. They must understand that My righteousness will bring them peace, quietness, and confidence. I will greatly bless My children when they know this truth.


People of the world need to understand that no one can ever be made right with Me by doing what they think are good acts. People can only be made right with Me by placing their faith in Me. This truth is for everyone, no matter who they are.


Lord, help me not to think as if everything is going against me! Take control of what I say, and don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. I pour out my complaints and tell You all my troubles because You alone know the way I should turn. Hear my cry, and rescue me.

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