Who is Man?

Isaiah 40:6 “A voice says, ‘Cry out.’ And I said, ‘What shall I cry?’ ‘All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.’”


When we think of reformation we need to come back to what the Bible says about man. We, here in the West, live in the days that were like the days of King Nimrod when they were building the Tower of Babel in the land of Shinar (modern day Iraq).


In the days of Nimrod man was supreme, he was his own god. Man was in rebellion against God. God had told mankind to multiply and fill the earth. Genesis 9:1,7. Instead we read that under the leadership of Nimrod men stayed together and built themselves a Tower that in their mind would reach into heaven with the desire to make a name for themselves.


Man thinks that he has the answer to all of life’s questions. When we look back at the 20th century and the wars that came through Nazism, Fascism and Communism where literally millions of people died, it is incredible that man can still think he has the answers.


Yet man generally believes that he is god and master of his own soul; that he can manage without God, even if all of the evidence proves otherwise.


This type of thinking has pervaded the church as well. We do not voice it, but our actions speak louder than words that we can manage God’s work without the Spirit of God. One example of this is in the lack of prayer that we have today in the average church.


A question was raised: What ever happened to the prayer meeting? The answer has come back loud and clear through our actions that we can manage quite well by ourselves without any help from the Divine.


It is imperative that we see ourselves as God sees us and we come back to what God has intended for man.  This to me is what reformation will do. Bring us back to the Biblical view of man.



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