The Proverbs 31 Woman – Chapter 49 – Enemy of Marriage and Family Margaret Sanger

Margaret Sanger – Founder of the Modern Birth-Control Movement


Have you ever wondered where our thinking comes from; that ridiculous thinking about ‘large’ families not worth the sacrifice, time, strength and finances? Where did that idea of the “perfect family” consisting of dad, mom, 1 brother and 1 sister come from? Why do most women prefer careers to raising children? Why are most women, even most Christian women, on birth control? Why is abortion protected by government law? Why do so many men walk away from their own children? Why is there so much adultery and divorce? Why do people automatically think that you are a Mormon or a Muslim if you have lots of children; that a large family is about religion? There’s a mind-set behind all this and it comes from Satan who works through men and women that he has trained to think his way and then to obey his evil will.


Margaret Higgins Sanger was a birth control ‘activist,’ as well as a sex educator and nurse. She coined the term birth control, opened the first birth-control clinic in the United States, and established Planned Parenthood. Sanger’s efforts contributed to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case which legalized contraception in the United States. She formed the National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control which served as the focal point of her lobbying efforts to legalize contraception in the United States.


She lived 86 years from September 14, 1879 to September 6, 1966. She was married twice: to William Sanger and then to James Slee. She was widely regarded as the founder of the modern birth-control movement that included abortion.


If the root is evil – so are all its branches and fruit.


Sanger took on the evil belief of “eugenics,” which is “racial supremacy;” that to have a “pure” world it needs to eliminate every type of “human waste” that burdens society. This idea came from Thomas Robert Malthus, a 19th century cleric and professor of political economy who believed that a population time bomb threatened the existence of the human race. He believed that poverty, deprivation and hunger were evidence of the breakdown of the human race and that any charity or form of benevolence towards those who were deprived only kept the “unfit” going; intensifying the problem. Sanger followed his thinking.


Eugenicists sought to purify the world by encouraging those that Eugenicists considered to be “fit” to reproduce while restricting the reproduction of those they considered “unfit.”  They set out to accomplish this through segregation, sterilization, birth control methods and abortion. Those they considered to be unfit were those they judged and referred to as materially poor, spiritually diseased, racially inferior, and mentally incompetent. According to Malthus, these “unfit” were to be suppressed, isolated and even eliminated. Malthus’ disciples went a more practical way so that their ways would be accepted by the “unfit.” They went with a scientific approach to education in the benefits of contraception, sterilization and abortion.


Eugenicist’s belief and theory on charity:


“All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room is made for them by the deaths of grown persons. We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality.


“Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease. Those vast, complex, interrelated organizations aiming to control and to diminish the spread of misery and destitution and all the menacing evils that spring out of this sinisterly fertile soil, are the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents and dependents.


“It [charity] encourages the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant [emphasis added].”


“The most serious charge that can be brought against modern ‘benevolence’ is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression.


Oh yes, the devil is in these details! If the root is evil – so are all its branches and fruit.


Margaret Sanger built the ABCL (American Birth Control League) which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, on the belief of “eugenics.”  Eugenicists financed all she did until her organizations were capable of standing on their own financially, with ‘government funding.’ The ABCL became a legal entity on April 22, 1922 in New York.  Before this Sanger operated a birth control clinic illegally in Brooklyn, New York where the clinic serviced poor immigrants (the unfit) who mostly populated the area. It eventually closed.


Here’s an excerpt of an address Sanger gave in 1926 said:


“It now remains for the U.S. government to set a sensible example to the world by offering a bonus or yearly pension to all obviously unfit parents who allow themselves to be sterilized by harmless and scientific means. In this way the moron and the diseased would have no posterity to inherit their unhappy condition. The number of the feeble-minded would decrease and a heavy burden would be lifted from the shoulders of the fit.


She wrote and published an essay (a program for public welfare) called “We Must Breed a Race of Thoroughbreds.” In it she argued that birth control clinics, or bureaus, should be established in which men and women should be taught what parenting is (by her definition) and how to breed the “fit.” She believed this was the way to “breed out” transmissible disease, mental defect, poverty, lawlessness, crime, etc….so that these “defects of society” would decrease instead of breeding like weeds.


In one of her books called The Pivot of Civilization she called out for the elimination of human undergrowth, for the segregation of morons, misfits and the maladjusted, and for the sterilization of genetically inferior races. The Negro race, in Sanger’s opinion, is an unintelligent unfit race, just like Hitler felt about the Jews. She defended and praised Hitler’s “genetic sterilization” and racial programs.


If the root is evil – so are all its branches and fruit.


She believed that she could reach the blacks through a religious appeal so they would more easily accept her birth control project, including abortion. She hired 3 black pastors to travel and propagandize for her birth-control program.


In 1929 during the Great Depression and ten years before Sanger created the “Negro Project,” the ABCL laid the groundwork for the first “experiment” clinic in Harlem, New York City. The clinic served white people as well as blacks but it was primarily established for the blacks. In her opinion the “black population” had double misery because they faced harsher conditions due to racial prejudice and discrimination then. The black population, which was 12% of New York, was segregated and so Harlem was over-populated with blacks. Because of their desperation most Negros were blind to what the clinic really wanted to accomplish; their total elimination on the earth.


Sanger believed that one way to end poverty and degradation was to decrease the population of black people as well as all the other unfit races. She convinced black civic groups in Harlem of the benefits of her birth control program by disguising it as “Family Planning” for “better health.” She convinced black leaders in Harlem to help the clinic’s work, as she put them on her advisory board and as social workers in the clinic, so that birth control would be a constructive force in the community.


So Harlem became Sanger’s first branch of her Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau.


Sanger was so convincing that Harlem’s largest black church, the Abyssinian Baptist Church, brought her in as a speaker to their congregation. But it received a lot of criticism. A prominent minister of another church within the denomination spoke out against Sanger, surprised that the pastor of that church would allow that awful woman to even enter his church. Many blacks believed birth control and especially abortion was immoral. But, for the most part, the black community became ensnared in Sanger’s web of deceit. There was even a series of articles written by blacks on the “virtues of birth control.”  (As if there are any.)


If the root is evil – so are all its branches and fruit.


In 1942 Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood with the goal to create a race of thoroughbreds by encouraging more children from the fit and less from the unfit.  (With her opinion of Christianity we would be considered “unfit.”)


No matter how you want to look at it, all methods of birth control, especially abortion at any stage of pregnancy – comes straight out of hell. It’s the seed of evil with roots of evil producing branches of evil with the fruit of evil.


This is not what God had in mind when He told us to multiply and increase. He has never told us to stop multiplying either because God has His own plan for mankind’s existence. Trusting the Lord for how many children we have is a very wise thing to do. Trusting the Lord for the pregnancy from being raped is a very wise thing to do. Trusting the Lord when you hear that something is or might be wrong with the baby inside your womb is a wise thing to do. Take your fear and anger to the Creator of life and watch how He can turn things around to be a blessing instead of a curse.


No matter what you’ve heard; the earth is NOT over populated and it will never be because God controls mankind’s future. Man does not.


If you will live God’s way you don’t need man-made birth-control means. God gave woman her ovulation cycle so that there is a certain time of the month when she can and cannot get pregnant. Any woman can know when she cannot get pregnant. But, women have chosen Margaret Sanger’s way and with it have come all sorts of physical and emotional problems, and millions of deaths due to abortion and suicide.


If the root is evil – so are all its branches and fruit.


Note: Margaret Higgins Sanger has lived down (not up) to the meaning of her name: “bloody, hard ruler of expectant mothers.”

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